Sports and FitnessWeight loss

Exercises with a rope - the best way to lose those extra pounds and pull up the body

Are you worried about excess weight? Do you want to throw off the extra pounds and centimeters, and also fix the result? Forget about diets.

The solution is found in a completely different way: add to the schedule of your daily life a visit to the bath, a set of exercises with a skipping rope and a balanced diet. None of these three elements should in any case be excluded, otherwise efficiency may be significantly reduced.

As for physical exercises - pay attention to the rope, and do not necessarily sign up for the hall and spend hours of your precious time there.

Skipping rope. Many people ask how much to jump on a rope to lose weight. In fact, a day is enough to give it from five to fifteen minutes, depending on your willpower. And, like everyone else, exercises with a rope must necessarily be performed in several approaches. Recent studies have shown that it is this favorite object, which has been taught in many children since childhood, actively helps to lose weight, to burn calories burned. It is noted that exercises with a rope are several times more effective than swimming, tennis, cycling.

If you are interested and plan to begin today to realize the cherished dream, then remember, the whole benefit of jumping depends on their number per minute. The more of them there are, the more actively your body spends calories, and the sooner you will notice improvements. And do not forget about nutrition! Do not exceed the calorie corridor, nor reduce it, and both will affect you negatively, be more reasonable. In addition to the departed kilograms and centimeters, you will notice how your muscles will strengthen, how your stamina will improve.

Do not interrupt your studies, the effect will only be with their regularity. Watch the work of the heart, because the exercises with a rope, despite all their simplicity, have a strong effect on the body and are included in the training of basketball players, boxers, wrestlers, cosmonauts. Skipping rope, reasonable approach and diligence will do their job - you will soon see what went to - an aspen waist, grace, strength of mind, lack of extra pounds.

Length of rope

A very important aspect when you do exercises with a rope is to choose a suitable length for yourself. Determine it is easy, you need to fold the rope in half and lift it up, in this form it should barely touch the floor. Also, the length corresponding to your height can be determined in another way: stand with your feet on the middle of the rope, so that the bases of the handles are at the level of your armpits. If you understand that the unit does not suit you, adjust the length at the expense of additional knots at the handles.

Performing jumps

There is nothing easier - just jump through this tourniquet. Bounce off the ground with two feet, and land on them. Jumps should be lightweight, springy. With the correct execution, only the hands should move, that they hold the rope, while the elbows are pressed to the body, the back remains straight. Do not forget to follow and breathe, it must be measured, otherwise your body will not say thank you. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth, and then only harm yourself.

If you want to jump quickly, consult your doctor before starting workouts, as there are some limitations. It is impossible to perform exercises with a rope for people who are not well with joints and who have high blood pressure. Another little advice - it's best to jump on the street, in the fresh air. Neighbors are unlikely to be delighted with the tramping. And outside the apartment and the air is fresh, and you will not disturb anyone.

Here are some exercises that will help you develop the flexibility of the spine and at the same time help to keep the mobility of the joints.

1. Stand with your legs apart, bend your hands and take the rope, having previously folded it four times. Now lift the rope up and pull it. In this position, it is necessary to turn right and left, returning to the starting position all the time. In each direction, you need to repeat the turns five times.

2. Stand up with your legs apart, bend your hands and take the rope, having folded it twice. Now lift it up and pull it. Perform two spring tilts to the right and return to the starting position. After make similar inclinations to the left. Repeat this exercise you need five times in each direction.

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