BeautySkin care

Spots after acne

Pimples with acne are skin defects that cause a lot of trouble not only to adolescents during periods of hormonal adjustment, but also to adult women - those who use poor-quality cosmetics or eat poorly. If the pimples can be eliminated, then, as a rule, there is another, no less unpleasant situation - spots after acne.

In most cases, they appear as a result of prolonged or incorrect treatment, self-extrusion or infection. In order to avoid such problems, it is necessary to perform a thorough cleansing of the skin in a timely manner, not to "run" this condition, and if you have the first hint, contact a cosmetologist.

However, if nevertheless spots appeared from acne, how to get rid of them with the least losses? There are many home-based recipes that can help cope with this problem - make stains Pale, and eventually eliminate them altogether. The only drawback of such funds is that they only narrow the pores and remove the spots themselves - it is unlikely to get rid of pits and scars with their help.

Means and masks that can remove acne spots and are suitable for home use include lemon juice, essential oils, parsley juice, cosmetic clay, vinegar and honey. Preparation of such masks at home is not difficult - because all the necessary components can be purchased at the nearest pharmacy or store.

Masks for removing acne spots:

  1. In order for a small period of time to get rid of crimson spots after acne is recommended to use a mask based on essential oils of rosemary and green clay. For its preparation, take half a tablespoon of powdered green clay and add a few drops of oil to it (3-4 drops are enough). Mix all the ingredients thoroughly with water until a creamy slurry is obtained and apply to those skin areas that need treatment. After a few minutes, wipe off a dry mask with plenty of cool water.
  2. A very powerful tool that can remove annoying spots after acne and lightly whiten the skin is a mask based on the egg yolk and 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. To prepare it, take the necessary ingredients, mix them thoroughly and apply to the problem area of the face for 15 minutes. Be careful if you do not want to lighten the entire face, - gently apply the remedy only to problem areas.
  3. Another good tool that can help cope with this problem is a mask based on white clay and lemon juice. To make it, you need to take half a tablespoon of clay, 2 small spoons of juice and a little water. All the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, after which the creamy mass is applied to the problem area of the face for 15 minutes. Then the mask is washed off with a lot of cool water.

Spots after acne can be eliminated if you take advantage of tea tree oil - this drug needs to be applied pointwise to the problem area of the face several times a day. It is not necessary to dilute it with water, you can simply mix it with lemon juice.

Besides this, honey and cinnamon are remarkable remedies that can eliminate spots after acne. To prepare such a mask, it is simply necessary to mix all the ingredients in equal proportions, and then apply for 25 minutes to stains. This mask should be used every other day. If you do not have honey at hand, use white or green clay instead. Only in this case it will be necessary to add a little water - so that the resulting mixture has the desired consistency. In addition, if the powder of cinnamon is also absent, the cinnamon oil, sold in any pharmacy, will perfectly suit it. To prepare the mask, 3-4 drops are enough.

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