HealthDiseases and Conditions

Hemorrhoids: prevention by various methods

One of the most common and unpleasant proctological pathologies is such a disease as hemorrhoids. Prevention of this disease makes it impossible to prevent its development. Especially relevant this topic is for those who lead a hypodynamic way of life, expectant mothers, weightlifters, as well as people with periodic constipation, with work that involves lifting weights. The fact is that they all are at risk for this disease. Each of these people can develop hemorrhoids.

Prevention of hypodynamia

First of all, you should change your way of life. Naturally, this is not always too easy, so it's worth starting. If a person's profession assumes a constant presence in a sitting position, then it should be possible to pause whenever possible. It is enough to interrupt for 5 minutes every hour and do various physical exercises to prevent stagnant phenomena in the small pelvis and thereby prevent the development of hemorrhoids. Such small workouts can include just walking around the office, squats, standing on your toes.

It is recommended to pay attention to physical exercises and outside of working hours. Here the most relevant are evening walks, preferably with a sufficiently high rate of walking, classes on the horizontal bars, as well as jogging around the stadium. Naturally, it is absolutely not necessary to do all this at once. It is enough to choose one thing, the most suitable, that was to the liking of the person himself.

Prevention of hemorrhoids in men with heavy physical work

One of the most common causes of this disease is weight lifting. People who are faced with the need to carry loads of heavy weight, is much more likely to develop such a disease as hemorrhoids. Prevention in this case can consist primarily in changing the workplace. If this is not possible, then you must try to rationalize your work. That is, if there is a possibility, then it is necessary to divide the cargo into several parts and transfer them in turn, thereby preventing the pressure in the small pelvis to rise to a too high level.

In addition, there are exercises that can prevent the development of hemorrhoids. First of all, it should be noted those that affect the muscles of the press. It is this musculature that can take on most of the stress, which otherwise will increase the pressure in the small pelvis.

Prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids in expectant mothers

Often this disease occurs during childbirth. Again, it is the significant increase in pressure in the small pelvis that causes hemorrhoids. Prevention in this case will also include exercises that help strengthen the musculature of the press. In addition, women during labor should clearly follow the instructions of specialists.

Despite all this, young moms often develop hemorrhoids. Prevention in this case is not always effective. As a result, you have to treat hemorrhoids. Most patients have a sufficient nutritional change. So, there should not be a lot of fried, peppered and smoked food. In the diet, you need to add cabbage, because it softens the feces. In addition, patients are prescribed special rectal suppositories containing natural oils, and drugs that strengthen the vascular wall. Surgery is necessary only in the most neglected cases of hemorrhoids.

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