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Denise Austin's program "Rapid weight loss" - easy, affordable, effective

The program of the expert and fitness instructor Denise Austin has gained popularity due to its availability and simple exercises. This course is ideal for those who want to get rid of extra pounds and tighten the stomach, but has no experience in fitness. Training is suitable for those who do not have time to go to the gym.

What is this program?

Denise Osteen's course "Rapid weight loss" will not only save extra pounds on hips and buttocks, but also make the abdomen flat, and the body - taut and elastic. A complex of simple but effective exercises will help to achieve the desired result. The program consists of two 25-minute complexes.

The first includes an aerobic load (20 minutes), accelerating metabolism and increasing cardiac endurance. These are exercises that include elements of aerobics and dance. The second complex - to strengthen the muscles (25 minutes) - this exercise with dumbbells. In conclusion - relaxing exercises (5 minutes). Denise Austin's course "Rapid weight loss" includes two blocks: aerobic and power.

What is the effectiveness of the program?

Partial load sharing allows you to achieve results faster. Aerobic load is good for fatty tissue. The higher such a load, the more it is aimed at losing weight. But the risk here is that, along with the fatty tissue, a part of the muscle is lost. Aerobic exercises lead to fat loss, but the figure is better not done. To help - the force load.

Such exercises, recommended in the course Denise Austin "Rapid weight loss", work on the basic muscles. The power unit using small scales builds up muscle mass slightly and at the same time "builds" the body. Benefits of training Denise Austin "Rapid weight loss":

  • Sounds like a beginner; The training course is designed for the initial level of physical fitness.
  • Repetitions with small scales increase the pulse, thereby burning more calories.
  • Strength exercises involve several muscle groups at the same time.
  • The duration of training is optimal for beginners.
  • Training at the initial level can be carried out separately. For example, an aerobic block in the morning, a power block in the evening.

How to practice?

For training, you need a pair of dumbbells and enough space, as many exercises in the aerobic block are sweeping and wide. Beginners can be divided classes, then increase the load, as required by any fitness. Denise Austin "Rapid weight loss" - a course designed for beginners. Experienced "fitonyashkam" program will seem easy.

As you know, the body gets used to loads fast enough. If stamina allows, perform the blocks one by one. Then increase the weight gradually. Initially use for training kilogram dumbbells, then increase the weight to 2 kg. The main condition of the program is regular classes. You can not allow "downtime" for more than two days. In a week - at least 3-4 workouts. And, of course, to quickly lose weight, you need to adjust the diet.

How effective is Denise Austin's course "Rapid weight loss"?

The feedback from the trainers on this program confirms that it is very effective. Without changing food, without special diets for a month you can lose weight by 5 kg. Noticeably tightened his stomach, improved posture, increased efficiency, such are the numerous reviews of the course Denise Austen.

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