Homeliness, Gardening
Description, care, cultivation and types of money tree
We all know the houseplant - Money Tree. What kind of Is it? What features does this plant have?
Why money?
Tolstyanka or redsula is a succulent plant from the Tolstyan family. In the people this plant is called "money" because of the specific shape of the leaves that look like coins. Many believe that a properly located money tree in a house can positively change your welfare. In order to achieve this result, the plant should be placed on the eastern or southern window with a light zone. To strengthen the magical effect, you can tie a red ribbon around the twig of the plant. The legend says that all the wealth accumulates in the fleshy leaves.
Crassula is a decorative and deciduous plant, which sometimes can bloom. In the room, this period is less frequent. The native land of the money tree is Madagascar. Due to this origin, the fat lady can not be watered for a long time, because she accumulates a lot of water in her leaves.
Types of fat shoes
What kinds of money trees We know? In nature, there is a large number of varieties of this plant. They differ from each other in unusual color of leaves and form. The leaves of the money tree can be as dark green in specks, and silvery. Uncomplicated, easy care allows you to plant such a plant in the apartments of busy people. What kind of money tree is the most common and customary for us?
Every person can find the right kind of money tree for himself. Such a plant can be an excellent element of decor, because its foliage is characterized by a variety of colors. In addition, it is not only a beautiful plant, but also a talisman. So, the money tree. Types and names We describe it below.
Habitual form and color. The treelike redsula
It is this variety that was called the money tree. Although all Types of treelike money tree We are accustomed to associate with this name. The shape of leaves of this succulent plant resembles coins. They are round, with a bluish tinge. This species of the plant very rarely blooms. Experts argue that flowering can come after a ten-year age.
Ovata (ovoid)
The leaves of this plant have a rich green color. They have a characteristic shine, they are fleshy. The color of the leaves is a rich green, the outline of a reddish shade may appear in the sun. In wild conditions of growth, this plant can reach a height of 3 meters. In houses, the maximum height can reach 1.5 meters. This variety is different from other characteristic air roots. They are located both on the trunk and on the branches of the plant.
Minor is the most popular plant among florists, intended for living rooms. He has a small height. The leaves have an attractive green color with a rim of red shade. Leaves are small - 1 cm wide, 2 cm long. The disadvantage of this variety is its slow growth. To distinguish Minor from other varieties of fatty can be on the characteristic red edging.
Milk rosula is a decorative shrub with creeping shoots. Its height reaches 60 cm. The leaves are ovoid in shape. They are fused to the middle with neighboring leaves. Their color is a saturated green with white dots, like milky plaque.
Unique shape and refinement: Hobbit
Tolstyanika Hobbit - a hybrid variety. It was created by crossing the varieties Milk and Ovata. This plant is distinguished by the original shape of the leaves. They are fused from the base to the middle, turned outward. The plant has a trunk. Some shrubs of this plant resemble green coral polyps. The hobbit grows rather slowly, like Ovata. The decorative appearance of this plant attracts flower growers. It's great for bonsai art.
This money tree is distinguished by the unusual color of the leaves. On the main green color there are white stripes with a reddish border. These bands are located chaotically on the leaf. The number of bands on each of them is also different, and on some, they are completely absent. You should carefully monitor this plant, because completely green leaves need to be removed. Otherwise, eventually, all the colors on them will disappear.
Sunset is a bright, full-bodied plant. The leaves have yellow-red streaks with a bright edging of red. This plant is demanding of light. On brightly lit windowsills, the color of the plant will be bright and saturated. Such an original plant will please the eye of real aesthetes. If this money tree is placed in a low-lighted room, then the bright color of the leaves will disappear and become green.
Temple of Buddha
The most unique appearance is the Krassula Buddha Temple. This plant looks very impressive. The tree is up to 15 cm tall, upright. The taller plants fall to one side under their weight. Often, the branching of this plant starts from the base, but sometimes occurs on the side. For a year the plant grows up to 4 cm. At the base, triangular leaves are fused, have a greyish-green hue. They grow quite tight, resulting in a quadrangular column.
The crescent plump has an unusual shape. This species is one of the few that can bloom in a roomy environment. The flower is large, scarlet. Flowering often occurs in the summer.
The money tree is a photophilic plant, which is best placed on the windowsills facing east. For varieties that have a motley color, the sun's rays at any time of year will only benefit. But it should be remembered that an overabundance of the sun can provoke a burn. In this case, the leaves can become red-brown.
As for the varieties of a fat woman with purely green leaves, a permanent light can harm them. Winter period these plants tolerate well, because sunlight is quite limited. But in the spring time, he should be given special attention. During this period, the sun becomes especially active, the light day increases, so the plant must be gradually accustomed to this.
It feels great in the fresh air. For the summer period it is best to take out to the balcony Money Tree. Kinds Almost all respond well to such a change of place. The air temperature should be in the range from 20 to 24 0 .
As we found out, the fat girl is a non-selective plant. On hot days it should be watered 2 times a week. Soil should not be too wet. Once the top layer begins to dry, the plant can be watered again. In winter, the plant should be watered rarely, once a month. The number of watering can be increased if the plant is near the heating devices.
Periodically, the surface of the leaves need to remove dust with a soft sponge.
Soil characteristics
All Types of money tree Like loose ground. It can be purchased at flower shops. It is best to choose a package marked "For cacti". If there is no suitable soil, you can do it yourself. To do this, mix 3 pieces of deciduous, 1 part sod and 1 part peat land. You can add 1 part of sand. Brick crumb will serve as a baking powder.
It is also necessary to take care of the drainage in the form of expanded clay. It will prevent rotting of the ground. If the money tree is large enough, it is placed in large stable pots, as a drainage should be used pebbles more.
Plant transplantation
The main reason for the transplantation of the money tree is the prevention of overturning the pot. After all, the plant has a heavy crown. Containers must be wide, not narrowed downwards. The bottom of the pot should be stable. It is best to give your preference to a ceramic pot, in which to use pebbled drainage.
All Types of money tree Require a transplant periodically. This process is quite simple. It is enough just to pass the plant, just like after the acquisition. But every 2-3 years it is desirable to replace the soil completely. For this, the plant is removed from the pot and gently cleansed of the roots of the earth.
After the roots you need to spread out a little and cut. The cut must be dipped in ground cinnamon or charcoal. Now you can put the tree in a prepared new pot of earth. Holding the plant with one hand, the second one we fill it with the soil to the same level. Now it should be watered for compaction. After adding dry land.
At the same time, it is best to carry out the correction of the crown. You can cut several branches to form a beautiful crown. After the pot should be put in a cool place and left alone for a week.
So transplant almost all types of money trees. Indoor plant With normal care can even bloom.
All Types of money tree It is best to propagate in the spring. You can use 2 methods: propagation and propagation by means of leaves.
Cutting is an easy way. It is necessary to put the shank in the water for 2-3 weeks, before the formation of three-dimensional roots. After the stalks can be planted in a pot of prepared soil. For better rooting, the pot can be covered with a food film or a plastic cup.
Reproduction of the plant also occurs with the help of a leaf. Roots in this case may appear in the pot. To do this, the leaf should be slightly prikopat 1/3 closer to the edge of the pot so that the sheet rested on it. Over time, a small sprout will appear from the leaf.
Pests and diseases
Diseases do not depend on Varieties of the money tree. The main cause of plant diseases is excessive watering in the winter. In this case, the roots rot. You can save a tree, but it's quite difficult. Experts recommend cutting off twigs and rooting them. So you can get a lot of young fatties.
The plant can also suffer and with a strong lack of moisture. With the beginning of irrigation, new branches can grow, which in the future must be rooted.
The money tree practically does not suffer from pests, because the leaves contain arsenic.
On the weakened plant, false nests and scutes can attack. You can get rid of them with the help of insecticides.
There are many Varieties of the money tree, but they are all characterized by a unique appearance and unpretentiousness. These qualities are especially valuable for busy people. In addition, do not forget that this plant can become a talisman of any person. After all, if you believe, then with his help all the wishes will come true.
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