
Decorative beef chicken breeds

If you at least once in your life to allocate chicken brahma, then you are unlikely to remain in doubt that this is a decorative breed. But far from many mistresses and farmers would agree to plant them only because of their peculiar appearance.

Chickens of the brama breed are grown, as a rule, on slaughter, because the mass of cocks on average is not less than 3.5 kg, and chickens - not less than 3 kg. The weight of female individuals can reach 5 kg, and among the male specimens there are also larger specimens that reach 7 kg. But they are not much worse than other domestic birds carrying eggs.

Their name was given to the Brama chickens thanks to the Indian river Brahmaputra, from whose port their great-grandfathers were brought to the USA. It is in this country that they are most seriously concerned with the issues of their selection, crossing various subspecies of birds. There, this chicken was hatched in the form in which it is found in our country.

Many believe that breeders crossed two species of birds, so that the chickens of the Brahma breed - Cochinchin and Malay - came out. As a result, a subspecies with a large body, dense plumage, a long back and shaggy legs turned out. At the same time, its representatives are quite mobile and productive. When creating favorable conditions a year from the layers, you can get up to 150 eggs. Each of them is sheltered by dense brown shell, and their weight varies from 55 to 65 grams.

More and more farmers are now paying attention to these birds. Chickens of brahma breed are unpretentious, they do not need constant long walks, moreover, they can even be carried in winter. By the way, this process begins in birds at 8 or 9 months, so the first eggs from young animals are obtained in the cold season. It is worth noting that many people like to talk about the aggressiveness of the roosters of this breed. But the struggle for supremacy in the hen-house is characteristic of all the representatives of birds. The farmer should simply watch that there is only one leader in his subsidiary farm, but his choice should be given special attention.

If you want to breed this bird, then choose first of all the cock. He should have a large body and fluffy plumage. But the head of a thoroughbred representative will be small, with a weakly developed occipital part and a broad forehead. Unlike other breeds, the comb's roosters are poorly developed, it is small enough. But his neck is very strong, it is beautifully arched. The tail is small, but it is beautifully fluffed.

Even if you are not buying adult birds, but just laying hen eggs, look at those representatives of the species from which they were obtained. Only in this way you will be able to understand what the chickens of the Brama breed are: photos can not convey their size, plumage and serious appearance.

By the way, not all farmers like to spread about the profitability of their content. But taking into account the fact that currently few people are breeding this bird, not only their large carcasses but also eggs are in demand: they will be bought for food and for breeding.

Before buying chicks or eggs, please note that the chickens of the Brama breed differ not only in color. Despite the fact that we have mainly American meat subspecies, there are also Asian decorative-meat and European decorative chickens. In farming it is advisable to breed only the first: the rest are used, as a rule, as a natural ornament of rich estates and estates.

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