HealthHealthy Eating

Diet in renal failure: the menu. Dietary table number 7

When a kidney failure is diagnosed , a person is faced with the fact that he should completely revise his diet. This pathology is associated with a state of organs in which the kidneys are not able to work in normal mode. Basically, the problem appears against the background of another developing disease.

The form of pathology can be acute or chronic. The first occurs quite suddenly because of shock or poisoning. And the second little by little reduces the functionality of the kidneys, during which the tissue gradually dies. The article discusses the issue of proper nutrition, a diet for kidney failure, a menu.

Reason for violation

It should be noted that the disease appears for various reasons. The acute phase of kidney failure can be provoked:

  • Problems associated with heart failure, arrhythmia and a decrease in blood circulation;
  • Kidney infections, such as pyelonephritis or nephritis;
  • Pathologies that impede the patency of the genitourinary system.

Chronic form is associated with urolithiasis, metabolic disorders, diabetes, vascular pathologies, rheumatic and genetic diseases.

It is clear that the ailment is due to the fact that the body is not able to cope with its main functions, including digestion and assimilation of substances. That is why a special diet should be considered in case of kidney failure, the menu of which will be discussed below.

Fundamentals of proper nutrition

All food should be based on removing the maximum load from the kidneys and getting rid of swelling, if any. To do this, a day should not eat more than 60 grams of animal protein. Sometimes the dose is reduced to 40 grams. Necessary amino acids should be obtained from fish, meat or poultry. The consumption of salt should be kept under strict control. The maximum allowable amount should not be more than one gram per day. But, naturally, it is individual, depending on how long the body is able to retain liquid in itself.

Despite the low protein intake, the daily caloric intake should be high enough. It comes from fat and carbohydrates. So, it is recommended to have protein-free bread made from wheat and corn flour, rice noodles and mousse on starch. In addition, the diet should contain vitamins obtained from berries and fruits, as well as freshly squeezed juices.

At the same time, you should completely abandon those drinks and foods that irritate the kidneys. These include:

  • alcohol;
  • Broths thick;
  • chocolate;
  • Black tea;
  • Sharp spices;
  • Smoked products, as well as pickled and canned products.

In a small number are allowed:

  • Oily fish;
  • caviar;
  • Beans;
  • Fermented milk products;
  • dried fruits;
  • Nuts;
  • Seeds.

Eating at the beginning of the disease

If the disease only arose, then a diet should be prescribed for kidney failure. The menu will include the usual dishes, but a small fraction of them change slightly. For example, protein is reduced to 70 grams per day. Sometimes the specialists use the formula according to which the amount of the biologically active substance consumed depends on the weight of a person.

The main part should be of plant origin (for example, vegetables, cereals, lentils and beans, as well as nuts). These products have many alkaline compounds, due to which they are better excreted from the body. Initially, the consumption of salt is reduced quite a bit. Daily it is allowed to eat up to 6 grams of food. And if the excretion of urine is increased, then salt can be consumed and more.

The diet should contain more vegetables and fruits. From the first it is good to make salads, pouring them with olive or other vegetable oil. It is also useful to do unloading days, which are arranged once a week. At this time, eat, for example, watermelon, apples or pumpkin. The amount of liquid that is drunk during the day should be more by 500 milliliters of what is excreted from the body.

Menu at the initial stage of the disease

For the day, you can offer the following menu to the person who has this stage of the disease:

  • Breakfast consists of a light tea with honey or jam, boiled chicken eggs and a couple of boiled potatoes.
  • At a snack drink herbal tea and eat sour cream or yogurt.
  • Eat a bowl of soup and vegetable stew.
  • For dinner, you can eat rice porridge on milk and have a cup of tea with jam.

Chronic stage

With this disease, kidney work gets worse and worse. At this stage, a more strict diet is needed than in the previous case. The body is poisoned by its own metabolic products, which is why many internal organs are affected. In addition to careful calculation of the daily dose of proteins, unsalted food should be consumed. Milk, vegetables and fruits, as well as mushrooms significantly reduce in quantity. Some foods must be completely excluded from the diet. These include bananas, apricots, dried fruits, spicy food and sausages. It is allowed to drink tomato, apple, cherry and lemon juices.

Menu in the chronic stage of the disease

At the same time, a day should receive up to 3000 kilocalories. An approximate menu for a day with a chronic stage of kidney failure may be as follows:

  • Breakfast consists of a vegetable salad with rice and tea pudding.
  • On the snack you can eat grated carrots with sugar.
  • For dinner, prepare soup from vegetables, boiled poultry and boiled potatoes, and for a dessert drink a glass of compote.
  • In the afternoon snack includes a decoction of wheat with sugar or jelly from berries.
  • For dinner, cook a chicken egg and make pancakes with tea.

Acute stage

During periods of exacerbation a person may not have any appetite at all. This often causes nausea and even vomiting. Naturally, in such moments there is no desire. However, this is necessary, since hunger and thirst increase the breakdown of protein, and the exchange of minerals and nitrogen is disturbed even more. The protein in the diet should be about 20 grams per day. You can drink milk, eat eggs, cream and sour cream, as well as berries, fruits, honey, butter and rice.

Diet in renal failure: the menu

An approximate menu per day in this case can be as follows:

  • Breakfast consists of tea with whole grain bread and fruits.
  • You can eat yogurt for a snack.
  • In the afternoon they make knots from potatoes and flour, as well as salad with vegetables and jelly from berries.
  • On a mid-morning snack they eat berries, for example, blueberries, blueberries and strawberries.
  • Dinner can consist of fish cutlets, steamed, and vegetables.

For diabetics

In the morning, diabetics are best to eat porridge and drink not strong tea without sugar. Between breakfast and lunch you can eat fruits, such as mandarin or orange. The ideal dinner will come from borscht cooked on vegetable broth, as well as a glass of compote. For a mid-morning snack drink a glass of juice from vegetables and eat chicken, vegetable salad and drink herbal tea.

Table 7

At the initial stage of diabetes, diet number 7 is the most common. It usually consists of the following products:

  • In the morning they eat an egg, hard-boiled, buckwheat and drink tea.
  • At the bake prepare a baked pumpkin.
  • Dinner consists of milk soup, poultry, casserole and mors.
  • For an afternoon snack - an orange.
  • At dinner make a vinaigrette, boil fish and drink a glass of yogurt.

Consider several recipes for preparing meals for renal failure, which are included in both table 7 and other diets.

First meal

As hot first dishes, vegetable soup, broth, borshch vegetarian, cabbage soup and other are prepared. Here are a few recipes.

For vegetable soup take a hundred grams of potatoes and white cabbage, 60 grams of carrots, a glass of milk, 30 grams of butter and a decoction of vegetables. Vegetables in a refined form boil, rub on a sieve and add to the broth, which is poured and heated milk. All the ingredients are boiled for a few minutes.

Vegetarian borsch includes the following products: 150 grams of potatoes, beets and white cabbage, 100 grams of tomato, 50 grams of carrots and sour cream, and 30 grams of onions, butter and greens. Vegetables shred, and the beets are rubbed on a large grater and boiled. Before serving, the dish is added chopped herbs, as well as sour cream.

The first dish can be prepared and on fruit. To do this, take a hundred grams of currants, apples and plums, orange peel, cream and half a dessert spoon of starch. Fruits are washed, carved and cleaned. Then they cook, then brew in starch, which is bred in cold water, season with crusts of orange, sugar and add cream to taste.

Second courses

Particularly diverse can be the second course. Cook, for example, boiled meat or meat puree, boiled fish with vegetables, buckwheat, rice and oatmeal, casseroles, baked apples, sauces on sour cream or milk.

To prepare meat puree take 120 grams of beef, 40 grams of bechamel sauce and a few grams of butter. Meat is boiled, then it is passed three times through a meat grinder, sauce is added and rubbed. In addition to the sauce in the dish, you can simply pour the meat broth.

Fish with vegetables is prepared as follows: take 700 grams of pike, cod, bream or pike perch, 200 grams of celery and carrots, and 100 grams of parsley. First wash, cut and cut the fish. Then they wash, clean, cut vegetables and extinguish a little. When ready, fish are added and stewed together. Before serving, add greens.

You can also cook porridge. Take 20 grams of cereals, one hundred milliliters of milk, six grams of sugar, up to five grams of butter and 120 milliliters of water. In the boiling water, slowly pour the rump, stirring the contents until a uniform mass is obtained. Then the pan is placed on a weak fire and left for another hour. Ready porridge is wiped through a sieve, add milk and sugar and cook for a few more minutes.

For the preparation of baked apples, in addition to themselves, only sugar is required. From the fruit, remove the core and spread them on a baking tray, where 200 ml of water is poured. Apples sprinkle with sugar, slightly browned in the oven, after which sugar is again added and baked.


It is useful to make herbal teas, infusions and compotes.

So, the briar infusion is prepared as follows: one liter of liquid is taken one hundred grams of fruit and the same amount of sugar. After washing the dogrose and pouring boiling water, it is placed in a saucepan, poured hot water and boiled with a closed lid for ten minutes. Then remove from heat and leave to infuse for 24 hours.

Very useful is a jelly from berries. To do this, take three glasses of juice from blueberries, currants and raspberries, three quarters of a glass of potato starch and one hundred grams of sugar. In the juice add water, to get three glasses, fall asleep with sugar and put on the fire, leading to a boil. Then slowly it is poured into a container with three quarters of cold water and starch. Kissel served in a cooled form.

Also prepare all kinds of compotes of fresh berries and fruits.


Before those who suffer from this disease, there is always the question of what can be eaten with kidney failure. For example, I wonder why dry fruits and bananas are forbidden?

To answer this question, one must understand the course of the illness. At this time, the body is very weak, mainly because of the excessive amount of potassium entering the bloodstream. Since this substance can not be excreted by the kidneys, the intake of the microelement must be reduced. Potassium is found in large quantities in dried fruits, beans, bananas. That's why these products can not be eaten.

The minimum amount of salt is allowed because this substance is able to retain liquid in the body. His overabundance will lead to severe swelling and hypertension. Of course, this will negatively affect the work of such important organs as the kidneys.


Thus, choosing a diet and studying what can not be eaten with kidney failure, many factors and conditions should be considered. So, it is important to know about all the accompanying diseases, if any, their shape and stage of development. Only in this case it can be expected that a restrained diet will be right and produce a truly effective effect, helping to cope with the person with his illness.

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