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Development of a child in 6 months

Children 6 months are already more independent and mobile. With each passing day, the number of skills and abilities acquired by them increases. It is at this age that lure is introduced for the first time - preparation for the subsequent transition to a common table. What is it, the child's development in 6 months?

To begin with, we will understand the indicators of physical health. Over the previous month, the baby on average gained 650 grams of weight, and the growth for these six months increased by 15-17 cm. A six-month-old child continues to sleep 2-3 times during the day. His night sleep is usually strong, calm and prolonged (approximately, 10-11 hours without waking up). Development of the child at 6 months allows you to transfer it to five meals a day with a long night interval between meals. The basis of the baby's diet is still breastmilk. If necessary, these children are fed a mixture. Begin the introduction of complementary foods, which can be vegetable mashed potatoes, dairy-free and gluten-free cereal, diluted with boiled water, fruit juice.

The child's development in 6 months clearly reflects his achievements. He closely watches the adults and actively imitates them. Want to know what a child can do in 6 months? Firstly, such a kid tries to pronounce the sounds he hears. Full of curiosity, he can even feel the mouth of the talking person to better understand how different sounds are produced. Although the child can hardly say anything in words, he has already studied the names of his surroundings. Do you want to check whether this is so? Name the subject and carefully see if the infant turns his head toward the named object. Also, it should be noted that when manipulating objects and games, a child can easily hold several small objects in the handle and at the same time calmly shift them from one hand to the other. Studied already baby and the technique of "throwing" toys. This process fascinates most children at the age of six months. They throw toys away from wherever they can: from the arena, the bed, the sofa, etc. The child with interest "watches" the flight of the toy, listens to new sounds, reacts joyfully to them. Tie a rope (maximum 20 cm.) To the toy - and it will be fun to pull it to him. The kid is already able to collect toys into one large container, so he must be taught to clean up after himself, be more careful and disciplined.

As a rule, children sit half-way by themselves, however, if your baby has sat down a month later - nothing terrible, we are all just different, and each has his own terms for achieving certain skills. In no case should you sit the baby in the pillows, nothing good for his musculoskeletal system will not end.

Some babies, holding on to the crossbar of the bed or the arena mesh, are already trying to get up on the legs. But, as a rule, such attempts end in an awkward fall. Also, the child's development in 6 months allows him to crawl to the toy for as much as 20-30 cm. However, this is still only the prerequisites of a real crawl, which will manifest itself closer to 8 months. At this time, you need to think about expanding the space of the baby, because the arena becomes too small for him. You can allow him to crawl on a bed-cloth or blanket, laid on the floor, before removing all potentially dangerous items from the access zone.

How much the child's development in 6 months will correspond to the norm, in many respects depends on the adults surrounding him: does the nutrition and the regime of the baby's day correspond to his age characteristics, how organized is his leisure, is the child's attention paid to games, special exercises, massage etc. An important factor is communication. The more adults talk with an infant, the better and faster it develops, especially its thinking and speech. Paying due attention to the baby now, parents take care of his happy future.

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