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Five methods of properly raising a child
Raising a child is quite a difficult matter. Every adult who does not have his own children and sees in the street an injustice towards them, thinks that he himself would never do so. Or thinks that his children will not be like this unskilled youngster. In addition, it is absolutely true that it all depends on the parents. Of course, the parental example is half the educational process. But at the genetic level, a lot of things are passed to the younger generation. Including, the manner of behavior.
To know how to properly raise a child, you must first evaluate yourself.
Psychologists distinguish five methods of raising children. They apply to almost all minors, regardless of their age.
Method of persuasion
This method can be recommended to all parents, when in their minds only the question arises - how to properly raise a child. Any person is pleased when they talk with him. The method of persuasion is based on a conversation. This is by no means a moral teaching. During this conversation, people talk to "equals." Best of all, when during or after a child's misconduct, his mom or dad will say: "We need to talk." Under no circumstances should instruction or threats be used, the conversation should go on in a smooth rhythm, can be backed up by examples from life (adults can always have an example - if not from life, so from a fairy tale). And the conclusion at the end of the conversation can make the child himself. This will be his decision.
Method of reinforcement
The system of raising children must necessarily be built with this method in mind. It is in this channel that praise or blame is possible. This method is especially effective at preschool and school age. Every person is pleased when he is praised. Therefore, parents need to notice the small victories of their child. However, praise should not turn into praise. In some cases, it is enough just a parent smile or a father's handshake. Of course, it is necessary in the presence of other people (relatives, friends) to talk about the victories of the child. And the subsequent actions of the baby can be a confirmation that parents know exactly how to properly educate children.
Actions that deserve to be condemned, in no case should not be brought to court by strangers. Punishment in each case can be different: refusal in sweets, in the acquisition of something, etc.
Many parents consider this method an answer to the question of how to properly raise a child.
The method of "indiscriminate"
A fairly complex method in the system of raising children. Little children often retort without any explanation: "I do not want, I will not." In this case, parental patience can work miracles.
The most important thing for parents in this case is to remember how to properly raise a child, and to know what you want to achieve from the baby.
On his "Do not want" it is necessary to say simply and firmly: "It is necessary".
For example:
"Let's go eat porridge ..." - "I do not want!" - "Kasha is a must-have breakfast". - "I will not!" - "After the mess in your tummy stops bubbling, and he will thank you." - "I do not want!" - "We must eat porridge." The child at this moment will understand that this action is inevitable. And stop arguing.
The "one, two, three" method
Especially small children are well included in this method. When the child does not allow the child to act, the parent should start counting, having warned the baby before he is threatened with the refusal to fulfill the request.
After "one, two, three," if the child does not cease to act, there must necessarily be a punishment. The next time the account starts, the child will know that the adult is determined.
The method of physical punishment
The most unworthy method of education. Some psychologists believe that they, as a rule, are using flawed adults. They can use force against a person who is much weaker. This method can not cause anything except aggression and embitterment.
It is up to each parent to decide how to raise a child properly.
Only the most literate and intelligent adults get to raise a friend. This is a great achievement. But it is within the power of everyone.
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