Food and drinkDessert

Famous eclairs with custard

The most famous cakes in the world are exactly eclairs with custard. Many believe that such a unique delicious dessert is difficult to prepare. And, of course, they are mistaken. Because it's quite easy to cook.

The history of origin of these cakes originates back in the XIX century and has French roots. This lightning, and this is how the word "eclair" itself is translated from French, is rightly considered the most famous cake. This name was given to eclairs due to the characteristic gloss of chocolate glaze on its surface.

Historians believe that they were invented by the chef of the royal family Marie-Antoine Karem. French eclaires were cakes of oblong form, baked from a custard batter and seasoned with custard.

Caloric content such custard eclairs are amazing. 100 grams accounted for 440 kcal, and carbohydrates in them - 36.5 grams.

But in our time eclairs are filled with a wide variety of fillings. So, besides sweet dessert, they can be a snack. Now you will not surprise anyone with an eclair, for example, with pate or olivier. But, despite the size of the eclair and its filling, the test recipe remains unchanged.

So, to make eclairs with custard, first you need to prepare the dough. To do this, 250 ml of cold water pour into a saucepan, put 100 grams of oil and 1/2 teaspoon of salt and bring to a boil. After reducing the fire, pour 175 grams of flour. Cook for no more than two minutes, while stirring quickly. Lightly cook the dough.

In this mass, drive 5 eggs one at a time. Stir each time until a uniform mass is formed.

Grease abundantly the baking sheet with butter and put the dough with a spoon, retreating 5 centimeters. Heat the oven to 180 degrees and bake cakes for about 40 minutes. Fill the ready eclairs with custard, using either a pastry syringe or a teaspoon.

Eclairs with custard can be filled in three different ways:

  • Punch in one or two places with a sharpened stick. Then fill them with a confectionery bag;
  • Already filled with an eclipse, top with cream. Prepare crumb from broken eclairs and sprinkle cream on top of it;
  • Cover the top of the workpiece with glaze. When they cool, cut each in half. The upper part set aside, and the bottom fill with cream. Then gently press both halves.

The custard cake eclair requires not only the correct preparation of the dough, but also the cream with which it will be filled. It should be noted that custard creams are different, and some of their types are not suitable for eclairs.

To make a simple but very tasty custard for these cakes, you will need a glass of milk, half a cup of sugar, yolks of two eggs, a tablespoon of flour, and a bit of vanillin.

First, separate the proteins from the yolks. Pour the sugar into the yolks and mix. Add flour and vanillin. All rub.

Then bring the milk to a boil over a sufficiently slow fire. After it has cooled slightly, pour in a mixture of yolks, while stirring constantly. Put it back on the fire and cook for about six minutes until it all thickens. To prevent the cream from burning, always stir it constantly.

When the cream has cooled, they can fill cakes.

The preparation of the dough, from which the eclairs with custard is baked, also has some features. It is because it is brewed from flour, water, salt, butter and a large number of eggs, during the baking process, moisture evaporates rapidly. And this, in turn, contributes to the formation of a cavity, which in the future is filled with either a cream or any other stuffing. Do not shake the dough a lot, because it will settle during baking. After baking, it will fall off if it is removed early from the oven.

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