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How to cook a decoction of dry rose hips. Benefit and harm of decoction from dry hips

In nature, from virtually every disease, you can find a medicine - some healing plant. One of them is the dog rose. Decoction, prepared from the parts of the named plant, folk healers recommend taking with various diseases. There are contraindications, but not so many. That is why many people call the dog rose "friendly." This plant brings much more benefits than harm. So, how to prepare a decoction of dry rose hips, from flowers, seeds and other medicinal raw materials? Before giving an answer to this question, it is worthwhile to understand the useful properties of the plant, indications and contraindications to the application.

Hips properties

Briar is a source of nutrients. First, the medicinal plant is rich in vitamin C. It is necessary for many oxidation-reduction processes occurring in the body. Secondly, the plant has valuable microelements. This is iron and copper. Due to the first microelement, hemoglobin is formed, and thanks to the second, red blood cells mature.

"How to prepare a decoction of dry hips; Application of medicines from plants "is a useful topic. It is worth familiaring with all people. All products (decoctions, infusions, tinctures) of rose hips include a huge number of different substances and have the following useful properties:

  • Bactericidal;
  • Restorative;
  • Antimicrobial;
  • Choleretic;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Diuretic;
  • Wound-healing;
  • Antiatherosclerotic.

Useful parts of dog rose

You can get a lot of means from rosehips: decoction, alcohol tincture, butter, etc. The simplest preparation is a decoction. To make it, you can use the leaves of a dogrose. They are collected on dry and clear warm days, and then dried. After that, the leaves are peeled, cleaned of impurities, ground into small pieces and fried in an oven on a baking sheet.

The broth can also be made from the roots of the dog rose. They are made to be harvested in late autumn or early spring. The roots of dog rose are thoroughly washed, crushed and dried. Dried particles can be slightly fried. Thanks to this, the drink becomes original, more robust.

Many people ask how to prepare a broth of wild rose from dry fruits. This tool is the most delicious and useful. Fruits are harvested in September or October, carefully sorted, scraping from debris and spoiled particles, and dried in the oven. Burns can not be allowed, because the wrongly prepared product will not give the expected result. In addition, the broth from the burnt fruit will turn out to be bitter in taste.

Indications for use

How to cook a decoction of dry hips, will it benefit from this drink? Answering this question, it is worth noting that a medicinal plant can strengthen the body and contribute to an early recovery. That is why broths and tinctures of wild rose are recommended by folk healers for various diseases, injuries, wounds:

  • With influenza;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Disruption of gastrointestinal function;
  • Women's diseases, etc.

Rosehip can be used by absolutely healthy people. It is especially useful to drink medicines prepared from this plant in the autumn-winter period. Rosehip strengthens the body's resistance to infectious diseases, contributes to increased efficiency.

Contraindications for use

How to cook a decoction of dry rose hips? Harm can not cause this drink? Rosehip, like any drug, has contraindications. These include:

  • An ulcer of the stomach or duodenum;
  • Acute gastritis;
  • Increased acidity of the stomach;
  • Other serious ailments of the gastrointestinal tract.

Contraindication is a violation of the heart. Especially it is not recommended to drink broths and infusions to those people who have a tendency to form blood clots in the vessels. The reason why it is worth to abandon the dog rose is the high content of vitamin K (it increases blood coagulability).

Before you prepare a rich broth from dry hips, leaves, roots, flowers, it is worth considering that another contraindication is an allergy. Some people have an individual intolerance of dog rose. With such a problem, after receiving funds from a medicinal plant, reddenings appear on the skin, rashes. People complain of itching. After the manifestation of an allergic reaction from the use of dogrose is recommended to abandon.

Broth from the hips

How to cook a decoction of dry rose hips? There are two ways. People choosing the first option do the following:

  • Dried cinnardia (1 tablespoon) poured into a glass with boiling water;
  • Press the mixture for 10 hours;
  • Then boil it for about 10 minutes;
  • The finished medicine is passed through cheesecloth.

Adult people can drink half a glass twice a day (before meals). Children are allowed to give each day for 0.25 cups. To improve the taste of the remedy, you can add a little honey.

How to cook a decoction of dry rose hips? Here is the second recipe:

  • Take 1 tablespoon of cynarrodia;
  • Pour boiling water (1 glass is needed);
  • To insist during the day;
  • Boil for 10 minutes;
  • Again insist for a couple of hours.

Before use, the decoction is filtered through gauze. Drink the drug before meals half a cup three times a day.

Preparation of broth from leaves

Make a decoction of the leaves of dog rose quite simply. It is only necessary to perform the following actions:

  • Take 1 tablespoon dried and chopped rosehip leaves;
  • Pour water (1 glass);
  • Put on a stove and simmer for 1 minute;
  • Insist for an hour.

The ready-made broth, prepared from the leaves of the dogrose, is filtered through gauze, rolled up in several layers before use. Drink the drug for 0.5 cup three times a day (after breakfast, lunch and dinner).

Preparation of broth from roots

The drug can be prepared from the roots of the dog rose. For this you need:

  • Take 2 tablespoons of ground roots;
  • Fall asleep in a small enamel pan;
  • Pour a glass of boiling water;
  • Put on the stove, including a small fire;
  • Keep in a state of boil for a quarter of an hour;
  • Remove from the plate, wrap in a dense fabric and let it brew.

After cooling, the product must be filtered through gauze. Take a decoction from the roots can be four times a day for 0.5 cup. Treatment should be carried out throughout the week. After a 7-day course, you need a break for 2 weeks. Then it is recommended to continue treatment.

Preparation of decoction from seeds

How to cook a decoction of dry rosehips is not the only question that interests people who have decided to try a healing plant. Many people ask folk healers about how to make a decoction based on the hips. The recipe is quite simple:

  • To draw seeds with a teaspoon;
  • Pour water (1 glass is required);
  • Put on a stove and keep in a boil state for 10 minutes;
  • Infuse 2 hours.

The broth, prepared according to the above recipe, also needs to be filtered through gauze. Drink medicinal need in a warm form three times a day for 0.25 cup (before eating food).

Preparation of decoction from flowers of dog rose

Miraculous drink is obtained from flowers of wild rose. The recipe is as follows:

  • Take 3 tablespoons of dried medicinal raw materials (fresh flowers of dog rose also fit);
  • Brew in the same way as regular tea;
  • Insist half an hour.

Prepared medicine medicine men advise to use 0.5 glasses three times a day (after meals). You can drink broth and instead of tea. To do this, it must be diluted with water in the ratio of 1 to 2. It is allowed to add sweets (for example jam).

In conclusion, it should be noted that the dog rose a few centuries ago was very appreciated. Under Ivan the Terrible, for this miraculous medicinal plant, they could give away any riches. At present, dog rose is widely used in folk medicine. "How to prepare a decoction of wild rose from dried fruits?" - a question that many people are asking, because this drink is very useful. It helps with colds. It also has a positive effect on the nervous system, reduces bleeding, promotes the healing of bone and soft tissues and the recovery of the body.

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