
Espumizan for newborns

Such symptoms in newly born children, like colic and bloating, occur very often. The reason is that their gastrointestinal tract at first is completely not adapted to work in conditions of existence outside the womb of the mother. In the case of these problems, espumizan for newborns helps very well and is used specifically to remove the pain caused by these digestive problems.

Before describing how to take espumizan to newborns, you need to get a little acquainted with the state of the whole digestive system of the child. It is known that the baby is born sterile. Almost immediately after its birth, its covers are beginning to be populated by various bacteria, not only useful, but also harmful. Microflora is also inhabited by the gastrointestinal tract. All these "innovations", as well as the unusual consumption of food and its digestion, leads to the formation of gases. In this regard, breast milk works much better, because it has a lot of biologically active substances that have antibacterial action, which promotes digestion of food, and adaptation is much easier. The situation is more complicated if the child is on artificial feeding from the first days of life . The work of his digestive system is often accompanied by all sorts of complications, such as bloating. All inflammatory processes that occur mainly during artificial feeding, do not allow incoming food to be properly split and absorbed into the blood, and such a disturbance and delay leads to the fact that food starts to roam in the intestines, forming gases and causing colic. Earlier, when mothers did not know about such a drug as espumizan for newborns, the child could scream for hours from the pains that tormented him in the tummy.

Many, fearing to give small children medications, resort in this case to dill water. But experts and children's doctors strongly recommend not to give self-made tinctures, and buy the necessary medicine only in the pharmacy. In this case, Espumizan is suitable for newborns. The drug does not have any side effects, except for individual intolerance, its absorption does not occur in the intestines, which means that the medicine does not enter the bloodstream and does not affect the baby's body. The action of the drug is based on a unique process - "defoamer", in other words espumizan destroys small bubbles with gas, by merging them into larger ones. The use of the drug contributes to a significant reduction in the volume of feces, as well as the removal of large gas balls through the rectum.

If the doctor prescribes Espumizan for newborns, the dosage should be exactly as indicated. This strict adherence to the instructions is necessary in order not to cause an allergic reaction to the drug, which is the only possible side effect. Even with strict adherence to instructions and recommendations, in the first days of taking the drug, you must carefully monitor the baby, carefully examine the skin, see if there was shortness of breath and so on. Even at the slightest sign of an allergy, it is necessary to urgently address to the leading doctor and stop taking the drug.

Espumizan for newborns is prescribed only by a doctor. Indications for use: signs of flatulence, various intestinal infections, as well as purulent-septic diseases. Signs of all of the above diseases are the cry and whims of the child, refusal to eat and sleep. If you do not remove the pain in time, to which the newborns are very sensitive, then after a while the baby will begin the period of overexcitation and headache. Espumizan will cope with all the above problems, and the child will be calm and healthy.

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