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Folk remedies for a scar on the face. The best remedy for acne scars and scars on the face

Scars on the face and body can appear for various reasons. For example, they sometimes remain after surgery or acne. The cause may also be minor injury or burns. That is, it is obvious that the body triggers a self-healing mechanism. Therefore, often because of this, scars or scars remain, as damaged cells of organs or skin are replaced by a connective tissue. The size of the trail that will remain after the injury depends largely on how well it was treated. The main thing is not to forget that in the event that you have received a wound, it must be disinfected urgently. To do this, you can use hydrogen peroxide, iodine, alcohol or vodka.

Folk remedies

Modern cosmetology boasts a wide variety of ways of quickly and easily getting rid of scars and scars on the face. These are costly procedures, the success of which depends more on the professionalism of the specialist who conducts it. But do not rush to spend money, because there are still folk remedies for scars. Perhaps they are not so fast, but more affordable.

Face mask with Vishnevsky ointment

The best remedy for scars (according to many knowledgeable people) is the one prepared on the basis of Vishnevsky's ointment. It is much more effective than those sold in the store creams. Preparing this miracle cure is simple. Vishnevsky's ointment is mixed with alcohol and honey. This mixture is first applied uniformly onto a leaf of cabbage, and only then put on a scar or scar. Since the sheet can move or fall, it must be secured with a bandage. Keep the lotion for thirty minutes. It is important to remember that this remedy for scars is applied so that during treatment on the damaged skin do not get direct sunlight. This is due to the fact that the mass is incompatible with ultraviolet. The knowledgeable people assert that if you apply this remedy at least once every two days, then after a few weeks the scars disappear.

Essential oils

Essential oils can be used as an aid in the fight against scarring. They have unique properties, due to which the processes of metabolism in the skin are activated, they make the scars softer and help to avoid pigmentation and inflammation. Use mixtures of them and apply to the scar throughout the day. Here is an example of three masks of essential oils, and the components are taken in equal proportions:

  • Mint, rosemary and neroli;
  • Incense, rose and tea tree;
  • Hyssop, geranium and fennel.

To enhance the effect of such a remedy against scars and scars on the face, it is necessary to prepare a mixture with a base oil (sea buckthorn, dog rose, wheat germ, etc.). It is important to remember that if there are many scars, do not immediately treat everything - carry out the procedure gradually, taking breaks throughout the day. Otherwise, you can hurt yourself: after applying a large amount of essential oils, nausea, headache, pressure and other unpleasant consequences for the body often begin.

Decoctions and infusions

You can also use as a means of scar medicinal herbs, or rather - decoctions and infusions of them. Such a procedure helps to resolve the stale area and avoid inflammation. They can be used as compresses or simply treat the scar with a cotton swab impregnated with infusion or decoction.

For example, you can make a collection of such herbs as dried chamomile, nettle, yarrow, calendula, mountaineer, crochet swamp and St. John's wort. All components are taken in equal proportions. Next, two tablespoons of the collection pour a glass of boiling water and insist on a water bath for one hour. After this, the infusion should be filtered, and from the soaked linen napkin in a decoction to make a compress. It should be kept in the affected area for two hours.

Leaf of cabbage

Another simple remedy for scars and scarring is a leaf of cabbage. It has long been known that cabbage has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. In addition, it contains a large amount of vitamin E, thereby allowing it to significantly affect the recovery of the skin. Cooking means is simple: first you have to grind two or three leaves of cabbage to the state of gruel, add a tablespoon of honey and mix thoroughly. Compressed mixture is made from the resulting mixture. Keep it must be two hours twice a day, doing this procedure until the scar disappears.

What other means help scars and scars on the face? For example, different masks. But they are effective only if the scars are not very deep. Best for these purposes is a mask from the core of a tomato or clay.

Mask from tomatoes

The tomato mixture contributes not only to the elimination of stains, but also to the restoration of the skin, thereby restraining the process of its aging. This is due to lycopene - the antioxidant, which is contained in tomatoes, and organic acids (for example, apple, lemon, etc.). To prepare a mask it is necessary as follows: a tomato, necessarily fresh, is cut into two parts. A spoon removes all the flesh, then it is kneaded and applied to the face. Leaves for fifteen to twenty minutes, and then washed off with warm water. If you have sensitive skin, then this mask is contraindicated to you - it can cause irritation.

Mask made of clay

Scars that remain after acne are the most serious consequence of acne, unless it has been treated without complications and inflammations. But this also negatively affects the skin of the face, considerably damaging the appearance of a person. And to avoid the appearance of this unattractive trace after acne, it is worth using a folk remedy for acne scars, with which you can quickly and effectively rid the skin of the face of the scars.

So, for example, it is recommended to use a mask of clay. What do you need and how to prepare it? One tablespoon of clay is diluted with water. Then add two teaspoons of lemon juice, it should be fresh, and mix until homogeneous. The clay mask is applied by a point method - only to the sites of inflammation, and keep it for fifteen minutes. Rinse off with water at room temperature.


Apple cider vinegar is another folk remedy for scars and scars, which are often left after acne, acne and boils. To use it, you need to dilute with water in this ratio: for three tablespoons of water, one tablespoon of vinegar. You can freeze this solution in ice molds. It is necessary to wipe their face from time to time. In addition, such ice with vinegar promotes increased blood circulation in tissues, which, in turn, makes the healing process faster. But this is only when the traces are fresh, appeared not so long ago. If the scars are stale, then it is necessary to impose gauze on your face, soaked in apple cider vinegar, diluted with water, and keep for five minutes.


What other means are there from the scar? There are many options. For example, oil extracts of woodlice and St. John's wort. In the first case, it is necessary as much as possible to fill the half-liter jar with a moister (it must be fresh). Further, it is necessary to add refined sunflower oil, so that the grass soaks them well. After this, the pot is placed on the lower shelf of the refrigerator, where it remains untouched for two weeks. Then the finished extract must be poured into another container of glass. Keep this oil should not be longer than six months. And apply it this way: apply compresses to the damaged area and keep for twenty minutes every day.

The oil extract of St. John's wort is made according to the same recipe as the lice, but with the use of fresh St. John's wort. This oil is used in cases where the scar is painful. The number of compresses is increased to two daily.

Badger fat

It is worth checking the effectiveness of such a remedy from a scar, like badger fat. If necessary, the interior fat of the pig is used instead. Cook it as follows: on a small fire melt fats or badgers (100 grams), then add beeswax (ten grams), propolis (two teaspoons) and pine essential oil (four drops). Then mix everything until a uniform mass is formed, and then pour into a jar and cover with a lid. Store in the refrigerator.

Ointment from Japanese Sophora

There is also a more complicated preparation for scars on the face, but effective is an ointment from the Japanese Sophora. And the way of its preparation consists in the following: for reception of a miracle mass it is necessary to mix in equal proportions goose fat and the crushed fruits of Sophora Japanese (on five hundred milliliters of each component). To ripen the ointment, it should be heated for four days in a water bath for one hour and after each warm-up, clean in the refrigerator until the next procedure. Apply it on the fifth day - the mass is applied to a bandage or a piece of linen cloth and applied to the scar. It is necessary to perform this procedure until it completely disappears.

Camphor oil

What other means are known from the scar? For example, camphor oil. Compresses from it perfectly resolve the scars. Its use is elementary: gauze is impregnated with camphor oil and applied to the scar over the whole night. The effect of treatment should be expected within a month. This method is better used to get rid of the scarring left from adolescent acne.

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