
Markov drops: instructions for use, composition and reviews

With a common cold, drops are often used to dig in the nose. If the symptom worries an adult person, then a more effective means will be a spray. There are a large number of drops that have a different effect. Relief is given with nasal obstruction vasoconstrictor. More and more popular are Markov drops. Let's see what it is, in this article.

The action of vasoconstrictive drops

Drops are applied to the mucous membrane of the nose, as a result of this effect, the vessels severely narrow. It happens almost instantly. Narrowing of the vessels leads to the removal of puffiness. A person suffering from a runny nose can breathe again with his nose. But unfortunately, the effect of drops sooner or later ends, approximately this happens in 4-6 hours. The nose again pawns, and there is a need for a new dose of the drug.

In addition, vasoconstrictive drops can reduce the amount of mucus that the nose produces. It becomes less viscous, which also contributes to normal full breathing through the nose.

According to the instructions for use, prolonged use of vasoconstrictor is not recommended. The maximum period is 3-4 days. If you use the drops do not stop, you will get addictive. The person will be forced to apply drops constantly, every 4 hours on average. The mucous nose gradually becomes thinner and stops functioning normally.

It is important, if there is an addiction, to force yourself to endure. Use vasoconstrictive drops is strictly prohibited during this period. About a day or two it will be hard, the nose will almost cease to breathe. But then there will come a relief of breathing. The mucous membrane of the nose will recover. At this time, drops of Markov can come to the rescue.

Who came up with the recipe?

This drug is very popular in Yaroslavl. Gel drops are produced in specialized pharmacies according to the prescription of Gennady Markov.

Gennady Markov works in the city polyclinic as an otorhinolaryngologist. On his account - a lot of discoveries in the field of ENT diseases. Back in the seventies he thought about lightened drops in his nose.

Since many vasoconstrictive drugs are addictive, the issue of addiction in children is especially acute. Ordinary drops do not have a definite orientation, but are simply divided into children's and adults. And Gennady Markov aspired to subdivide the character of the common cold and for each species to pick up his drops of Markov. Instructions for use will indicate how to properly use this product from the common cold.

Types of drops

Since every drop is created to treat certain mucosal disorders, Markov developed 10 kinds of drops. Virtually all - the same composition, the only difference is in the active substance.

As a result of the use of Markov drops, the runny nose most often disappears the next day.

Doctors prescribe drops in the complex of the entire treatment. Often, two types of drops are prescribed to a person.

Most of the droplets are designed for kiddies, since they are most susceptible to ARVI-diseases. After all, not all popular preparations from the common cold that are on sale in the pharmacy chain can be given to children.

Composition of Markov drops

Drops differ in numbers. Consider the compositions of the most popular of them.

Drops No. 5 for children are as follows:

- "Galazolin", solution (0.1%) - 0.3 ml;

- "Mesaton", solution (1%) - 0.17 ml;

- Miramistin (0.01%) - 0.9 ml;

- "Hydrocortisone" - 0.06 ml;

- "Gentamicin" (4%) - 0.7 ml.

Also, you should consider the popular Markov drops number 4. They are mostly prescribed for prolonged runny nose, which is important in the winter, since the spread of diseases is at its peak. Drops number 4 with antibiotic, which can be used by children, do not cause bleeding from the nose and other side effects.

The Markov drops of No. 4 composition have the following:

Sodium bicarbonate 2.0-2.5 ml;

- juice of garlic - 1,5-2,0 ml;

- "Metronidazole" - 1,25-2,0 ml;


Buy a drop of Markov in the pharmacies is very problematic, you need to find in advance where the drug is sold. They are sold only by prescription. In order to receive it, you need to contact a medical institution. Pediatricians have already prescribed drops for these children for six months.

Drops on structure gel-like, well envelop the walls of the nose. They are aimed at the very cause of the rhinitis. The composition includes "Hydrocortisone" or other remedy, which prevents the occurrence of an allergic reaction, contributes to the rapid disposal of puffiness. "Gentamicin" is an antibiotic, the main active substance. Maybe in another antibiotic. "Galazolin" is aimed at narrowing the vessels of the nose. Droplets are required to be applied when the rhinitis is not too strong, but lasts for a very long time, or with chronic nasal congestion. If a strong inflammation is attached, stronger means will be required.

Which drops of Markov apply in different cases, the doctor will tell. After all, you can buy them in the pharmacy only on his prescription.

Drops of Markov are produced in a vial with a special pipette-dispenser, the volume of the bottle - 10 ml. Note that the storage period after the opening is 10 days. At the end of the period, they must be discarded. Keep them in the refrigerator, do not allow the drug to children.

Markov drops: instruction

Applying the drug to treat the common cold, you must adhere to certain rules:

- use no more often than every 4 hours;

- during wakefulness, when swelling is not so strong, minimize use;

- the next day from the beginning of application gradually increase the interval between instillations;

- With the onset of recovery completely abandon the use of drops.

It must be remembered that uncontrolled use of pharmaceuticals can harm health.


In general, Markov drops reviews are only positive. They very quickly get rid of the cold, help even with severe stuffiness of the nose. Almost no addictive, well tolerated.

However, it should be noted that experts comment on these compositions ambiguously. Not everyone approves of the use of such drops. In any case, without consulting a doctor, you can not use such funds in any case.

What else drops happen at a cold?

Now in the pharmacy you can choose any means to get rid of the common cold. Preparations are divided into:


- antibacterial;

- antiallergic;

- vegetable;

- oil;

- Homeopathic;

- combined.

From all this diversity it is difficult to choose the most suitable and effective. Depending on the form of the common cold, drops are also picked up. But buying them yourself is not recommended. It is better to consult with a specialist. Do not treat yourself a child's runny nose. With the wrong treatment, he can go into a chronic form.

We treat a chronic rhinitis

To treat a chronic common cold is not easy. In addition to medicines, the general strengthening of the organism will be required here. Physiotherapeutic procedures will also be effective. It is necessary to spend more time outdoors, eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.

With caution, the choice of drops in the nose should be approached by those people who have an allergy. There is also atrophy of the nasal mucosa - here, too, one must be careful when using drops in the nose.

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