Education, Secondary education and schools
Educational program for additional education of children. Recommendations for the development of a supplementary education program for children
The educational program for additional education of children is made on the basis of certain requirements for such documents. If the invented programs do not match the federal second generation programs, they will not be allowed to use.
Regulatory framework
The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" states that in its activities the educator is guided by educational programs that must fully meet the requirements set by the new educational standards. General education is associated with the solution of problems relating to the formation of a growing generation of culture. The educational program for the additional education of children should facilitate the conscious choice of future professional activities. Extra-hour activities should help the child adapt to the conditions of modern society.
What is additional. education?
The educational program for the establishment of additional education for children can have a different orientation, contributing to the harmonious development of schoolchildren. In addition to specialized institutions - music and sports schools, choreographic and art studios, there are universal centers for additional education. In them, the children are offered a variety of mugs and sections, for each teacher a personal program is created.
Structure of programs
For it, an exemplary structure is proposed, in which the main sections should be highlighted:
- Substantiation of significance (explanatory note);
- An indication of its difference from existing analogues (uniqueness);
- Educational-thematic planning;
- A description of the main sections of the program;
- The description of the requirements for schoolchildren;
- Methodical set (for the teacher, for the children);
- A bibliographic list with the sources that were used in the development of the program.
Let's take a closer look at each section. When justifying the relevance of the material chosen as a basis for additional education, it is necessary to indicate those distinctive features that help to develop the child's personality.
When making comparisons between the new methodology and those programs that have been successfully adapted, it is desirable to note the uniqueness, the individuality of the new development.
In connection with the introduction of new federal educational standards into the modern education system, certain rules have been developed for the design and content of educational planning, not only for classical subjects, but also for extracurricular activities. In addition to the title of the lesson, the teacher should identify the main elements that will be discussed during the lesson. Also, the teacher identifies the main scientific concepts that are introduced in each individual lesson.
When describing the sections of the program, the detailed content of the topic should be indicated, the key points that will be considered maximally developed by the teacher are highlighted.
The content aspect
The educational program of additional education for children is focused on the following points:
- Creation of favorable conditions for self-development of the child's personality, its self-improvement;
- Formation of the pupil's full understanding of the modern world;
- The education of a citizen and a person who is aimed at improving society;
- Development and reproduction of the cadre of the society.
The educational program for the additional education of children is carried out in accordance with the plan and schedule of the educational process.
Goals and objectives of additional education
They assume the provision of upbringing, education, harmonious development of preschool and school-age children. That is why the educational program for the establishment of additional education for children should correspond to:
- Cultural Russian and foreign traditions, national specifics of the region;
- The level of primary, preschool, and school education;
- Modern educational technologies.
The educational program for additional education of children in the school has a scientific and technical, physical culture, sports, science, art, military-patriotic orientation.
An interesting example of additional education is the circle for making a clay toy. In addition to the practical activities associated with the creation of their own hands of clay are different souvenirs, students receive information about the main characteristics of this material. Such skills can become for them the beginning of a conscious choice of future professional activity.
Modern technologies in additional education
The educational program of additional education of children in school is not possible without the use of innovative methods and technologies. Design and research technology are indispensable in the implementation of classes in chemistry, ecology, biology, chemistry. The gaming technique is used in classes in choreographic studios. Mugs of artistic orientation suggest an individual approach. Due to distance education it became possible to implement educational programs for additional education of children located in remote locations from large cities.
The purpose of additional education
After the introduction into the modern educational system of federal state standards of the second generation, attention to extracurricular activities has increased. The general educational program of additional education for children is aimed at:
- Building optimal conditions for the formation of the child's personality;
- Achievement of a favorable emotional mood for the younger generation;
- Acquaintance of children with universal values;
- Implementation of prevention of antisocial behavior;
- Increasing motivation for creativity and knowledge of the world around us.
The educational program of the teacher of additional education for children should be aimed at strengthening the physical and mental health of children. The teacher works in close cooperation with the family to provide the most favorable conditions for the self-development of their pupils.
Features of the content of program elements
The main educational program of additional education for children begins with a title page. It indicates the full name of the institution of additional (general) education. Further information is recorded about when, by whom, where the educational program for the organization of additional children's education was approved. Then, its name is indicated, as well as the age of the children for whom the program was created, the period of its implementation, the year of creation.
The explanatory note describes the direction, novelty, purpose and objectives, as well as the main differences from similar developments. The content of the educational program for the additional education of children includes the form and mode of the sessions, the expected results, the option of determining their effectiveness.
In the educational-thematic plan, it is proposed to list topics, sections, and the number of hours. The requirements for the educational program of additional education for children submitted by the GEF include an indication of the form of summing up the results of the activities carried out in the form of a competition, a festival, an exhibition, an educational and research conference.
Sample of the supplementary education program
Your attention is offered an approximate educational program for the additional education of children, which has a vividly expressed research focus.
Explanatory note to the program
Before a modern teacher, a rather complex task is posed: the formation of a harmoniously developed personality in modern conditions. Due to the fact that there are strict requirements for school and scientific research, as well as to the rules for the design of the experiment, the teacher should pay serious attention to carrying out experimental activities on the basis of an educational institution. Such work implies the search for optimal opportunities for the formation in the pupils of the desire for self-education, development.
To increase the effectiveness of the learning process, it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of each student. Due to the limited experimental work during traditional lessons, it is not always possible to pay attention to practical activities. In this regard, teachers are developing their own programs for design and research work to make the process of obtaining new knowledge for schoolchildren more interesting and comfortable.
The duration of the program depends on the specifics of the discipline under study, the complexity of the scientific theory used in the course of the study. For high school students, the course involves a link between different academic disciplines. Those guys who are fully involved in research and projects get a chance for further development. The main difference between the program and its analogues is its adaptation for any age of schoolchildren. This universality guarantees the development of cognitive interest in the younger generation, regardless of the initial intellectual level of schoolchildren.
The main goal of the course on research and project activities is to instill in students love for scientific work. The main tools for implementing the planned plans are: methodical programs, innovative pedagogical technologies. Despite the variety of techniques developed for working with schoolchildren in post-school hours, the leading positions belong to differentiated teaching, gaming technology, and also to the project method.
At the introductory lesson, schoolchildren get an understanding of the importance of research, their varieties, focus, specificity of using the results obtained during work in the school laboratory. The teacher explains to his pupils the rules for putting forward a hypothesis, setting the goal, highlighting the research tasks. In addition, special attention is paid to the rules of the experiment. For example, the teacher explains to schoolchildren the significance of conducting a series of experiments (at least three) in order to talk about the reliability of the result. It is within the framework of additional education that the younger generation is also involved in the mathematical processing of results, and in the search for measurement errors. Studies conducted during after-hours are not limited to practical exercises. Children who are engaged in such clubs or circles, learn to present the results of their experiments, that is, they receive public protection skills. The statistics show that those students who, while studying at the school, paid attention to design and research activities, become more successful, easier to study in higher education, they easily adapt to life in modern society. In addition to working in the laboratory, projects and research can be conducted on the basis of humanitarian disciplines. A variety of sociological studies related to the study of the personal qualities of adolescents are particularly relevant and interesting for modern schoolchildren. Similar experiments are also made with certain requirements, which the children get acquainted with in the framework of modern supplementary education programs.
Without a developed system of extracurricular education, it is impossible to form a full-fledged personality. That is why in recent years, serious attention has been paid to the development of additional education centers. One of the key moments concerning the modern standard of the teacher, the discussion of which is currently taking place, is the implementation of supplementary education programs, that is, working with children in addition to the usual lessons. The most common areas of additional education are currently considered to be tourism and local lore activities. Teachers are trying to instil in the rising generation of love for their native land, to develop domestic tourism. The problem of spiritual and moral education has a special significance in modern society. There are various military-patriotic studios and associations for which words such as duty, honor, conscience are key. Tourist and environmental clubs and studios mainly function on the basis of tourism centers, sports schools. Gradually modernizing the system of additional education in ordinary educational schools, aimed at developing the personality of the child.
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