Spiritual developmentMetaphysics

Does the name determine the destiny of a person?

When Raymond and Rosa Judge welcomed their son Igor in this world, they had not the slightest doubt what kind of profession their heir would choose. Even the maiden name of Mother Micalleff came from the Arabic word "judge", as well as the English judge. In the end, Igor Judge rose to the title of Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales. And this circumstance did not cause surprise in the circle of those who knew him. Since then, jokes about Lord Judge have been the most popular ones in Igor's entourage for several decades. Many of us are sure that the name and surname can radically affect the fate of a person. This is facilitated by several prerequisites.

The name predetermines our behavior in society

Do you also think that the person's name determines the future? With you, scholars of metaphysics associate each digit of the name with a digital code. However, in addition to this, there are a number of prerequisites that intrude upon the will of parents into your life. For example, girls with masculine names have more chances to move far along the career ladder. Well, the chances of finding a job are greater for those who have simple "old-fashioned" names.

"As a boat is called - so it will float" - it means that our distant ancestors were right, making their amazing observations. The name can influence even such trifles as the behavior of the child in school or the increase in the chances of popularity among peers. But the surname, in addition to determining the role of employment or success in life, can affect the composition of its owner.

Possible explanation

One of the most common explanations for this phenomenon is the subconscious of people. We, as social beings, are inclined to trust people who have been molded together with us from the same test - to representatives of the same race, nationality and culture. For example, in Russia the ancient Slavic and Greek names will always be popular. But the British "implicit selfishness" is manifested in trusting old-fashioned Victorian names. This means that people themselves impose certain stereotypes in society.

For example, among dentists in England there are many more men named Dennis than those whom parents call names with Latin or Greek roots. And this is not surprising. People treat "outsiders" with suspicion, so think about whether it is worth giving a child a rare name for his region. According to scientists, such people show a tendency to violate social principles, including the law. In fact, they swim against the current and challenge society. A child with a rare name is much harder to find friends, because peers tend to reject such a baby.

A trail following a man all his life

This effect can extend far beyond the school, for example, when entering a university or a job. Oxford University researcher Gregory Clark conducted a study in which he analyzed the statistics of students attending lectures. In total, 14,000 names were studied, among which a peculiar popularity rating was compiled. Eleanor was confidently leading, which was three times more in the walls of the university in comparison with Peter, Anna, Shane, Simon and Katherine combined. However, the girls Paige and Jade had more chances to enter a prestigious educational institution in comparison with a girl named Lakisha. Traditionally, the suffix "isha" is associated with immigrants from Africa or representatives of the working class.


In addition to belonging to the royal or noble estate, the name of the child must also have euphony. If it is pronounced with some difficulties (for example, those from other cultures), it automatically gives the kid the status of an outcast. Teachers can not cope with the pronunciation of the surname the first time? Your child is destined for the fate of a renegade who will be isolated from classmates, which will give him many complexes and a sense of anxiety. Echoes of rejection by peers can be observed even when leaving the junior level. Despite the fact that children are already getting used to outsiders, they become more violent in connection with the hormonal surge of the transitional age.

Demonstration experiment

This effect will also pass into adulthood, which is confirmed by an experiment conducted by American researchers. They posted in the newspapers fictional resumes of applicants. And in one case they were hypothetical representatives of the white race Emily Walsh and Greg Baker, and in the other there was a clear African-American sound: Lakisha Washington and Jamal Jones. As a result, Emily and Greg were invited twice for interviews. But fictional Lakish and Jamal had to settle for crumbs.

Random sounds of the name

Sounds in the name also determine the attitude towards its owner. For example, softly sounding Molly, Leo or Samantha are considered to be easily adaptable, friendly open. But the ruder consonances, including "p", "k", "d", are recognized by the society as more aggressive, angry, sarcastic and irritable.

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