
What hair extension is better to choose?

Many ladies dream of long hair. But, alas, not everyone has the patience to grow their own braids for a long time. Sometimes you want to become especially attractive and feminine to any particular event. In this case, hair extensions will save the situation.

Of course, before spending money on the hairstyle of your dreams, a reasonable young lady will certainly ask what hair extension looks better and does not harm the hair. Much in this matter depends on the experience and efforts of the master, but the quality of the source material is of no small importance.

I would like to explain at once that those who have weakened damaged hair, it is better not to build up at all, since in this case no master will provide security guarantees to the procedure.

In many ways the appearance of the new hairstyle and the condition of your own hair will depend on how accurately you will follow the rules of care. They are quite simple:
- do not go to bed with wet or loose hair,
- for combing use special brushes,
- when using the balm, do not allow it to get on the capsules,
- timely correction.

In order to determine which hair extensions are better, you need to know some information about the subject. So, let's consider what technologies exist today and what is the difference between them.

English technology with the use of resin capsules has already almost become obsolete and almost not used. Hair that grows in this way does not look too natural, because the capsules are too large and often stick together. Donor hair capsule from resin keeps poorly, hence their significant loss during socks.

Hot or ultrasonic build-up on the Italian technology has proved itself well. The procedure is carried out with the help of special tongs, with which keratin capsules are melted. By the disadvantages of technology can be attributed the fact that a warmed-up device can easily injure your natural hair, and a capsule of a fairly large diameter.

Ultrasound is in many ways similar to Italian technology, but instead of heat, ultrasound is used. If among the criteria by which you determine which hair extensions are better, one of the first is the strength of fastening the strands, we recommend that you pay attention to this method.
It should be noted, and another minus the use of keratin capsules. Carry out correction of such strands with a quality guarantee can only be a specialist with extensive experience.

Adhesive cold build-up on Spanish technology also has great reviews. Hair is not exposed to high temperatures, and therefore, not injured. The glue has a transparent texture and is completely invisible on the hair, moreover it gives a fairly strong connection.

Augmentation on metal beads is a low-budget option, to the minuses of which is a strong scoop of donor hair during socks. A long time to show off with such strands is unlikely to succeed. Metal beads cause skin irritation and headaches. However, if you dream of turning a boy's haircut into long locks, it's better not to choose what hair extension for a long time. This is one of two options, suitable for such a case.

The most sparing is today's German technique of tape build-up. Its only disadvantage is the extremely short life of the strands (about two months). In addition, this method does not suit lovers of high hairstyles and owners of fine hair.

To date , the best hair extension, according to hairdressers, is made with the use of cutting-edge technology ExtendMagic. A flexible and transparent wax makes the hairstyle as natural and weightless as possible. Micro-technology allows working with hair of any length. The only minus is the high cost.

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