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How does chestnut work with sinusitis? Treatment of chestnut antritis

Treatment of sinusitis often takes a lot of time and effort. However, it is necessary to fight the disease. If therapy does not give the proper result, then the doctor can prescribe a puncture of the maxillary sinuses. Many are afraid of this procedure and therefore try to fight the disease with folk remedies. Many healers claim that the chestnut from sinusitis helps tremendously. The drug recipe is quite simple. However, you should use it carefully. The preparation on the basis of horse chestnut allows to overcome the inflammatory process, which is localized in the paranasal sinuses.

What is the medicine made of?

For many people, chestnut is a tree that pleases the spring with its extraordinary flowering. And for someone - it's a source of material for crafts. But in some cases, certain parts of this plant are used as raw materials for the manufacture of the medicinal product. Most often, chestnut is used for sinusitis. However, not all varieties of the plant can be used for production. Only horse chestnut has excellent anti-inflammatory properties .

It should be noted that this plant has been used in pharmacology for more than a decade. Raw materials for preparations, as a rule, are bark, leaves, fruits and flowers of horse chestnut.

Properties of the plant

Why use horse chestnut in sinusitis? The fruits of this tree contain starch, as well as mineral substances, including magnesium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, iron. In addition, chestnuts contain vitamins C and A, as well as fiber. The composition of the fruit includes biologically active components that can:

  1. Supports the tone of the veins and promotes their blood filling.
  2. Reduces the level of blood viscosity.
  3. Prevents the formation of blood clots.
  4. Improves capillary function.

It should be noted that extracts from the plant are often used not only to treat sinusitis, but also for the treatment of hemorrhoids, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, ulcer of the lower leg, as well as for digestive disorders that are chronic.

Everything has to be done wisely

Chestnut with sinusitis should be used wisely. Pharmacists make drugs that can be taken not only inside, but also used as an external agent. As for the advice of folk healers, they recommend eating fruit in raw and raw form. But there are also more original recipes. Some healers argue that wearing a chestnut fruit in your pocket allows you to get rid of sciatica. However, there is no evidence of the veracity of such a hypothesis. So how correctly to use a chestnut with genyantritis?

Features of therapy

So, how to treat a sinusitis with a chestnut? Before beginning therapy, it is worth considering that this method has its own characteristics. Most often for the treatment of inflammatory diseases, chestnut oil and plant fruits are used. With the help of such raw materials, massage and inhalation are done.

The main thing is to procure raw materials on time. To help chestnut with genyantritis helped, its fruits should be collected from July to August. It is at this time that they begin to ripen. At the end of July, in the fruits of the tree, useful substances begin to accumulate, capable of exerting an anti-inflammatory effect. As a rule, the concentration of vitamins C and A, fiber, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and iron increases.

Care should be taken when applying certain preparations based on horse chestnut. For example, oil can cause severe irritation of the mucosa. When the medicine comes from the chestnuts into the nasal passages, some components begin to have a harmful effect on pathogenic microorganisms. Other substances cause sneezing. Thanks to this, the maxillary sinuses are released from the accumulated mucus. However, if there is a strong irritation, discomfort, itching and burning, treatment is recommended to be discontinued.

The popular method

Many thrust the chestnut into the nose from the sinusitis. This method is the most popular. In this case, it is recommended to use only fresh fruits. If there are none, then dried can be used. However, they need to be properly prepared. In order for the chestnut fruit to swell, it is necessary to place them in boiling water for a while. After that, the chestnuts should be peeled and cut into thin strips. Their dimensions should be smaller than the diameter of the nasal passage. In this form, the fruit should be shoved into the nostrils. After 5 minutes, the remedy should be taken out of the nasal passages.

After this procedure, the patient begins to sneeze, which allows you to free sinuses from mucus. This method is quite simple. It is recommended to conduct the procedure once every two days.

How to carry out inhalations

Chestnut against sinusitis can be used in the form of inhalations. At the same time, the preparation of the preparation uses not the fruits of the plant, but its essential oil. Prepare this component from the seeds of horse chestnut. It is worth noting that the essential oil has an anti-inflammatory effect.

The finished product is able to eliminate almost any stagnant phenomena in the nasal sinuses. Thus for inhalations it is possible to use not only cold, but also hot essential oil. The latter method is the most popular. To prepare the solution, it is necessary to heat the water in a saucepan, and then add a few drops of essential oil to it. Then the patient should bend over the container and breathe for 10 minutes with steam, covered with a towel.

It is worth noting that this method of treatment has contraindications - purulent sinusitis. In addition, the procedure should keep your eyes closed, as steam can cause a burn of the lining of the eyelids.

Cold inhalation is slightly different. With such treatment, the patient should be inhaled directly from the vial. If desired, you can drop a few drops of oil on a gauze napkin and breathe over it. This procedure lasts no more than 10 minutes, but daily. When there is complete recovery, therapy can be stopped.


Does chestnut help against sinusitis? The reviews show that in addition to the main methods of therapy, it is worthwhile to do acupressure. When carrying out this procedure, it is worth using chestnut essential oil. However, the drug should not be used in its pure form. It is recommended to use a mixture for treatment. To make it, you need 40 milliliters of base oil. Most often, this is the usual vegetable. Add 8 drops of chestnut essential oil to it.

Massage should be performed neat circular movements in the area of the face where the maxillary sinuses are located. During the day, experts recommend conducting at least 3 procedures. In this case, it is worthwhile to make sure that the oil does not get on the mucous membrane or in the eyes. As for the total number of sessions, 12 procedures will suffice.

What causes wrong treatment

A horse chestnut from a genyantritis perfectly helps if to observe all rules of its application. However, specialists do not recommend self-medication. After all, incorrectly conducted therapy can cause a more serious complication than simply sinusitis. In the first place, the mucosa will suffer. Some components of the chestnut can damage it severely. In addition, the following consequences may occur:

  1. If there is severe irritation, mucosal edema may occur. As a result, this will lead to stagnation of the inflammatory process. Because of this, the disease can become chronic.
  2. If the treatment is incorrect, a mucosal burn may occur. As a result, the tissue changes and loses its basic functions.
  3. Infection with improper use of chestnut can spread to the tissues of other sinuses, because the therapy does not bring a positive result, and the time goes away.

In conclusion

Now you know how to use the chestnut in sinusitis. However, a positive result of such therapy can be achieved by observing all the rules and conditions. In combination with the products made from chestnut, it is worthwhile to use complexes of vitamins and trace elements, as well as to take immunomodulating medications, to harden and more often to be outdoors. If there is a desire to quickly get rid of such a disease as sinusitis, then you can combine the above methods with rinsing. In this case, it is recommended to use decoctions of chamomile, eucalyptus, marigolds and other medicinal dresses and herbs. Chestnut allows you to get rid of the disease without extra costs and without taking antibiotics.

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