ComputersComputer games

How to run GTA 4: practical tips

GTA 4 is one of the loudest projects of the last decade. Without exaggeration, we can say that he was expected as a second coming. To begin with, the game appeared on the consoles, and only six months later, she somehow drove to PC players. And then many of them met with a monstrous number of problems. But first things first.


It is worth noting that, despite the fact that the game was deliberately doomed to popularity, it came out completely disastrous. The very first version was simply awful both in terms of the graphic component, and in terms of optimization in general. With the release of GTA 4, Games Rokstar put on a sheet of his reputation a fat blue blob. Already in the first days after the start of the game sales, various computer forums began to be filled with topics with the same title: "I can not run GTA 4". The game scolded users as soon as it could, starting with incomprehensible mistakes in Chinese, ending with claims to the wrong components of the files, even if the game was bought officially. But that's not all. It's one thing if you turn Crysis on not the top-end computer, increase all possible parameters to the maximum and watch a tremendous slide show. And another thing is to fight over the question: "How to launch GTA 4?", Run it, fraying all the nerves, - and see the smeared textures and graphics of 2000-2003. This manifested itself at the most minimal settings, and at the highest ones, and the game unjustifiably consumed resources, and even bold 8-nuclear computers of that time were not enough for a comfortable game, at least in 60 frames.

Patches - it's your time.

But gradually the situation changed. "Rockstar" came to its senses and started releasing countless patches, which only exacerbated the problem, prompting even more questions: "How to launch GTA 4?". The most common errors when running "GTA 4" versions 1.0-1.3 were errors associated with improper localization and installation of any mods. The game is built in such a way that if you intervene in any of its files, it simply will not start, and this is fraught with a complete reinstallation. Fans of mods often observed dll errors in GFLW library files. But, as the next updates are released, the question is: "How to launch GTA 4?" Began to lose its relevance. The salvation thing was the command line - the so-called commandline. This is a text file in the main folder with the game. It prescribes certain parameters that can stimulate its performance.

But with new patches came and new problems (the so-called critical errors). Many people turned to the forums with the question: "How to launch GTA 4?" When the depth of objects is faulty. But with the release of the most extreme patches of versions 6 and 7, these shortcomings were successfully eliminated. And the play became more or less comfortable. But again - not without a fly in the ointment.
The biggest problem at the moment is revealed at the beginning of the installation process, and it consists in the fact that the installation file is being sworn to an unknown system, and this trend can be traced on licensed copies of both the game and Windows itself. But, good, the problem is solved by simple installation of compatibility of an installation package with Windows XP SP 3 / Vista SP 1. If to speak about hangs, in the last versions of game they are shown only because of excessive enthusiasm of gamers various game updatings.

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