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Dzhungar hamsters: care and maintenance at home

Choosing a hamster as a pet, you are not in the least mistaken. First, this small animal is very sweet. Secondly, its content does not require much of your time and money. Thirdly, hamsters do not take too much space in your apartment. Fourthly, they are silent and will not bother you much. Fifthly, you yourself will become attached to this little creature in a short time and love it.

Features of the breed of dzhungar hamsters

Dzhungar hamsters, whose care and maintenance practically do not differ from similar events for hamsters of other species, require attention and caresses of the owners. Often inexperienced buyers are not able to distinguish this species, because they do not know the characteristic features. Dzungariks are very similar to the Campbells, but their differences are obvious: the color can be brown, black and gray, while the hamster-campbells are lighter tones. The wool of Dzhungar hamsters is fluffy, evenly planted, and in campbells it grows unevenly. In the jungariks, the strip along the back is wider and darker, and a diamond-shaped pattern can be seen on the head.

Do you have jungar hamsters? Care and maintenance Must obey certain rules. So, you need to know that these little animals are fighting among themselves for owning their own territory. Therefore, it is impossible to put two or more hamsters in one cage "for the company". Animals can ruin each other, they will be hostile, worrying about how to hide food supplies and so that no one interferes with them.

For a hamster, a small aquarium or a three-liter can serve as a dwelling, at the bottom of which it is necessary to fill 2-4 cm of sawdust or scraps of paper. If this is an aquarium, be sure to equip it with a secluded place to sleep - a small plywood house. Hamsters are very active and cheerful by nature. Therefore, he must have enough space for games and running. If the jungar hamster is inactive , illnesses tend to cling to it more often, so get him a wheel to run, and also fantasize and create a certain trunk of tubes in the form of a labyrinth. The animal will actively move, and it will be interesting for you to observe it.

Dzhungar hamsters, whose care and maintenance are very similar to caring for other rodents, feed on grains, seeds and special food from the pet store. For them, the "human" food is unacceptable, From indigestion they can simply die. It is forbidden to feed the animals with chips, salted rusks and nuts.

They are night animals, at the late hour they are actively "working" in their house, rustle a little with paper and run around. Dzhungar hamsters, whose care and maintenance meet the above requirements, remain active for a year and do not go into hibernation. This is also facilitated by maintaining the optimum temperature + 18-21 degrees. At 10 degrees the hamster falls asleep and can sleep for several months.

The Dzhungar hamster (pictured above) is very clean. In the cage, he takes a corner for the toilet. It is not necessary to wash it in water, but a bath of sand can be arranged once a week. If you follow our recommendations, your pet will be active, healthy and will please its kind of all household members.

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