Homeliness, Building
Colorants for concrete and tiles
Many of us are so accustomed to contemplate gray concrete and the same paving slab that they do not imagine what could be somehow different. In fact, they can be diversified with special pigments. Modern industry produces colorants, which you will learn about from today's article.
What are the requirements for pigment for concrete?
Given that this material is systematically exposed to chemical and physical influences, the dye used for it should not change its initial shade under the influence of atmospheric precipitation and sunlight. It is important that it does not dissolve in water and has a high degree of resistance to alkalis.
Also, one should pay attention to its ability to transfer its shade of the surface to which it is applied. Disparity plays an important role in this matter. It is this indicator that characterizes the ability to overlap another color. In addition, the pigment for concrete should have a high level of oil absorption.
Variety of assortments
Modern manufacturers offer a fairly wide range of such products. Depending on what is included in the pigments, they can be divided into several groups. The first category includes acid dyes, which are the most popular among domestic consumers. They are a powdered composition with a transparent structure. Such remedies do not have a negative impact on human health and do not pollute the environment.
Acrylic dyes are not less popular. They are ideal for concrete floors and walls. This pigment is good because it can be used not only for external, but also for internal works.
Those who want to radically transform their own yard, you can advise pay attention to dry colorants. Their main advantage lies in the fact that the shade of the powder can accurately determine what will be the final result. The only nuance associated with the use of dry compounds is that they need to be applied to completely new concrete.
Dye for tiles
The color of the paving slab can be changed with the help of special pigments. To date, manufacturers offer a fairly wide range of similar products. On sale it is often possible to see rubber pigments made on a water basis. They are not sensitive to sharp temperature changes and are characterized by increased elasticity and wear resistance. They are good in that the composition of the colorant does not include solvents.
Often used for tile alkyd pigments for concrete. They are resistant to chemicals and protect the surface from destruction. The only weighty drawback of such drugs can be considered the presence of a specific pungent odor, which persists for a long time.
Also for paving tiles are suitable polyurethane dyes, which are characterized by high impact strength. But here there is one subtlety. When used for outdoor use, a hue may change. All other properties are fully preserved.
Basic methods of tile staining
If there is a need to change the shade of the already laid coating, it is advisable to use the so-called surface technology. This technique allows you to achieve increased color gamut and reduce slip. In the process of such staining, alkyd and polyurethane pigments are used. Since the main requirement for street coatings is that the material does not lose its original appearance as long as possible, this dye consists mainly of natural components.
In addition, there is another technology. This is the so-called end-to-end staining, in the process of which finely dispersed powdery pigments are used. Such dyes also consist of natural components. But among them there are also artificial types of coloring additives. For their production, mineral raw materials are used, subjected to thermal treatment.
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