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Harmony. Elements of harmony. Unity of the soul, body and mind
The term "psychological harmony" means a state of the soul close to euphoria , in which the basic elements of harmony are combined in man: the unity of the soul, body and mind. In addition to these three components, the individual is harmonious in relation to himself, other people and the world around him. But what is harmony, what is it manifested in and how to find this delightful state?
The concept of harmony
The human body is clothed in a physical shell, except for which there is also an inner component - the soul, often not corresponding to its external parameters. Achieving harmony means emotional balance, balancing between two elements of human existence, when a person feels confident and calm, positively relates to others and perceives the world as he is. Equally important is the unity of the soul and body with the mind. It is these elements of harmony that make a person happy without material benefits and stereotypes accepted by society, free from pressing problems and adversities. The very term "harmony" appeared in psychology from aesthetics, where it meant unity, inner peace, order and subordination of parts to the whole.
Harmony of the body
In order to achieve complete harmony of the body, it is necessary to maintain physical health and satisfy your natural needs for food, love, sports, clothing, communication to maintain normal life. In the impetuous vortex of modern life and in the pursuit of a list of material values, people often forget to take care of their body. The result of such carelessness are diseases, depression and stress, which, having mastered your body, will not allow you to achieve the desired harmony. Particularly susceptible to ailments are people who spend a lot of time behind the wheel, a computer, few moving and working in stuffy offices. Go in for sports, achieve your goals, realize dreams, trying not to deny yourself the pleasures. Your body, which primarily reflects life's adversity and discomfort, gives negative signals to the soul and mind, distancing from you elements of harmony. Therefore, it is very important to find the right balance between desires and opportunities and strictly adhere to it.
Harmony of mind
The mind should also help achieve your goals. It is your mind, coupled with abilities, skills and abilities, that helps to translate plans into reality. If you are forced to engage in an unloved business, step over something through yourself, and if your dreams are too far from reality, a disastrous imbalance can arise in your mind.
Harmony of the soul
Harmony of the soul is usually associated with the acquisition of love, the opportunity to do noble deeds, do something for the benefit of their loved ones. Realization of all your best qualities, sincerity, honesty in relation to others, help to relatives - this is the perfection of your soul and the right way to finding harmony. After all, a person comes to this world to become better and change others. None of the people can imagine how powerful and uncharted his soul is, what it really is capable of and what opportunities it has.
Only you yourself are free to disassemble your soul and find out how strong the elements of harmony are in you. And decide whether it is worth chasing material values to the detriment of health and peace of mind. To put into practice harmony is simple, for this you will have to radically change the course of your existence, but the calmness and happiness that await you at your destination, more than compensate for the path you have traveled.
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