BeautySkin care

"Darsonval" from acne: reviews, instruction

What just do not people use in the fight against pimples. Masks, scrubs, lotions and powders - all this arsenal of tools sometimes leads the skin to complete exhaustion and only exacerbates the problem. In search of a solution to the painful problem, some have tried and appreciated how effective Darsonval is from acne. Feedback from people satisfied with the procedure of the procedure led to a special popularization of the apparatus.

This device with an unusual hearing name was not created for cosmetic purposes. Purify with his help the skin from acne began to be tested already after the apparatus proved its effectiveness in the fight against many therapeutic problems. How to use Darsonval? What is the principle of its work? Let's try to understand.

"Darsonval": the history of the emergence

The creator of "Darsonval" is the French physiologist, whose surname became the name of his invention. The scientist set out to develop a device that could help a large number of people get rid of various diseases. The basis for the proposed Darsonval treatment was the use of electric current.

The Frenchman noted that the tension of a certain strength and frequency can have a beneficial effect on human health and help his body cope with various diseases. For comfortable use of the healing current, an instrument that was convenient for operation was connected to the outlet and had special nozzles.

Principle of operation

The device for darsonvalization according to the plan of its creator produces a low-strength voltage, but high frequency. This makes it possible to combat various therapeutic, surgical, dental and cosmetic problems. "Darsonval" in many ways surpasses other cosmetic devices, since it has a more noticeable and long-lasting effect.

Most often the device has clinical use, although, having estimated its advantage, every year more and more people want to have a personal device called "Darsonval". The use of the device at home is convenient and safe. Weight not more than one kilogram, a comfortable grip and various target attachments is what makes the Darsonval apparatus as convenient as possible. The nozzles act as electrodes. They are made from glass, filling internal voids with inert gas. Each of them is designed for convenient use in solving a particular problem.

How does Darsonval treat acne?

Many of those who have first-hand knowledge of the problem of acne eruptions are convinced of how effective Darsonval is from acne. The reviews show that an increasing number of people are being treated for such skin treatment. The regular effect of electric current on the skin accelerates the movement of blood along the vessels located in it, and accordingly activates its renewal, oxygen saturation.

"Darsonval" surpasses many cosmetic devices, the action of which is aimed at fighting acne, as it cuts the problem in the bud. In most cases, acne eruptions occur when excess sebum in the pores is mixed with skin-coated bacteria. So in small holes of the skin develops inflammation with the release of pus, which in people is called acne. The advantage of "Darsonval" is that it reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands and destroys the bacteria that enter the pores.

"Darsonval" in the complex treatment of acne and post acne

The most obvious results come from the treatment of acne, when the darsonvalization apparatus is used in conjunction with other external means. Why? Due to the fact that the device activates the metabolic processes in the upper and the deep layers of the skin, any applied external agent penetrates the skin faster and affects it more. That is, the action of any drug against acne after darsonvalization becomes several times stronger.

Removal of scars and spots after acne on the skin will occur sooner, the faster in these places will be blood. Therefore, "Darsonval" not only prevents and eliminates inflammation on the skin, but also promotes the rapid dissolution of traces from them. With regular darsonvalization, the likelihood that existing acne will not leave deep scars is higher.

Preparing for darness

In the priority is darsonvalization by the hand of the master in the cosmetology salon. If you bought a home "Darsonval" - this does not mean that you can use it as you like and when you want. There are certain rules for carrying out this serious procedure of skin cleansing, and their violation can lead to sad consequences.

First of all, we need training. It is extremely important to disinfect the nozzle "Darsonval" and the problem areas of the skin with which it will come into contact. The necessary nozzle should be treated with an antiseptic: hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexine or boric acid, and the skin with a suitable antiseptic or tonic containing no alcohols. Before the procedure begins, the skin and the appliance must be absolutely dry.

Description of the procedure

To learn how to use "Darsonval" at home, it is enough to carefully read the instructions, which must necessarily be attached to it. Of all the available baits in the fight against acne, only two are applicable: spot and mushroom. The first is used if the pimples are single. Mushroom - with abundant rashes.

The voltage regulator located on the handle makes it possible to change its force if necessary. Picking the right regime, you should focus on your own feelings - the procedure should not cause severe discomfort. The time interval occupied by one session is within 5-7 minutes.

Move the nozzle all the time better to produce along the massage lines, carrying out circular motions. In this case, you can touch the attachment to the skin or use a non-contact method of exposure, which is more preferable for copious rashes. Depending on the severity of the problem, the course can be from 3 to 7 days. Some experts advise to stretch it for 10-15 days, carrying out the procedures every other day.

After the end of the procedure, you should sit for a few minutes at rest, in no case touching anything that is being treated. Then, gently rinse the skin with water, but do not wipe it off. Now it's time to apply a nutritious and moisturizing mask or cream, the effectiveness of which after darsonvalization will be much higher. It is desirable that the used means have a narrowing effect on the pores, since under the influence of the current they always expand.

Reviews of darsonvalization

There are a lot of real positive feedback from those who saw for themselves how effective "Darsonval" for a person from acne. Especially note how quickly get off the skin already existing inflammation and traces of them. The ability of "Darsonval" to cleanse the skin and improve its condition is undeniable. But did everyone who passed the darsonvalization course manage to get rid of blackheads forever?

Unfortunately, not all equally help the "Darsonval" from acne. The reviews reflect this reality: for some, this device has become a real salvation in their problem, while for others it has proved to be only a means of quickly drying the rashes. Against acne the device was used because of its disinfecting and toning effect on the skin, as well as the ability to suppress the activity of the sebaceous glands. But this does not always lie at the very root of the problem. The main cause may be imbalance of hormones or diseases of internal organs. In this case, the external means act only as an auxiliary measure.

Additional effects of darsonvalization

Darsonvalization from acne on the face has a number of additional positive effects. The skin becomes less porous, smoother and tighter, wrinkles are gradually smoothed out on it, and a pleasant healthy shade appears. The face gets rid of puffiness.

Improvement of metabolic processes under the influence of "Darsonval" can not touch only the problem areas of the skin, but affects the entire body as a whole. This has a positive effect on all internal organs.

If you additionally act on the skin on the scalp, you can fight against alopecia, dandruff, improve quality and speed up hair growth. Buying an apparatus for personal use, a person provides himself with a loyal assistant named "Darsonval". The use of the device can help with colds, osteochondrosis, migraine and neuralgia, diseases of joints, vessels, muscles, etc.


While to a healthy person, the action of the device only benefits, in certain diseases it can be quite dangerous to use Darsonval from acne. Reviews and studies of specialists show that darsonvalization can have very undesirable consequences with such deviations in health:

  • Various cancers;
  • Benign entities prone to change;
  • Tendency to bleeding;
  • Impaired blood clotting;
  • Tendency to thrombosis;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • Couperose;
  • tuberculosis;
  • Excessive hairiness of the problem area;
  • Fever, mental disorders;
  • pregnancy;
  • Purulent processes;
  • Intolerance to electricity.

In the presence of one of the listed deviations, exposure to the skin of the face or any other part of the body by "Darsonval" in order to clean it from acne can lead to serious problems.

Ideally, before starting the darsonvalization course, you should get advice from a specialist who is aware of your health and the operation of the apparatus. If such a consultation is impossible, it is necessary to exclude the presence of any of the above contraindications.

Many people today with gratitude remember the French physiologist of "Darsonval", who presented the world with his magnificent invention. With his help it became possible to get rid of spoiling appearance and often leading to despair of acne on the skin.

Today, this invention is available not only when visiting beauty salons, but can easily be at the personal disposal of anyone. But if you do not want the beneficial power of the current to turn into destructive, be guided in the application of "Darsonval" by the advice of specialists.

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