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Parsley juice: good and bad for the body. Root of parsley: medicinal properties and contraindications

Parsley is one of the most popular plants, which we encounter almost daily. It is not only added to various dishes to improve their taste, but is also used as an effective medicine.

The benefits of this amazing herb have been revealed even in ancient times, and today many people know that it improves eyesight, reduces eye pressure and relieves eyesight. But this is not all the list of useful properties that this plant possesses.

What is useful for parsley?

The plant has a rich composition, the basis of which is:

  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • Vitamins of group A, B;
  • magnesium.

These components help fight many diseases of the liver and spleen. Experts advise to take the juice of green parsley, when a person experiences a decrease in brain activity. This herb should be included in the diet of all those who spend a lot of time studying or engaged in mental work.

Scientists have long studied how the human body is affected by the juice of parsley. The benefits and harms of this product are well known to date. For example, its use is recommended for all who suffer from such a serious illness as arthritis, as this plant strengthens blood vessels, relieves pain syndromes, and localizes inflammatory processes.

The juice of parsley leaves positively influences the operation of the gallbladder due to the ability to effectively and quickly remove stones from it. Many patients confirm that parsley helps them. The use of this herb helps fight toxins and flatulence, strengthen capillaries and improve heart function.

Folk healers claim that parsley inhibits the growth and development of tumors. But there is no official confirmation of this yet. Although we can assume that this statement is fully justified, since this herb contains such a substance as myristicin. Doctors often recommend people who experience a breakdown and insomnia, use parsley juice. The benefits and harms of this herb (known to date) allow it to be included in the diet of people suffering from a decrease or total loss of appetite.

Use in cosmetology

Most dermatologists and cosmetologists recommend to include in the ration of parsley to the fair sex. This is due to the fact that it contains a large amount of vitamin A. Moreover, you can not only add this herb to your favorite dishes, but also drink parsley juice. For the face, it is a real balm that rejuvenates the skin.

A mask of chopped parsley removes redness, swelling. It is recommended to use when spots appear on the skin, black spots, freckles. The use of parsley for face skin is recognized by millions of women. To whiten the skin, mix the juice of parsley, lemon and honey in equal proportions and apply to the face, previously cleaned. After a quarter of an hour, rinse with cold water.

To achieve maximum cosmetic effect, experts advise to prepare a special mask. Finely chop the greens and pour it with water. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil. Then you need to strain the broth through gauze. The resulting gruel in a warm form, apply to the face and after thirty minutes, wash the mask with water.

Parsley juice: benefit and harm

This valuable product strengthens immunity, helps to cope with vitamin deficiency, increases resistance to infectious and viral diseases, restores strength after operations and long illnesses. Parsley juice gently cleanses the vessels of cholesterol, strengthening their walls and heart muscle.

Diuretic properties

Parsley juice is useful for hypertensive patients. It reduces pressure due to its diuretic properties. As you know, most diuretics (diuretics) remove potassium from the body, which is necessary for the work of the heart. Unlike them, the juice of parsley displays only excess liquid, without reducing the amount of microelements. This valuable product prevents the appearance of blood clots, so it should be drunk to people who for some reason lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Application in dietology

The juice of parsley has found application and in dietology. It normalizes fat metabolism, removes toxins and toxins, improves digestion. Thanks to these characteristics today it is included in dietary complexes all those who want to get rid of excess weight.

Eye diseases

Take this juice is useful for people with eye diseases (cataracts, conjunctivitis, with impaired vision). For the eyes, a cocktail of juice of parsley, carrots and celery is useful. This mix is useful for people who spend a lot of time at the computer.

Natural aphrodisiac

Parsley juice is a natural aphrodisiac, which increases sexual attraction in men and women. In addition, this drink facilitates the course of menopause and normalizes the menstrual cycle.

How to make juice?

Juice of parsley is stored for future use, it can not be found in stores. You can save it the only way - freezing in the freezer. However, such a product can only be used for cosmetic purposes. You can consume parsley juice for preventive and curative purposes only in the summer, although today and in winter fresh herbs are not uncommon in the markets.

Prepare the juice of parsley at one time, keep it even a short time in the refrigerator is not worth it, because it too quickly loses useful properties. A ripped green can be stored in the refrigerator for seven days.

Preparation of parsley juice is not difficult. Rinse the stems and leaves thoroughly under running water. Then grind them with a blender or meat grinder and squeeze the juice through two layers of gauze. The root is rubbed on a fine grater and then the resulting mass is squeezed in the same way.

Root of parsley: medicinal properties and contraindications

Not everyone knows, but the root of parsley contains much more vitamins and trace elements than greens. Our grandmothers used it to treat diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys. Using root decoction, you can effectively remove stones from the kidneys.

The root of parsley is an effective vitamin supplement. To satisfy the daily requirement of the body in vitamin A and ascorbic acid, it is enough to eat only fifty grams of root.

Essential oils, contained in the root of parsley, have an antimicrobial effect, they activate the outflow of bile and normalize the digestive process.

Folk healers have used the root of parsley since ancient times. The medicinal properties and contraindications of this raw material still allow using it for many diseases.

With edema

The root of parsley has pronounced diuretic properties, therefore it is recommended for patients suffering from edema of different origin.

In this case, a decoction of the root is shown to increase diuresis. Potassium, which is found in large quantities in the root, has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle. Preparing the preparation is not difficult. You need a tablespoon of chopped raw material, which must be filled with a glass of water and boil for ten minutes. In a day, take a glass of broth three times a day.

With cystitis

Two tablespoons of the crushed root pour a glass of boiling water, close the lid and let it brew for six hours. To strengthen the therapeutic effect of infusion, you can make it from the leaves of parsley curly and root in a ratio of 1: 1. This drug is taken five times a day for two tablespoons.

The root of parsley can not cause harm, however there are restrictions in its reception. They include:

  • pregnancy;
  • Serious kidney diseases (glomerulonephritis, nephritis).

How to take juice?

Unquestionably, this is a very useful product - the juice of parsley. The benefits and harms of it are due to the chemical composition. It has a high biological activity and is considered one of the most potent, therefore it is not recommended to take more than 40 ml of this juice daily on a daily basis.

In its pure form, it should not be taken, it is better to dilute the juice with cold boiled water. Can be mixed with other juices (freshly squeezed). It is perfectly combined with carrot, apple, celery juice. Salt or sugar in it is not recommended.

If you decide to quickly get rid of two or three extra pounds (for example, before the New Year holidays), drink two teaspoons of juice thirty minutes before eating. Nutritionists recommend during its reception to refuse to eat meat and sugar and starch products.

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