Modern technologies of cosmetology and aesthetic medicine allow you to bring "natural" beauty to the present perfection. What is particularly pleasant, along with radical and costly methods are offered quite affordable and harmless procedures. Want to make your eyes more expressive and forget about eye makeup for a long time? Try to make a classic eyelash extension.
Description of the technology of building up
What tricks do not go modern beauty salons. In advertising and real price lists, you can see services such as: Japanese, silk, Hollywood eyelash extensions. If we are talking about the classics, we immediately imagine something rather modest and universal. And this is absolutely true. Classic eyelash extension involves gluing to each natural hair one artificial. The main goal of this procedure is to preserve the natural appearance, but at the same time add to the look of expressiveness. What is important - artificial cilia for this build up are taken not too long. Their length should exceed the natural length by no more than 30%.
The main thing is an individual approach!
Each of us has his own physiological characteristics. Not an exception and eyelashes. Before the start of the extension, the experienced master will necessarily inspect the zone of the forthcoming work and discuss with the client the wishes for shape and bending. It is important to understand that the material used differs in its length, thickness and bend. Classic eyelash extension involves creating the most natural effect, but if the client has any wishes for visual correction of the eye, they will be taken into account. The length of natural hairs increases from the inner edge of the eyelid to its middle, and closer to the outer margin again decreases. If you want to "stretch" the eye visually, you can make a "foxy look", increasing the cilia of equal length in the middle and outer edge of the eyelid. Useful advice: before visiting the cosmetic cabinet, carefully consider your reflection in the mirror and think about what needs to be changed.
Classic eyelash extension: before and after photos. What result to expect?
Under the definition of classics are understood not only the very technology of the sessile attachment of artificial material. So also called the effect obtained as a result. If you are interested in classical eyelash extensions, the photos "before" and "after" should be studied especially carefully. Agree, at first glance at the girls-models and it is unclear what they have just done some salon procedure. In this and the meaning of the classic build-up: the effect obtained from it, can be compared with the use of quality carcass. Eyelashes become noticeably thicker, at the request of the client - a little longer and more curved. If you want to get the so-called "puppet look" - you are unlikely to approach the classic eyelash extension. Photo after the procedure clearly demonstrates that it is about improving the appearance for each day. But for holidays and some special events it makes sense to make a desalination of long cilia or choose to build up in bundles.
Care instructions
If you chose a classic volume, eyelash extensions will please you for at least 4-6 weeks. Experienced masters recommend that you do a correction 2-3 weeks after the initial procedure, as your cilia sometimes fall out (they are renewed naturally) or grow, and the affected ones can be wrinkled. If you want to keep the effect as long as possible, do not be lazy to observe a number of simple rules. Classic eyelash extension does not allow the use of waterproof mascara and contact of the glue with cosmetic products. Try not to rub your eyes and forget about the habit of sleeping on your stomach. It is also not recommended to curl your eyelashes and bring cotton pads to them.
Cost of the service and the rules of choosing the salon
In the capital of our country, the price of this procedure varies between 3000-4000 rubles. Accordingly, in the regions classical eyelash extension (the result photo you can see in our article) costs from 2000 rubles. To choose a specific master or cosmetic cabinet to perform the procedure is easiest from the reviews of close people and acquaintances. But what if none of your surroundings increased eyelashes? Any self-respecting master has a personal photo-portfolio of completed works. An important advantage of the procedure: after the first build-up, you can evaluate the result and decide whether you want to continue to visit the chosen specialist.
Reviews of girls who have already done classical eyelash extension
Almost all modern women at least once used this service salons. What do those who have tried classical build-up on themselves say? Reviews about the procedure can be found very different. Someone is sincerely satisfied with the result and praises the classical eyelash extension. Before and after the procedure, the difference will be noticeable in any case. However, there are also among the visitors of cosmetic rooms those who remained dissatisfied with this build-up. Often, girls complain that they expected more radical changes, and as a result, the eyelashes became only "a little more expressive." In order to avoid disappointment, once again carefully consider the photo before and after the procedure performed in different techniques, and decide which version of the growth you personally like most.