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Stairway march: overview, description, production, installation and reviews

An integral part of each building containing more than two floors is the staircase. Marching construction is considered the most reliable and simple, so most designers choose it.

The structure of the flight ladder design best corresponds to the biomechanics of human movements when climbing or descending the steps. In addition, they can significantly save the useful area of the internal space.

Parameters of stair flights

The main elements of which the ladder consists are marching:

  • Platforms and fences.
  • Spans or marches.
  • Supporting part.

A flight or a march is called an inclined part of a ladder with steps. Depending on the height between the levels or floors, the span can include from three to fifteen steps.

A smaller amount of design is inexpedient, since in this case the difference between levels can be overcome without using a ladder. However, the rise of the march, which includes more than 15 steps, is likely to be tedious.

Optimum is considered a ladder marching, each span of which consists of 10-11 steps. The width of the marches should be at least 900 mm, the best range - 1000-1250 mm.

Stairways marching: platforms and their characteristics

When the planned design is too high, it is divided into two parts by intermediate platforms. The width of the platform can not be less than the width of the span. Many craftsmen prefer to make it even a bit wider.

When calculating the dimensions of the sites, the standard length of the human step is taken into account. As a rule, the depth of this element of the staircase is 640 mm.

In their work, designers and craftsmen are always guided by norms and rules that regulate how marching stairs should be designed and installed. GOST and SNIP are the main administrative documents regulating the process of erecting stairs.

Of course, the appearance of the structure, material and location are always negotiated with the owner of the room, but the requirements for the strength of the fasteners and railings, the angle of the stairs and the step height must be observed.

Types of flight stairs by the type of fastening to the support

There are staircases, the steps and fences of which are fixed on the strings or strings.

Bowstring are oblique bearing supports, to which the entire length of the ladder marches. Steps to the strings are attached with the end part. This type of construction allows you to create a decorative and very beautiful staircase with complex elements and non-standard design techniques.

Kosouur is a support supporting a flight of stairs from below. The design may include one or more oblique socks, and their number is affected by the width of the marches. This type refers to the traditional and is used when necessary to build a simple and reliable ladder.

Rotary stair constructions

A ladder consisting of one single march is called a straight line. This is the most simple type of ladder design in the design and manufacture. Often it is his choice of owners of private houses, who plan to equip their homes themselves.

In the case where the ladder of the march can not be limited to one span (if the number of stages exceeds 15 pieces), design a swivel structure.

Its advantage is the economy of the interior space of the room, as well as the possibility of equipping an auxiliary room or a pantry under the spans.

Turning ladder marching in the best way performs its functions, being installed in a corner formed by two adjacent walls.

Based on the stylistic features of the interior, the number of spans in the structure and its overall height, the swing ladder can be:

  • Circular (360 degrees).
  • Half-turn (180 degrees).
  • Quarter-turn (90 degrees).

Blank steps: description, application, features

To achieve the greatest possible savings in living space, designers resort to the use of such an element as the steps of the steps. Their appearance is significantly different from the traditional symmetrical steps of a rectangular shape.

One of the sides of the runway is much the second. In this case, the minimum penetration depth along the narrow edge must be at least 150 mm. Usually such elements are used to equip spiral staircases. It is also quite often in the run-off stages replace the sites between the flights of rotary structures. This allows more efficient use of available space.

Analyzing the feedback of people who use stairs with a runway, one can draw the following conclusions:

  • Such elements significantly save space in the room (the minimum width of the spiral staircase is only 1300 mm).
  • The presence of the stepped steps gives the construction an interesting and aesthetic appearance.
  • Rapid ascent or descent through such steps is impossible due to their asymmetric shape.
  • The need for continuous use of the staircase with the staggered steps causes fatigue more quickly (in comparison with traditional straight marches).

When planning to equip the staircase with staircases, care must be taken to ensure that the rooms that are used most often are located on the lower floors.

Materials for the manufacture of stairs

Today, stair constructions are made of a wide variety of materials:

  • Tree.
  • Metal.
  • Concrete.
  • A rock.

Most often used a combination of several of them, for example, wood with metal or PVC, concrete or stone with forged inserts, stainless steel with glass.

It is interesting that glass is increasingly used for the production of staircases, steps and platforms. It perfectly fits into modern interiors in a minimalist style. Of course, only reinforced and strong tempered glass is suitable for these purposes.

Despite the abundance of available materials, the favorites are various types of wood. Of these, the steps themselves, as well as the platforms, and fences are produced. A feature of using a wooden ladder is the need to care for its elements. Wood must be dyed in time, covered with special impregnations and varnishes.

Enclosures for marching stairs

In the process of designing staircases, developers pay increased attention to the fences of spans and platforms. GOST sets the minimum height of the rail at a level of 900 mm. This parameter is increased for fences, constructed in public buildings, educational and medical institutions.

The installation of handrails and handrails is completed by their strength test. Standards say that the railing must withstand a horizontal load of at least 30 kg / cm 3 . For public buildings, the parameters are increased to 100 kg / cm 3 .

The most durable are the staircases are marching, the platforms and fences are steel. Welding is usually used for their installation, but some designs can be assembled mechanically.

Safety fences

Developing a draft staircase for an apartment building, designers take into account the possibility of staying in the premises of children. This is important, since it is not uncommon for children to get injured, climbing up balusters and fences.

Therefore, the rules established a minimum distance between neighboring balusters - 100 mm. It is also forbidden to use inclined or horizontal crossbeams.

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