Education, The science
How the hermaphrodites multiply: ways
The planet is inhabited by living beings due to their reproduction. As it happens in normal people, everyone knows. But there are people and animals hermaphrodites. Who are they? How the hermaphrodites multiply, read in the article.
Vertebrate animals in most cases are born either by females or males. Sex, given by nature, is preserved. But there are animals, during the life of which the sex changes. This is influenced by external environmental factors, such as temperature, water salinity, the time during which light and darkness last, as well as their alternation.
Many fish are hermaphrodites, that is, both have signs of both sexes, or change it in the course of their existence. When the sex of the individual changes in turn, it is called sequential hermaphroditism, which is endowed with many species of fish from different families: guban, group, parrotfish and many others.
Fry are born by females, but later their sex changes, they become males and their sex does not change anymore. This form of hermaphroditism is called the protogyny. However, some species of fry are born by males and never change sex.
Change the sex have the ability to marine animals of ancient origin, which include corals. How do the hermaphrodites multiply? Methods of reproduction in corals are different: asexual and sexual. At them the floor varies because of influence of temperature. If it rises, the females turn into males. Change the floor under the force and sea cucumber or holothuria.
But shrimp, on the contrary, are born by males. Only two years later they change their sex, and live to the end of life by females. In the same manner as shrimp, the sex of a clown fish changes, only the transformation is influenced not by the environment. The goal of the process is to optimize the sex ratio of this population. Such a replacement of the sexes of animals is called social. In this case, if the female dies, its place is occupied by the largest growing male. Sex change can be influenced by factors of unnatural origin: chemicals, pesticides.
Hermaphrodite - earthworm
Adult representatives of this species of animals are simultaneously endowed with signs, sex cells and glands of both sexes. Such worms are called hermaphrodites. They multiply in the presence of two living organisms, regardless of their sex.
How do the hermaphrodites multiply? Earthworms multiply in several stages. First, the individuals exchange seminal fluid. It is stored in the mucus, which secrete special cells of the girdle. When the spermatozoa mature, the mucus is again released by the girdle, but now a cocoon is formed from it. The worm removes it through the head. When the cocoon shifts from the body of the worm, the eggs enter into it, which are then fertilized by spermatozoa. The earthworm can multiply not only by the described method. The fact is that the cocoon contains many viable eggs. Getting into the ground, new worms develop in it. At the right time they come out of the cocoon completely formed worms.
Ways of Survival
In cases of complete extermination of the species in earthworms, there are spare ways of helping to survive. How do the hermaphrodites multiply? Worms have the ability to reproduce without fertilization. Only in this case the population will consist of only females.
Thanks to unique ways of reproduction, earthworms are spread all over the planet. The only exception is Antarctica, since its soil is under the thickness of ice. Worms, living in the ground, make it fertile. They serve as food for other animals.
They are not often found in nature. Bright representatives of hermaphrodites among snakes is a kind of island botrops, the habitat of which is South America. In this species there are hermaphrodites and ordinary snakes of different sexes.
In nature, there are snakes that reproduce from the mother egg, and the male takes no part in this. This method is called parthenogenesis. For scientists, the snake-hermaphrodites are of great interest. And the methods of reproduction are interesting: heterozygous, hermaphrodite and parthenogenetic.
How do the hermaphrodites multiply? To answer this question, you should know that each individual has sexual organs of the female and masculine. Adult snails change sex, more often female. They breed every year. Readiness for mating is determined by the behavior. The snail begins to creep slowly, with frequent stops halfway and long expectations with the front part of the body raised.
When two snails with such behavior meet, love games begin between them, and after them - the act of fertilization. In different species of snails, it continues unequal time. In a grape snail, for example, a few minutes. Do the hermaphrodites multiply? After the mating took place, for a long time individuals exchange spermatophores. When the exchange is over, they crawl away.
They have sexual characteristics of male and female origin. But, most often they produce sex hormones of only one kind: male or female. Such hermaphroditism is called false. Its true variant among people practically does not occur, since in such hermaphrodites the body is able to produce sex hormones male and female. Among animals this phenomenon is widespread, this refers to mammals, mollusks, amphibians.
The hermaphrodites are false
The appearance of such people is associated with a genetic mutation. Moreover, a man is endowed with the sex signs of a man and a woman. However, the body is able to produce hormones of only one kind. Such genetic deviations in humans are more common.
The prevalence of this phenomenon remains a mystery, since people with such deviations are reluctant to confide even with doctors. They dislike the constant ridicule of society, although the person himself is not to blame for what happened. He can not cope with hermaphroditism independently. Hermaphrodites-people how do they multiply? Thanks to modern scientific knowledge, such people can eliminate cosmetic defects with the help of surgical intervention, live a full life and even bear children.
If false hermaphroditism is observed in men, the structure of their sexual organs is similar to the structure of women. This was due to the incorrect development of the embryo inside the womb of the mother. A born hermaphrodite boy is taken to a maternity hospital for a girl. But over time, the fatal error clears up, and this causes psychological and psychological suffering.
For a person, the phenomenon of hermaphroditism is an incident. Until now, to study this phenomenon, medicine has not been successful, there are only some references to people with such deviations.
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