Spiritual developmentDream Interpreter

Dream Interpreter. What does the food dream about?

As you know, in nighttime dreams you can see a variety of images and objects. And for a long time a person is interested in the question of what a dream can mean. After all, it is possible that these visions indicate some events in the future or are a reflection of the current situation in real life. Today we offer to understand together what the food is dreaming about. To this end, we turn to the most popular collections of interpretations of night dreams.

Gustav Miller's Dream Book

What does the famous American esotericist interpret the image in question? According to Gustav Miller, eating in a dream indicates that, probably in real life, you allow careless and inattentive treatment of documents relating to your work or business. Such an approach may well negatively affect the results of labor. Why dream about eating food? If in your dreams you were eating alone, then, in the near future, you might expect a small loss. With their consequences, you can easily cope. The vision in which you eat in a pleasant society is considered a good sign, promising to receive benefits and achieve success in business. If you dreamed that a waiter or another person serving a table is carrying away a meat dish you have not eaten, then soon you will have to go through the offense inflicted by those whom you do not respect.

Dream Interpretation of Freud

Why do we have a lot of food, in the opinion of the founder of psychoanalysis? Representatives of the strong half of humanity, a large amount of food in night dreams indicates that their sexual appetite flares up very quickly. At times one glance at an attractive woman is enough. In this case, the dreamer should always remember about his similar physiological characteristics and try to control himself. A small amount of food in the night vision predicts a man meeting with an indifferent to the carnal pleasures of the fair sex. A woman, after seeing such an image, may enter into a relationship with a person having problems with potency.

Ancient French dream book

How do the compilers of this collection consider eating in nighttime dreams? So, if you dreamed that you eat alone, then you may be at risk of illness or financial problems. The vision, in which you are eating in the company of a cheerful company, indicates that in real life you can not avoid making frivolous acts, as well as rash expenses and expenses.

Russian dream book

What does the food dream about according to the interpretations from this collection? The authors of this source argue that food is a symbol of hospitality and prosperity in the house. Therefore, all food is regarded as a gift from above and points to some favorable events. People with whom you share a meal in a dream are your friends and waking. If you are disliked by the person sitting at the table with you, you can not rule out a conflict with him in real life. The spoiled food is considered by this collection as a foretaste of future troubles.

Psychoanalytic dream book

In the opinion of the compilers of this collection, if you constantly dream about eating, then in real life you are striving to get more power, love and money. A thorough chewing of food indicates your sexual dissatisfaction. If you imagined that you are giving someone food, then in reality you want to dominate this person, subordinating him to your will. If the food in your nightly dreams is part of a ritual, then in real life you should carefully observe social norms.

Dream for lovers

We learn how this vision of the food treats this collection. Why do you dream about a table full of food that you share with a nice person? This vision portends luck and harmony in a relationship with the beloved. If you dreamed that you were eating alone, in real life you are expected to be separated and cooled relationships with your partner. A vision in which you sit on a strict diet, but you can not drive away the thought of delicious food, indicates that in reality you will do everything possible to overcome the love that has arisen in relation to a representative of the opposite sex that you have known for a long time. Sleep, in which you with a great appetite literally attack food, is considered a good sign. So, he predicts that after a long loneliness and complexities in your personal life, you will have a great love, which you have always dreamed of.

Dream Aculina

If you imagined that you are preparing food, then you will have a quiet and prosperous life. Your family will be strong, and you will never face financial difficulties. The authors of this collection of interpretations are advised on the day when you dreamed of this image, in fact prepare a dish that was made in the vision. If this is impossible for any reason, then just imagine its taste and aroma.

Ancient English dream book

We will find out what the food that is priched is promised according to the opinion of the authors of this collection. The vision in which you eat alone is considered a bad sign. It promises a break with a loved one, scandals in the family, as well as problems in business. Why do you dream about a table full of food that you eat in the environment of pleasant people? Such a vision promises a true friendship, a strong family and success in all matters and endeavors.

Dream Interview Master of Dreams

This collection treats food as accepting and absorbing some experience as a result of communication with people, obtaining information, etc. What does the food on the table dream about? Here everything depends on the quality and quantity of food. If the food was tasty and there was a lot of it, then you will have a positive experience. If on the contrary, we should expect some problems and difficulties. Cooking in a dream promises scandals and troubles. In particular, this applies to cases when you are frying something. Eat food - to disappointment, the occurrence of obstacles on the way. If you eat with greed, then in real life you will probably have to face very annoying delays in business. Share with someone food - give the person a piece of himself, his love.

Dream Medea

The authors of this source consider food mainly as food not for the body, but for the mind. If you eat alone, you will soon gain invaluable experience and knowledge. If you are eating in the company, you can solve some problem by exchanging ideas and information with other people.

Collection of tips received in a dream

The authors of this source say that food is a reflection of your needs and the state of your affairs. Why do we have delicious food on a beautifully decorated table? If such a spectacle does not cause you stormy emotions, then in the near future you will be successful in business. If, however, when you look at the dishes you are overwhelmed by a terrible hunger or you greedily attack food, absorbing it without any measure, then, most likely, your wishes will come to life very soon. For a rich man, such a dream can be a harbinger of loss of well-being, and to the poor man he points out that every day his life grows with a number of unfulfilled desires. The vision in which the purchase of food takes place promises big expenses and financial losses.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

The vision, in which the food figured, according to the compilers of this collection, portends a good appetite from the very morning, as well as high business activity that will continue throughout the whole working day. To eat something in a dream is to deceive. And it's not at all necessary that someone will round you around your finger . It is possible that you will go to deception to achieve your own profit. A very appetizing looking food that literally haunts you throughout the entire dream, indicates a possible separation from your relatives or parting with a faithful friend. If you imagined that you ate a very tasteless and unsuitable food, then in real life you risk becoming a victim of racketeers. Vomiting after such a meal indicates that you can lose some valuable thing that is unsafe to store at home.

Cooking in a dream meal - to meet with people dear to you on some very pleasant occasion. If you treat someone with a dish prepared by you and receive a compliment, then in real life, you will receive some kind of joyful message. Why do you have a lot of food on the table, for which you have breakfast? Such a vision predicts favorable changes in life. This is especially relevant for representatives of intellectual work. If you see a dining table in front of you with a small amount of food, on which you do not have the usual dishes and food, then perhaps in the near future you will have a good reason to seriously think about important life problems. The vision in which you are eating alone, indicates that very soon a good mood and an optimistic view of things will replace the gloomy thoughts that have overcome you lately.

If you dream that you eat at a party, having a pleasant conversation with the owners of the house and enjoying the dishes cooked superbly, then you will have a great success in business. And if you at the same time savor a magnificent dessert, then you will be accompanied by happiness in love.

Сонник XXI века

If you dreamed at night that you want to eat, but you did not satisfy your appetite, then in real life your food can cause fear. So think about what you eat. Perhaps you should reduce the share of fast food and other harmful products and include more healthy food in your diet. If you dream that someone from your friends or relatives eats something, then this person's illness can await. And its severity will depend on how appetizing the food was absorbed. Vision, in which you are selected food, promises betrayal, betrayal and separation from a loved one.

What do you dream about eating in a dream, which you cut with a knife to eat? This vision promises success in business. If you dream that you are biting off big chunks, then your inattention can cause serious losses. A vision in which you break a tooth, trying to bite something or chew, indicates that in the near future your attempts to achieve success will be in vain. Swallow a large chunk of food - to the secret joy. If you lick something (for example, ice cream), then you can achieve your goal through patience and flattery. To suck a piece of food - to well-being, respect and a strong family. Various delicacies in a dream are seen as a symbol of desires that will never come true. If you eat some malosedobnoe dish, then in the near future you risk becoming a victim of unscrupulous slander. The vision in which you are making jelly and pouring it into a large number of molds, indicates that before you take up the planned case, you will have to perform a lot of bureaucratic formalities.

If you eat a delicious borsch in a dream, you will get very pleasant news, which in actual fact will turn out to be a fake or deceit. Brewing soup - to the loss of independence and freedom. If you dream that you are eating cheesecake, then you are waiting for a new job or promotion in office. To eat waffles - to forbidden pleasures, which many people can condemn. If you are enjoying a great dessert in a dream, then in real life you will finally be able to pay off with small debts that are hanging on you with heavy weight. There is a vinaigrette - to the appearance in your life of turmoil, as a result of which it will be very difficult for you to put things in order and put everything in its place. Appetizing fries, which you eat with pleasure, indicates that some lack of self-confidence that has arisen in your recent past will very soon disappear. The dream in which you feed your baby porridge predicts a successful resolution of current problems with the help of relatives. Eating canned food promises impossibility in the near future to expand the circle of acquaintances. Also, perhaps, this vision points to the fact that representatives of the opposite sex will not pay any attention to you for a while. If you dream that you are enjoying the deliciously prepared dishes on the holiday, then in the near future you will be accompanied by joy, a good mood. Also a similar vision may indicate a pleasant journey.

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