Sports and FitnessWeight loss

Fat-burning high-intensity interval training for weight loss

A strong, tight body is something for which many people are willing to spend hours in the gym and limit themselves in nutrition. After all, a lean figure has long ceased to be just a beautiful attribute - sports are engaged primarily to improve health.

Modern fitness instructors offer a lot of different trainings. And in recent years, so-called high-intensity interval training has become more popular. They promise fast results with minimal time.

Of course, many people are looking for additional information about this system of studies. What exercises are suitable? Is it possible to conduct high-intensity interval training at home? Do they really provide a quick effect? What problems can a newcomer face? Many of the readers are interested in answers to these questions.

High-intensity interval training: what is it?

To begin with it is necessary to understand the meaning of the term. High-intensity interval training is a relatively new system, which includes active cardio exercises, which alternate with power loads.

Training necessarily includes short sessions of intense cardio loads, which are then replaced by power exercises. Thus, the muscles are all the time in action, but the heart receives a short respite. Interval training is a kind of shock for the body. Correctly chosen system of exercises allows to use completely different systems of organs, which positively affects not only the figure, but also the work of the whole organism.

How does the system work?

In fact, the essence of high-intensity interval training is quite simple. As you know, for rapid weight loss you need to disperse the pulse to the maximum - at this point, consumption in the body of oxygen increases many times, which is accompanied by the oxidation of fat cells. Naturally, for this exercise you need to make intensive, because the body must start using spare sources of energy, that is, subcutaneous fat deposits.

After a short set of cardio exercises, the power loads follow. Training takes place at an average or slow pace, but due to the load on the muscles, the pulse rate is maintained. Fats are actively burned throughout the training and even after it. During exercise, partial destruction of muscle tissues is observed and upon completion of training the body restores muscle mass while continuing to consume the energy obtained from fats.

Tabat for quick fat burning

Tabata is a fairly progressive training, which was developed at the Institute of Fitness in Tokyo with the participation of Dr. Izumi Tabata. This is a short exercise program that lasts about 4 minutes. It is believed that during this time a person can spend the same amount of calories as during an ordinary 45-minute workout.

The class is divided into two phases:

  • The first stage lasts 20 seconds. At this time, a person must move to the limit of possibilities, trying to do 30-35 repetitions of a certain exercise.
  • The second stage, recovery, lasts 10 seconds. At this time, fast walking is recommended, which allows you to lower your heart rate and breathe out a little.

For 4 minutes a person manages to perform 8 sets with four different exercises (two repeats). Exercises are selected depending on the training of a person. As the instructors themselves say, 4-minute workouts do give results, but as the body becomes accustomed to the load and the duration should be increased.

Interval run or the method of Waldemar Gershler

Interval running is by far a popular method. And the system was created in the distant 1939 by an experienced trainer Valdemar Herschler. The essence of such a system is quite simple - first you need to run as fast as possible a distance of 100 meters, after which give the body time to recover a little. The rest period lasts about 2 minutes. Of course, the runner should not spend this time in a stationary state - fast walking or some other exercises will do. It is important to try to lower the heart rate to 120 beats per minute, after which you can again repeat the fast race. The training lasts about 20 minutes.

Speed games or Fartlek

This system was created in Sweden - it was with its help that athletes were trained for the Olympic Games. Fartlek provides some element of the competition, so at least two people must take part. The program consists of several stages:

  • First ten minutes of jogging (helps warm up muscles and prepare the body for exercise).
  • Then follows 10 minutes of intense running, in which a person must run at maximum speed.
  • After this, a short break follows, giving the opportunity to restore breathing - 5 minutes of fast walking.
  • Then the athletes run 100 meters in a straight line.
  • Another 100 meters race, but already up the slope.
  • The final stage is 5 minutes of rapid walking in order to smoothly slow down the heartbeat.

Naturally, this program is not suitable for beginners, since the loads are quite intense.

High-intensity fat-burning interval training in the hall

Of course, the best thing to do in the gym, under the supervision of an experienced instructor who will pick up the exercises and their intensity, will give some useful tips. By the way, power and cardio exercises in the hall can be diversified. For example, good results give high-intensity interval training on an ellipsoid and other simulators.

In addition, the program can include exercises with a barbell, weights, rope hoists and other loads, which are difficult to reproduce at home. Another type of training - boxing, in which the help of a coach is also necessary.

High-intensity interval training at home: are they effective?

Many people are interested in questions about whether it is possible to use such a scheme at home. Of course, yes. For example, you can find countless videos with effective exercises - it remains only to reproduce them correctly.

In addition, interval running and jumping exercises also help to quickly lose weight and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Of course, beginners are advised to visit the gym at least several times and communicate with the instructor - he will help to choose the most suitable set of exercises, after which you can do it yourself.

What are the benefits of interval training?

What is special about high-intensity interval training? The program has several advantages:

  • It is proved that during such exercises, fat is burned four times faster than, for example, during a normal run.
  • Against the background of regular training, metabolic acceleration is observed, which prevents the deposition of fat in the future.
  • The muscles of a person become stronger (this also applies to the heart muscle), stamina increases.
  • During the recovery period (about 24 hours after the end of the exercise), the body continues to intensively consume calories.
  • Training can be conducted without expensive equipment.
  • The session lasts no more than 20-30 minutes, but you only need 3-4 times a week.

Contraindications to mastering the technique

Of course, before any training begins it is worth consulting with a specialist. Immediately it is worth saying that newcomers in fitness may not be suitable for such exercises. High-intensity interval training, still designed for people who already have some experience and preparation. If you came to the gym for the first time, then first it is necessary to prepare the body, doing a lighter scheme.

High-intensity interval training is contraindicated for people with serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the cardiovascular system. In addition, it is worth to refuse from classes if you are still in the rehabilitation period after the injury. This system can not be used for too much obesity - first you need to lose weight by standard training and then start more intensive activities.

How to eat properly during the training?

High-intensity interval training for fat burning is really effective, but no less important element in combating excess weight is proper nutrition. To achieve maximum effect from sports activities, you must always adjust the diet.

In fact, the recommendations of experts on the menu are quite standard. It is necessary to give preference to protein foods, as well as products that contain complex carbohydrates (cereals, oat flakes, vegetables and fruits, except for sweet varieties of grapes). It is necessary to limit the amount of sugar, baking and other flour products.

It is not recommended to eat immediately before exercise. By the way, it's best to do exercises in the morning or afternoon. 15 minutes after the end, you need to restore the carbohydrate balance - this is suitable for a glass of apple or orange juice, citrus fruits. Next, you need to restore protein stores to avoid the development of a catabolic effect, in which the body splits its own muscle tissue. After 40 minutes, you need to take protein food or a protein shake. And after 1.5 hours you can start lunch or dinner, which, again, should include protein and carbohydrate food (for example, chicken breast and salad).

Additional useful information

High-intensity fat-burning interval training really does give good results. Nevertheless, people are advised to follow certain rules:

  • Training can not be started without preheating and warm-up. This applies not only to interval, but also to any other programs. First you can make a small jog, then do some stretching exercises for muscles. This part of the training will take no more than 10 minutes, but it will significantly reduce the risk of injury.
  • During the training, you must have water with you. In large quantities, it should not be consumed, but from time to time you need to take a few sips.
  • It must always be remembered how much high-intensity interval training should last. For beginners, it's 10 minutes. As the endurance increases, the time can be increased, but not more than 30 minutes. Do it 3-4 times a week and in no case often. Too frequent and prolonged workouts exhaust and injure the muscles.
  • It is important to choose the right exercises and put the best out during class. As experienced instructors say, a 10-minute training, in which a person does everything that is possible, is much more effective than a 30 or 40-minute session in the sex of strength.

It should be understood that high-intensity interval training, as well as any other fitness programs, can not give instant results. Expenditure of fat mass and muscle building is gradual, as evidenced by numerous reviews. Regularly eat and eat properly - this is the only way to improve the figure.

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