HealthAlternative Medicine

Effective means for sunburn

Sometimes the desire to acquire a beautiful bronze tan turns into sunburn. Skin blush, hurt and itch. The condition is aggravated by an increase in body temperature, chills, alternating fever, and aching muscles. Such symptoms can cloud the long-awaited vacation, so the situation needs to be corrected as quickly as possible. Especially since the means for sunburn are easy to prepare yourself.

If you do not have medicines at your fingertips (a pharmacy is far away or you are an adherent of harmless folk recipes), our methods will help to correct the situation.

Sun burns. Treatment with folk remedies - quickly and effectively

The simplest form of emergency aid can be the moistening of burnt areas. This is suitable in the case when there were no other components at hand. It is necessary to attach a wet towel to the sore spot. As soon as it becomes hot, change it to a new compress. The fabric should be soft, so as not to irritate the injured skin.

Sour-milk products are an excellent remedy for sunburn. Thick sour cream can replace the cream after sunburn. Its consistency makes it possible to apply mass directly to the areas of the body. Since kefir is more liquid, it is used as a basis for compresses. Pieces of cloth (gauze, cotton, linen) are periodically moistened in kefir, put on burned places and changed after they warmed up. In half an hour you can evaluate the effectiveness of sour-milk products - the symptoms of a burn will stop bothering you.

Another home remedy for sunburn - grated potatoes or its juice. Mass is applied to the gauze strips, they are distributed on the affected areas. Juice is used as a lotion.

The same power is available from sunburn, prepared from carrots or cucumbers. Use these products can be exactly the same as potatoes.

Remove the inflammation will help cool juice from tomatoes or watermelon. Compresses of strong tea (especially green) are no worse.

The curative properties of such plants as aloe are widely known. It is used in cosmetology, pharmacology, etc. Juice from aloe leaves, diluted in half with boiled water, quickly has a soothing and antiseptic effect on the burn. Compresses are done several times a day for an hour. Cool lotions after heating change to new wipes.

It's no secret that chamomile, St. John's wort and oak bark have a powerful antiseptic effect. This is a very important factor, since burns can rot when they get infected. Broths of herbs are excellent means for sunburn, which we can cook on our own. One tablespoon of any of these herbs (you can use their mixture) pour a glass of boiling water. A water bath (10 minutes) will help to transfer the maximum amount of nutrients into the decoction. Use it for compresses after it has completely cooled down. Such funds are very effective, but have a short shelf life. A day later, you need to prepare a new portion.

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