BeautySkin care

Armpits Sweat What To Do?

Enough for many people, not only women, but men, the problem of excessive sweating becomes a real stress. It prevents not only work, but also just to relax in the circle of friends or in the company of a loved one. A lot of people are asking the question: sweat underarms what to do, to the doctor.

Sweating is a normal reaction of the body to various external influences, however in some cases this, from the physiological side, the normal reaction sometimes becomes the strongest stress. After all, many sweat underarms, what to do in case of excessive sweating. Sometimes sweating is so strong that even super-modern deodorants do not help. In such cases, answer the question: do sweaty armpits do what? You can only after consulting a doctor and a thorough examination. It is possible that the reason for the violation of some function of individual internal organs or the system as a whole. Many are concerned about why they have sweaty armpits, constant thoughts about this lead to the development of complexes.

It is important to approach the problem in a comprehensive manner, that is, to combine, if necessary, both medical treatment and physiotherapy procedures, of course, under the close supervision of the physician. It should be noted an excellent positive effect after the physical therapy. After all, these procedures can not only affect the nerve endings, but also promote the regulation of the activity of sweat glands rather well . Many people in connection with a sudden stress situation sweat armpits what to do in this case? Simultaneous reception of various sedative drugs of mild action, on a grassy basis will help in the fight against everyday stress. To soft soothing herbs include, for example, sage, on the basis of which infusion is made. For its preparation, 1 tablespoon of dried raw materials are brewed with a glass of boiling water, insist and drink half a glass at least 2 times a day.

After consulting a specialist, you can try some traditional medicine that will allow you to forget about the question "why sweaty armpits sweat". Quite simple ones are gadgets. It is necessary within 10 days to make contrasting lotions, that is, alternately to the armpits to apply first hot, then cold lotions, keep at least 5 minutes. This is an effective tool, the continuity of the course is important. You can make lotions using natural raw materials, for example, with the infusion of oak bark. To do this, take a glass of boiling water 1 tablespoon. Oak bark (it can be bought at the pharmacy), insist for 15 minutes. Then filter through gauze and make lotions. The duration of application is 5-7 minutes. Course up to 7 days.

Fighting sweating is important to follow the drinking regimen, and maybe, if the doctor advises, some diet. You can try calcium preparations, for example, calcium gluconate tablets. Also, a doctor can recommend a bath with the addition of real essential oils, which can even be ingested, for example, cypress. True, these oils are expensive, but if many means are tried and do not help, it's worth a try. In addition, real essential oil can lubricate problem areas. And the aroma of the oil itself will have an effect: it will relax, it will adjust to optimistic notes. Although it should be remembered that the use of essential oils categorically contraindicated future mother and women with breast diseases. In any case, a doctor's consultation is necessary. With a strong odor of sweat, complex cleaning of the body can be effective .

Thus, there are a lot of methods for dealing with increased sweating, but you should always remember that only a doctor can correctly answer the question: do sweaty armpits do what?

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