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Tincture of clover on vodka: use, contraindications. Tincture of red clover on vodka: application

For some reason the clover is considered to be a fodder plant. Meanwhile, it contains a wide variety of useful substances that cleanse the body, remove harmful elements and even cure diseases. The clover tincture on vodka has long been known, the use of which gives impressive results.

About the plant

The composition of clover includes acids, saponins, carbohydrates, carotene and vitamins of group B. For medicinal purposes, the inflorescence of the plant is used. Tinctures are advised for use with uterine bleeding, painful periods, anemia, bronchitis and bronchial asthma. Medicines prepared on its basis, clean vessels, heal wounds and reduce joint pain.

It blooms from May to September. However, it is best to collect in the middle of summer in dry weather. Healing in this case will be only those flowers that do not have withered petals. Raw material is left in a dry and dark place until completely dry.

A perennial plant is considered to be a family of legumes. Of all its varieties in the form of a medicine, mainly red clover, or, as it is also called, meadow, is used. He has branchy stems and multicolored heads of pink color. Its main stem is short, with triple leaves at the top, and below - ovoid.
Clover grows all over Russia. He is met at the edge of the forest, meadows, glades and among the weed shrubs. Of course, this is a wonderful feed for livestock, and it is also a wonderful mead. After all, from one hectare bees can collect up to a whole centner of honey.


Tincture of clover on vodka, the application of which is so widely, can improve appetite, withdraw worms, increase bile secretion and secretion of the glands of the digestive system.

The remedy was known in ancient times. So, in China, also used tincture of clover on vodka. The use was shown in severe diseases as a restorative. The fact is that essential oil, made from a plant, contains a lot of coenzyme, carotene and ascorbic acid, which together can shorten the rehabilitation period.


Tincture is able to strengthen the immune system, regulate the metabolism and restore the level of cholesterol. Due to the content of phosphorus, magnesium, copper, calcium, iron and vitamin B, toxins are easily excreted from the body, which normalizes the work of the stomach and intestines, and also improves the state of the biliary system.

To treat angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease, headache, different tinnitus, tincture of red clover on vodka is also shown. The use and preparation in this case depends on the purpose. For example, for the treatment of female diseases, two tablespoons for two hundred milliliters of boiling water are needed. And to get rid of headache and noise in the ears, you need to make a tincture of three tablespoons and half a liter of water.

Tincture can be an excellent tool for the treatment of pustular diseases, with scrofula, severe itching and furunculosis. The best effect in this case will be achieved if the tincture is combined with the ointment prepared independently. This will require one hundred and fifty grams of flowers, two hundred grams of olive oil and vegetable oil, mixed which, insist for two hours.

Irritation and urticaria can go away if you take a bath, which is added a few drops of tincture. It not only softens the skin, but also improves the mood in general, as it is an excellent remedy to relieve depression.

So, help with hepatitis and cholecystitis, gastric and intestinal diseases tincture of clover on vodka. Its application will clear the liver of all harmful substances. Cough is cured, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, pressure is lowered and a headache occurs. Tincture will serve as an excellent preventive agent for rheumatism, hemorrhoids, atherosclerosis, anemia, diabetes and women's diseases. It is also a restorative medicine that will cure a cold, increase immunity and will help to improve the tone of the body.
As it became clear, tincture can be applied either externally or inward.

At home

In addition to healing properties, the clover can be used for other purposes. For example, from his leaves prepare delicious salads and dress soup. In ancient times, crushed leaves were also added to flour for bread baking, sauces and cheeses. In the Caucasus, it is customary to sour clover, as cabbage, in order to add in salads in the winter. Its nutritional properties are similar to alfalfa. In addition to flowers and leaves, the root of the plant is used as an antifungal agent. A ethereal clover oil is often included in the composition of aromatic compositions.


Here are a few recipes that will help to clean the blood vessels.

The liter bank is filled with clover heads, and then filled with vodka and closed tightly with a lid. After that, the container is stored in a dark dry place for two weeks. At the same time every day the bank needs to be shaken. This tincture of clover on vodka for blood vessels is taken once a day before breakfast by one spoonful.

Two tablespoons of heads pour 200 ml of vodka. After two weeks of insisting, thirty drops are taken three times a day before meals. Drops are added to a small amount of water and drunk.

Four tablespoons clover pour 500 ml of boiling water. The broth is infused for seven hours, after which it is consumed three times a day for one hundred milliliters.

Two hundred grams of clover heads are poured into one liter of water and boiled for ten minutes. After this, add the boiling water to the original level and leave to cool. Next, the broth is filtered, add two and a half spoonfuls of sugar and leave for another two hours. The entire prepared solution is distributed for a whole day, during which it is drunk between meals.

Headache, noises

Noise in the head can be caused by the disease of the endocrine system, as well as by the sclerosis of the cerebral vessels, which causes such a reaction. In this case, it is advised to drink in the morning on the first day a glass with soda and lemon juice, and in the second - a decoction of oregano, linden, clover, St. John's wort, currant and strawberry, taken in equal parts, along with jam from rowan and kalina.

The following recipe is also recommended: a liter jar is half filled with clover, filled up with vodka to the top, tightly covered and insisted for two weeks in a dark, dry place. It turns out one more tincture of clover on vodka. How to take it? One tablespoon is recommended to drink at night.

You can also use other parts of the plant. To do this, choose a low growing clover, not more than fifteen centimeters in height, mow and dry. Then the stems and leaves are simply added to the tea. After two hours, he is drunk during the day for a few sips. A month after such prevention, hearing will improve, and the noise in the head will simply disappear.

Other diseases

It is widely used tincture of clover on vodka from cholesterol, lowering its value. To do this, take a glass of the heads of the plant, put in a liter jar and pour up to the top with vodka. After a two-week insistence, take one meal a day.

Always need to consider, in connection with what disease will be used tincture of clover on vodka. The use of dyspnea, for example, will differ from the use in cleaning the vessels. Therefore, it is always recommended, before starting treatment, to consult a doctor and an experienced phyto-therapist.


Like any, even folk remedy, has a tincture of clover on vodka contraindications. So, you can not use tincture during pregnancy and lactation, varicose veins, kidney stones, thrombophlebitis, heart attack and stroke.

If improperly used, side effects can occur in the form of rashes on the skin, muscle and headaches, nausea and vaginal bleeding.

You also need to be careful with clover application during medication, as with some of them it interacts negatively.

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