Spiritual developmentDream Interpreter

Interpretation: hand (men, women, children). Hold your hand - what does this dream portend? Dream Interpretation: A Child in His Hands

Sometimes the dreams are so that you can not even understand whether it is worth analyzing them. It's about perception. It's just that we consider some things so common that it does not occur to them to concentrate on them. But the subconscious mind seeks to give us a signal, so it's better to look through the dream book. The hand is an example of an image that does not catch imagination. However, its significance in the dream is large enough. Let's figure it out.

Ancient interpretation

What does the dream book tell us? The hand in the night vision has a quite traditional, well-known interpretation. Concentration on her in a dream speaks of close people. This is most likely the older relatives told you. At the same time, the right palm denotes men, the left one, respectively, of women. It turns out that the picture or event, where the hand appears, tell about something connected with relatives. If you saw yourself without the upper limb, then you must survive the loss. And according to the hand that was missing, it is possible to judge which of the relatives will have to part. By the way, not always the plot predicts the death of someone, said the dream book. The hand, rather, shows the level of intimacy and openness in the relationship. Her loss speaks of disagreement, quarrel, rupture. Only sometimes, when you saw more blood, you can talk about a sad event. There is one more traditional interpretation, which describes not one dream book. Hands symbolize our present and future. On the plot with the extremities tried to figure out what to pay attention to, what worries exist or will arise in life. It is worth discussing this in more detail.

Hands in a dream will tell about the present and future events

Let's start with an example. The whole point is that it is quite difficult to interpret the look and nuances of the plots in which the hands are featured. There are, however, certain rules on which it is proposed to orient. You saw dirt on your hands - wait for trouble. So says the dream book. Hands in the blood are generally considered a symbol of serious ills. But these are quite general descriptions. Let us return to the time event symbols. The right hand says about the present, the left one predicts the future, it was considered in the old days. It is clear that it is necessary to remember specifically which of the palms has attracted your attention in a dream. If, for example, the left hand turned out to be dirty, then bad events are ahead. It can be harm from enemies or own mistakes, betrayal or slip. If the dirt in the dream was on your right hand, then the situation of your affairs is currently unenviable. It is necessary to do analysis, identify problems and draw up a plan for their solution. In the old days they said that it's good to admire your own beautiful hands. It is a sign of well-being and a calm flow of life. Perhaps, such a plot is the only one that did not cause concern for our ancestors. The rivers of the child predicted a pleasant surprise.


Ladies of all ages often wear rings or bracelets. They, of course, have their own meanings for the thoughtful decoder of night visions. However, it is recommended to supplement them with general interpretations concerning decorated hands. Fortunately, such a plot almost never carries negative information. Beautiful jewels themselves speak of fast riches, according to the dream book. The rings on the woman's hands symbolize the fans. The more of them, the more popular will be the beautiful dreamer. Be proud and bully nose is not worth it. Think of this state of affairs as a well-deserved reward. Hence, recently the behavior was highly virtuous and decent. Keep it up! It's good when the ring sees a lonely person. It is worth internally preparing for a change of position. This person will soon become the focus of attention for people of the opposite sex. Among the fans will refuse the one with whom you can associate your life! Bad, if on your fingers were broken or dirty decorations. Arrogance does not allow us to build a normal relationship to such a dreamer. And for what period of time the vision indicates, look at the hand (the rule is described above). Of course, it is desirable to change the worldview and appreciate not only yourself, but also other people.


This is another often encountered ambiguous story. It is always worth asking a dream book about him. The hand on contact can be any, as well as sensations. They contain a lot of information. Detailed description of all the places is not enough. But we are not afraid of difficulties! If you yourself initiated a handshake, you love to be friends and know how. The dream speaks of the fact that the same kind and faithful comrades are close by. Feel free to rely on them! If an unpleasant person stretches out your hand, practically forcing you to contact, beware of cunning people. To you, the intriguer and traitor seek to be trusted. Especially it is necessary to be after such vision to attentive women, the dream book assures. The man's hand in the night story tells about the state of their personal safety. If she was warm and affectionate, a woman should not beware. When the touch or the appearance of the palm turned out to be repulsive, unpleasant, you should carefully look at the boyfriends. One of them insidiously prepares a terrible trap for the imprudent prelestress. Interesting story, when you shake hands with a famous person. This is the sign of the appearance of an influential patron who will solve all your problems. If a person shakes his hand in a dream, wanting to comfort or inspire confidence, this is a sign of parting or a serious quarrel. Most likely, a quarrel will occur with someone who appeared in your dream.

Especially for the beautiful half of humanity

Sleeping in a dream, men's hands predict a domineering husband of a girl or son-in-law to a woman of an older age. However, this person, although it will limit it, but loving, without seriously harming either health or self-esteem. In general, it is worth to listen to him with respect, then no problems are foreseen. If the lady admired her palms and was satisfied, nothing will overshadow her life. To look with envy on other people's hands, comparing them with their own, is a bad sign. Jealousy and envy seize your soul. Agree, this is a heavy load. Try after such a dream to control emotions, do good deeds, so as not to get into the network of "black energy". To admire the girl's masculine hands - to matchmaking, to a woman - to the appearance of a passionate gentleman. Beware of such a vision is recommended only to married ladies. You understand, you have to face a choice: duty or pleasure. How do you solve this problem? The plot portends a "storm" in the soul, on which the forces and energy so necessary for the family will begin to go away - the dream book warns.

The child on arms or hand to what?

This question, perhaps, is asked most often. It is necessary to focus on the sex of the child, said the dream book. A boy in his arms appears in astral walks before the start of a new project. They say that the baby means something. Once he was in your hands, you know, you'll have to take full responsibility for his move and the result on your own shoulders. That is, prepare for hard work. A girl, as is commonly believed, means a miracle in real life. If you carried it on your hands, you will be amazed at some event or information. When the child was cheerful and healthy, life will bring a pleasant surprise. This is what the fair-haired baby says. Dark hair or unhealthy appearance of a girl is a bad sign. I'll have to go through an unpleasant surprise associated with current affairs, assures the dream book. The child on hands still speaks about character of the person who has remembered such plot. This person is responsible and reliable, respected by others. It is necessary to reconcile that, besides all pleasant privileges, such an attitude in society imposes duties.

Sleep predicts that people will turn to you for help. Try not to deny anyone from a whim or due to laziness. To gain authority is difficult, and he runs away faster than a deer, it is only worth one small mistake. Men also give special advice to the dream book. The girl in their hands promises success in important matters. It will be extremely pleasant, as it will come unexpectedly, but deservedly. The boy in his arms is a sign of the forthcoming painstaking work.

Bad omens

There are several plots, of which there is no way to draw a good sense, warns the dream book. To hold the leper for the hand is definitely to some trouble. It is especially bad when this plot caused a dreamer's disgust or other negative emotions. To know, there is a lot of evil in your soul that is ready to break out. It is desirable to cope with emotions and turn to good. It's not good for a man to bite everyone, like a rabid dog, a dream book warns. Keeping a thief or a killer by the hand, trying to prevent the commission of a crime, is a sign of serious problems in one of the spheres of life. Most often such a plot predicts a clash with the law. Do not extinguish, the truth will be on your side. Sleep comes as a warning and encouragement. Try to follow the voice of conscience, realizing a fair attitude to events in practice. You will definitely win over evil! However, the path to it will be thorny and long. In this sense, the dream is not quite good. He predicts a period full of dangers and anxieties. Still extremely bad to notice near by an arm or a hand without a trunk. It is a sign of loss of strength and surrender before adverse circumstances. Ahead of a person, only losses are expected. Dreambook recommends to leave the business, relax and do not fuss. In time, and you will have good luck. In the meantime, do better health of the body and soul, not trying to prove to fate that you can overcome it.

Kissing hands

It's not good for a beautiful lady to see such a story. He predicts fans whose interest in the person will not be caused by her charm. Mercantile cunning hunters will surround her, trying to seduce. It is worthwhile to be on guard, not to get carried away by an external manifestation of violent feelings. Remember, ladies, that words are not proofs of sincere love. Focus on the actions of boyfriends.

When hands kiss a man, it means, unfortunately, that he has to survive betrayal. Most likely, it would be unworthy that the person who appeared in the dream. If a man kissed a man by a stranger, he should beware of the treachery of business partners whom he trusted to this day. The very kiss of someone's hands - to humiliation and disgrace. If a man dreams that he fell to the fingers of a woman of interest to him, he should more actively take care of her in real life. The lady is already exhausted, waiting for serious words or actions on his part. Indecisiveness only hurts. Kiss the hand of a charming stranger in dreams - to the appearance of a new friend, who will stay with you until the end of days and will present an unprecedented happiness.

Biting your hand

The dream interpreter recommends that you take particular care when dealing with scenes in which unpleasant or strange events appear. This, of course, is a bite. Agree, there is not much pleasure in such a dream. Most often it predicts the appearance of the enemy in reality. The danger for a while will become your constant companion. If a dog is bitten, an influential person sharpens a tooth on a dreamer, says the dream book. Bitten by the hand of someone themselves - will have to defend their rights. If the wild beast grabbed his wrist, be wary of robbers or bullies. There is a chance of falling into an unpleasant story. However, sleep indicates the possibility of avoiding an attack if you become more serious about your behavior, based on the rules of general security. In broad daylight, no one will attack you, and at night it will not be necessary to dive into dark corners at least for a while. If it was imagined that you were bitten by a vampire, try not to waste it. Money will be needed to solve a problem that you do not yet know exist. However, it will be serious, and it will be difficult to borrow. Sleep warns about the need to moderate appetites, so as not to be in a quandary.

Loss of upper limbs

Sleep is also not particularly favorable. A difficult period will have to be experienced by someone who saw himself without hands. A dream interpretation predicts a loss or a serious illness. Or maybe you will have to face law enforcement agencies or another service that will lay down the rights for your time and attention. In any case, to be without hands in a dream means to face limitations in one's own freedom in reality. Of course, this is not a sign of imprisonment. However, it will be extremely difficult to avoid serious obstacles. Most often, a dream speaks of a serious illness that will tie a person to bed for a long period. It's even worse to see how the hand is chopped off and the blood is gushing from the stump. It is clear that you will not envy the one who experienced such a plot in the astral. This is a sign of a huge loss. And I'll have to part with something (someone) immensely expensive. Tears will not help. Fate decided that you can take such a test. You can only advise one: meet him with dignity and courage! If I dreamed that someone else was left without hands, then this person will have problems. It will even be necessary to take part in their decision in one way or another. For example, if a brush is cut off to the head, he will be fired, and you will be assigned duties. But neither the reward, nor the promotion of such a plot does not guarantee. If you have crippled an expensive person, you will have to deal with his problems closely. Some time a loved one can not stand up for himself. So it happens ... Try not to show irritation, help a person.

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