Education, Colleges and Universities
Faculty of Sociology, Moscow State University: address, faculty structure, admission committee, dean
It is known that the honorary title of the oldest Russian university by right belongs to Moscow State University. The year of its foundation is 1755th. This is a university, in the walls of which many scientists of Russian culture and science studied and worked. Among them - philosophers D.S. Anichkov and NN Popovsky, geographer and historian H.A. Chebotarev, translators and philologists S. Halvin, A.A. Barsov and E.I. Kostrov, architects I.E. Starov and V.I. Bazhenov, writers N.I. Novikov, M.M. Kheraskov, D.I. Fonvizin, etc.
According to A.I. Herzen, Moscow University, which arose thanks to Academician V. Lomonosov, was a real "concentration of Russian education".
To date, the Moscow State University employs 30 faculties, preparing professional and scientific cadres. But the leading place among them is traditionally occupied by the sociology department. MSU opened it for the training of specialists able to work in all areas of sociology.
History of creation
In the afternoon, when the sociological faculty of the Moscow State University was founded, it is considered 6.06.1989. However, this event was preceded by a number of basic stages. The first of them originates in 1960. It was then that a sociological laboratory emerged that began its activity in the Faculty of Philosophy under the leadership of R.I. Kosolapova.
The beginning of the second stage can be considered 1968. This is the date of the founding of the Department of Social Research methodology , which began to work at the same philosophical faculty. The founder and the head of the department was G.M. Andreeva.
Somewhat later, in 1977, a new specialty, called "applied sociology," appeared at Moscow State University. She was trained at the same philosophical faculty. In 1984, the main university of the country opened a new branch - "Applied Sociology". Its organizer and manager is Professor B.V. Knyazev.
And only as a result of this activity in June 1989 the sociological faculty of the Moscow State University was founded. Its creation was approved by Academician A.A. Logunov, who at that time held the post of rector of Moscow University.
The first dean of the sociological faculty of the Moscow State University, who made a huge contribution to its creation, is Doctor of Philosophy Professor V.I. Dobrenkov.
The faculty has a number of departments. In their activities they cover the most important areas of applied and fundamental science. So, the structure, which has the sociological faculty of the Moscow State University, includes the following departments:
- modern sociology;
- theory and history of sociology;
- methodology of sociological research;
- sociology and political science of political processes;
- social technologies;
- sociology of state management;
- sociology of international relations;
- economic sociology and management;
- sociology of communicative systems;
- sociology of demography and family.
Let's consider the basic directions of their activity.
Chair of Contemporary Sociology
This is the main educational and scientific unit, which includes the sociological faculty of the Moscow State University. What is the purpose of this department? It covers all spheres of sociological knowledge of the present day. Priority, however, belongs to the newest theoretical approaches and their methodologies, as well as to the methods of practical confirmation of their basic references.
History and theory of sociology
The chair under this name gives its students a variety of training in the sociological field. Employees of this structural unit strive to use the research interest of young people not only to the heritage of great scientists. They skillfully combine it with the latest achievements of discipline.
The Department of History and Theory of Sociology gives its students knowledge, drawing them from the latest domestic and foreign literature, which has a corresponding theme. The employees of this structural unit direct the research activities of the youth, which allows already graduates to put into practice a fundamental sociological theory.
Methodology of sociological research
At this department students are trained by sixteen teachers and researchers. And all of them have academic degrees.
The main direction of the department is the organization of special seminars, special courses and general courses in such areas as management and sociology. All training programs are developed in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard adopted in Russia.
Sociology and political science of political processes
This department was created in Moscow State University by the decision of the Academic Council on February 19, 1990. At the same time, the order of the rector of the university also determined the list of employees of the department. The head of the department was appointed by Professor MS Fedorkin NS.
In the 1990s, the teaching staff of the department actively developed international scientific cooperation with the leading universities of Germany and the USA, Japan and Canada. But especially fruitful was the joint work of the department's employees with David Easton - a classic of political science of our time.
Social technologies
The opening of this faculty was held in 2013. The department actualized such areas as social technologies of social adaptation, analysis of the situation in single-industry cities, etc.
Sociology of Public Administration
The main directions of this department are:
- methods, means and objectives for the development and further implementation of socio-economic policies;
- management issues existing in society social processes;
- study of the principles of the social state.
Sociology of International Relations
The structure of the faculty of the Moscow State University includes a department created by the professor, doctor of philosophical sciences A.P. Tsygankov. The focus of the office opened in 1989 is on issues related to the social aspects of international relations, foreign and world politics, the problems of geopolitics, ethnosociology, and so on.
Graduates of the department are bachelors and masters who have been trained in the field of the sociology of international relations. The study of this discipline provides an opportunity to understand the true meaning and background of global world processes, teaches the analysis of complex problems of world politics. Knowledge of all these issues becomes especially important at the present time, when a sanctions war against Russia is taking place. In this regard, the state needs a well-trained cadre of international professionals who stand up for the national interests of their homeland.
Department of sociology of organizations and management
This structural subdivision of the sociological faculty of the Moscow State University was established in the summer of 1991. At that time it was distinguished by its unusual direction. The fact is that the department was Russian-American and had a clear orientation on active cooperation with foreign colleagues specializing in research in management and business. In ten years of its existence the department began to conduct active sociological research. Most of them were received from the Moscow Government. And today the priority direction in the scientific work of the department is the study of innovative approaches to the management of human resources at the state and corporate levels. Special attention is paid to the research of the interaction and interaction between business and art, which are specific spheres of people's creative activity.
Sociology of Communication Systems
The work of the department, which was the first in the country to examine the issues of the interrelations of society, began in 1992. Today, the sociology of communications is one of the dynamically developing promising areas. Such a high interest in this direction is caused by the constantly growing importance of information, the increased impact on the society of information technologies and the increase in the number of communication institutions.
Sociology of the family and demography
This department was founded in 1991. The base for it was the scientific school of family sociology and demography. The results of many studies, conducted by the department, were used by various state organizations in their work. Among them are the Commission dealing with women's affairs, the State Committee for Family Affairs, etc. The recommendations given by the department's specialists were taken into account during the preparation of government reports on the problems of demography and the family. An invaluable contribution of this structural subdivision of the Faculty of Sociology has received international recognition. This is confirmed by the fact that the department actively cooperates with York University (England), the Rockford Institute, which studies the issues of traditional values, and a number of other educational and scientific institutions.
The demand for a specialty
So, the main direction of the described faculty is sociology. Who can a graduate work? Many people think that this specialty is purely humanitarian. However, this is not the case. Yes, the future sociologist should have a good command of the word, but at the same high level "feel" the figures.
This specialty has many directions. They are related to:
- research services, goods and markets;
- studies of public opinion.
Acquiring knowledge in these fields of science will allow the young specialist to get settled in consulting companies and in analytical sociological centers. You can also become an employee of municipal and state authorities. Where are the specialists who graduated from the faculty in such a direction as sociology still in demand? Who to work after graduation, a young specialist can decide for himself. It can be personnel services of enterprises, publishing business, mass media, organizations engaged in advertising and studying public relations.
How to become a student?
If you have chosen the place of your studies at Moscow State University (sociology department), the admissions committee will take all necessary documents from you. To do this, it is necessary to contact 119 audiences, which is located in 33 buildings of the university on the Lenin Hills.
How to enter the Moscow State University (Faculty of Sociology)? The Admissions Committee will consider the results of the entrance examinations conducted in the form of the USE. To do this, you need a certificate confirming the points you received. For admission to the first year, it is also necessary to pass additional entrance examinations, which are conducted by the teachers of the Moscow State University.
Resettlement of nonresident students
For those who do not have a Moscow residence permit, the hostel of the sociological faculty of Moscow State University works. In it are inhabited nonresident students who are enrolled in full-time.
Where is the hostel, in which young people live, entered the sociology faculty of Moscow State University? Address: Vernadsky Ave., 37. You can go to the hostel by metro to the station "University" or "Prospect Vernadsky". Trolleybus No. 34 also goes there. In order to get to the hostel of the faculty of sociology, you will need to get off at the stop "Kravchenko Street".
Famous graduates
The Sociological Faculty of Moscow State University is rightly proud of its students. Many of them work in state structures, making a huge contribution to the development of public relations. Some of them were not limited to the diploma of this prestigious university. They graduated from Moscow State University. The sociological faculty is rightfully proud:
- Vrublevsky Pavel Olegovich - a Russian businessman, the founder of ChronoPay;
- Kamenshchik Dmitry Vladimirovich - chairman of the board of directors of Domodedovo airport;
- Kravchenko Kirill Albertovich - the general director of OJSC "Petroleum industry of Serbia";
- Manturov Denis Valentinovich - Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation;
- Maslova Lydia Sergeevna - a film critic;
- Natalia Grigorievna Morar, a Moldovan journalist;
- Onishchuk Alexander Vasilievich - American-Ukrainian grandmaster, chess player;
- Solodovnikov Mikhail Victorovich - director of news broadcasting under the name Russia Today America;
- Tatunts Svetlana Akhundovna - Russian ethnosociologist and professor.
In the above list are the most famous graduates of the faculty.
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