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How to calculate the pregnancy calendar by yourself?

Every woman, when she learns about the onset of pregnancy, wishes to know the exact date of birth as soon as possible. To do this, it is very important to know, as accurately as possible, at what time it is already there. The attending physician-gynecologist also needs to know the duration of pregnancy in order to track all the stages of fetal development and promptly detect any violations, if any.

A gynecologist determines the duration of pregnancy for several indicators. Firstly, this is the date of the last monthly period, the so-called "obstetric" method. Secondly, the indicators of ultrasound.

But how to calculate the pregnancy calendar yourself? Any woman can do it at home. To do this, there are several values at once: the date of the last menstruation, the date of conception, the first stirring of the fetus and the online calculator.

Determination of gestation by the last menstruation date

This method of calculating the duration of pregnancy is universally recognized throughout the world and the simplest. To determine the term of your pregnancy on your own, it is necessary to count the number of weeks between the first day of the last menstruation and the date of direct calculation. The received number of weeks and will be the period of pregnancy.

By the last monthly, by the way, it's easy to calculate the date of birth. For this it is necessary to take three months from the first day of menstruation and add seven days. This method is called in the gynecology by the formula of Negev.

Calculation of the gestational age by this method is quite simple, but it is not very accurate. All dates received in this case are not definite. As a rule, this method gives a result for a couple of weeks less than the true.

Definition of gestation by conception date

The second way to determine your pregnancy requires an accurate knowledge of the date of ovulation in a woman. Because conception occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, when a mature egg leaves the ovary. Within a day after this, conception may occur. The accuracy of this method of calculating pregnancy is determined by the regular cycle of menstruation. In the case of an irregular cycle, this method is not suitable at all, since it is extremely difficult to calculate the date of ovulation.

The moment of egg release can be determined with the help of special gynecological tests, which are sold in pharmacies, according to the results of ultrasound examination or at home at basal temperature.

There are women who easily determine ovulation for well-being. On this day, they may experience weakness, mild nausea, tenderness in the lower abdomen, profuse vaginal discharge and increased libido.

If it is not possible to determine exactly the date of ovulation, it will be impossible to determine the duration of pregnancy to within a week.

Determination of the gestation period for the first fetal movement

At the twentieth week a woman can feel the movements of her child. In the case of a second pregnancy, the perturbations begin already at the eighteenth week.

That's when the movement was felt inside, so you can count twenty weeks (in the case of the second pregnancy, twenty-two weeks are counted) and it's enough to determine the exact date of birth.

There is one "but" in this method of calculus. After all, the baby is still very small, and therefore the power of its stir is not always so bright and noticeable. Some mothers simply do not notice the weak tremors of their child, and there are those who begin to feel them much earlier. Therefore, this calculation can be with an error of one week.

Determining the length of pregnancy using an online calculator

Using the Internet, you can also calculate the duration of your pregnancy. There is a site with a so-called online calculator, designed specifically for this. In the basis of his action, the method of calculation for the last menstruation is laid. To use such a calculator, you need to remember the date of your last menstruation, and also know the average duration of the cycle and the luteal phase. The calculator almost immediately gives a response, after the introduction of this data.

As a conclusion we can say that none of the above is an absolute method, how to calculate the pregnancy calendar. But nevertheless, under certain conditions, many women determine their term precisely enough and calculate the date of birth. But, do not worry, if you do not know and do not remember the date of your last menstruation and ovulation. The doctor will always be able to give you an answer to these questions more accurately.

Based on the social network for parents Mamapedia.com.ua

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