HealthAlternative Medicine

How to knock down the temperature with folk remedies

The cold season brings with it colds. Do not always want to drink medicine, and not every time they are at hand. Therefore, any person should know how to knock down the temperature by popular means.

There are many different recipes, Some of them are more suitable for adults, and others - for kids. In the home medicine chest must be a variety of herbs, which will help in difficult times. It is only necessary to know their application and the method of brewing. Let's look at how to knock down the temperature by popular means.

In the first place, of course, are wiping with special alcohol or vinegar solutions. You should know that all components for preparing the mixture must be cool. If you are preparing a solution of vinegar, then a liter of water will require only two tablespoons of vinegar. When choosing a solution from alcohol, dilute it with water in equal proportions. Do not open the patient completely while rubbing. Cover it with a sheet and open only that part of the body on which the procedure is performed. Wipe with a cotton cloth. Perfect for this purpose is suitable medical gauze.

How to knock down the temperature with folk remedies with the help of a compress? No less effective way than rubbing. For compress use alcohol and water in equal proportions with the addition of a few drops of essential oil of eucalyptus, fir or peppermint. To soothe the patient, you can add a drop of orange or rosemary oil. Compresses are done on any part of the body. They not only cool the body, but also affect the patient with the smell of oils and disinfect the air around.

How to knock down the temperature by folk remedies with the help of an orange? For this it is necessary to have an alcoholic tincture on orange peels in the house. It is prepared very simply. Take crusts and alcohol in equal proportions and mix these components in a glass jar. Close the container with a plastic lid and remove our jar in a dark place for a whole week. After seven days, the infusion should be filtered, squeezed orange squashes well. Filter our solution through several layers of gauze and merge into a tightly closed container. At elevated temperature, take a glass of water inside with 20 drops of tincture.

In every village they know how to lower the temperature with folk remedies with the help of willow bark. For this, in any house there is a crushed and dried willow bark. In summer, fresh raw materials are used. Two tablespoons of willow bark are added to two glasses of boiling water and boiled for about 15 minutes, after which the decoction is filtered. When the temperature is raised take the decoction in a warm form, always before going to bed in the amount of one glass. In the morning, you do not remember the temperature. To alleviate the symptoms of colds, it is enough to take a tablespoon of this decoction 6 times a day.

Not for nothing did sunflowers were grown in subsidiary farms. With their help, you can lower the temperature. Folk remedies are not only seeds, but also tincture from the stems of the plant. It should also be prepared in advance and in the home medicine cabinet. One portion of fresh or dried stems of sunflower is ground and poured with ten parts of vodka. Leave to insist on a period of not less than two weeks, in the dark at room temperature. Then carefully filter and take two tablespoons, always on an empty stomach. This tincture will lower the temperature and save from fever.

In early summer, you should prepare strawberry leaves and flowers. They will help you in the fight against high temperatures, when the street is blizzard and frost. Pour two tablespoons of dried grass with a liter of water and boil for at least 15 minutes. After that, we insist for one hour, wrapping the closed pot well with a towel. Add honey for sweets and drink one glass up to 5 times a day.

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