
Favorable days for hair cutting

Our great-grandmothers and grandmothers cut their hair only on favorable days. For a haircut, they went to the local hairdressing salons to their permanent master. And although in Soviet times all the signs were considered simple prejudices, women still tried to follow them secretly.

A few signs related to hair cutting

Of course, there is no need to say that when caring for hair, they periodically need to be cut, at least to cut the split ends. First and foremost rule: never cut your strands to yourself. On one note, you "shave" your luck. And according to another notion, if you have a difficult situation in your life, then you will only aggravate it.

The second rule is that your hairdresser should be in a good mood and be friendly to you. It is believed that the person who cuts you, has an effect on your biofield. So, his upbeat mood will be transferred to you, and your business after that will go up the hill. And if the hairdresser is not in the mood, nervous, he does not like the look of your hair, then after a similar haircut, even your hair will be lifeless and dull.

In addition, there is an opinion that your life may be affected by life experience and the age of the hairdresser. If you do not want to influence the adoption of your important decisions, then choose a masters younger than yourself or your peer. But an experienced, older than you by age barber is able to direct your life to a successful streak. Especially if you visit it on auspicious days for hair cutting.

Another sign of the hairdresser: he should be with you of the same sex. It is believed that if the master of the opposite sex shows interest to you, then you are in for a personal life in trouble.

Favorable days for a haircut depend on what you want to get. Undoubtedly one: use the lunar calendar. If you want to keep your hairstyle longer, strengthen the roots of hair and reduce their loss, then go to the beauty salon on the waning moon.

But the favorable days for the coloring of hair and for their treatment fall on the growing moon. If you want them to grow faster, then it's enough to cut off the tips at this time.

You can not manipulate the hair on the next lunar days - 9, 15, 23 and 29. This should also add the days of the lunar and solar eclipse, as well as the new moon. These days, the protection of the human body is too weak, and with your hair you will lose your energy of life.

Favorable days for haircuts by days of the week

On Monday, you can perform any work with hair, radically change the color or haircut. Thus you will get rid of the accumulated negative and unresolved problems.

Tuesday will save you from the monotony in your life and give you strength for making some important decisions.

If you change your hairstyle on Wednesday, then in your life there will be changes. You can go on a trip, meet new friends or well forgotten old ones.

On Thursday, go to the hairdresser if you want to get your chance at success or become more popular with your friends and acquaintances.

Haircut on Friday will not make any special changes in your life.

Saturday is the day when the haircut allows you to get rid of family sins, and your hair becomes healthy and strong.

On Sunday you can not get a haircut. In Christians, haircuts on that day are considered to be a sin. You cut off your luck and well-being.

Now you know when there are favorable days for hair cutting, just do not forget to look into the lunar calendar. And who knows, maybe luck will follow you on your heels.

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