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Cyst of the thyroid gland - is it dangerous? Treatment of thyroid cyst

The thyroid cyst is one voluminous formation or several small ones that arise as a result of certain pathologies of the gland. For a long time the ailment can not disturb the patient. Pathology is able to disappear, a special trouble for a person not delivering. But sometimes it starts to increase in the size of the thyroid cyst. Is it dangerous? And what are the consequences of this education?

What is pathology?

Each patient wonders when he heard the diagnosis of a "thyroid cyst": "Is it dangerous?" Before answering it, it is necessary to understand what pathology we are dealing with.

Many specialists who deal with the treatment of such an organ as the thyroid gland, cysts and nodes are referred to one group. Because there is no visible distinction. But these forms differ in structure.

In medicine, it is customary to call this formation, whose dimensions are 15 mm. In addition, it is filled with liquid inside. The knot has a dense consistency.

Danger of pathology

Most often, a thyroid cyst is diagnosed in women. Is this a dangerous disease? Timely and correct treatment always brings positive dynamics.

Danger is the original cause, which has become the source of development of the neoplasm. It can be clarified by a qualified specialist, using modern survey methods. The following causes the danger:

  • Thyroiditis;
  • Hyperplasia of the gland;
  • Infection;
  • Dystrophic pathological processes in the follicles.

Based on the research, the doctor will determine whether the cyst is able to cause inflammation or fester. Thus, he will conclude whether the tumor is dangerous or not.

Anxiety causes the formation of impressive dimensions. In this case, is the cyst of the thyroid gland dangerous? Such tumors, unfortunately, often provoke the appearance of malignant tumors.

Physicians rush to calm patients who have a cyst of the thyroid gland. Is this education dangerous? Only in 10% of all diagnosed cysts. In most cases, the pathology of danger does not represent, if viewed from the point of view of its transformation into oncology.

Causes of pathology

The origin of the cyst may be due to the structure of the gland. After all, it is more than 30 million follicles filled with colloid. In addition, an overexertion can provoke pathology.

Consider why there are cysts on the thyroid gland.

The causes of the formations are known as follows:

  • Psychoemotional stress;
  • Rehabilitation period after a serious illness;
  • Thermal action on the body - severe heat or cold (such conditions contribute to increased production of hormones and activity of the gland);
  • Iodine deficiency;
  • Imbalance, hormonal disorders;
  • Thyroiditis - inflammation in the unmodified gland;
  • Adverse ecology;
  • Poison poisoning, intoxication;
  • Congenital abnormalities of the thyroid gland;
  • Hereditary factor;
  • Trauma of the gland.

Symptomatic cysts

Education on the thyroid gland develops often asymptomatically and slowly. After all, small cysts do not put pressure on the vascular system. Symptom begins to appear when the growth increases in size (sometimes up to 3 cm or more). This pathology becomes visually apparent.

The cyst can cause some discomfort. You should pay attention to it. After all, at the initial stage, this pathology is treated conservatively. And in other therapeutic methods does not need.

Symptoms of benign education in the thyroid gland may be as follows:

  • sore throat;
  • Feeling of small compaction;
  • Hoarse, changed voice timbre;
  • Pain (can signal a suppuration);
  • Subfebrile temperature (sometimes up to 39-40 o C);
  • Feeling chills;
  • headache;
  • Visual change of the contour of the neck;
  • Enlargement of lymph nodes.

Such symptoms can occur periodically. But even a single episode of anxiety symptoms is the reason for contacting a doctor.

Colloid cyst

At its core, it is a knot formed as a result of non-toxic goiter. The colloid cyst of the thyroid gland is benign in 95% of all cases. Such pathology requires dispensary registration. Unfortunately, there are 5% of cysts that can be transformed into a malignant tumor.

The colloid cyst of the thyroid gland arises mainly because of a deficiency in the body of iodine. Sometimes heredity lies at the basis of pathology. Excessive irradiation (atomic accidents and explosions) plays an important role in the formation of the colloid cyst.

The initial degree of pathology is not manifested by clinical signs. Education up to 10 mm in patients is not felt and, as a rule, does not pose a threat to health. The increasing cyst complicates the process of swallowing food, compresses the trachea, esophagus.

Characteristic signs, signaling the growth of education, are:

  • Hot flushes;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Periodic outbreaks of irritability;
  • tachycardia.

The colloid cyst in surgical treatment often does not need. Endocrinologists recommend the patient to regularly monitor the condition of the gland.

The follicular cyst

This pathology is classified by medics as an adenoma. Since the formation contains a large number of follicles, it has a fairly dense structure. Follicular adenoma is more dangerous. It can be reborn in adenocarcinoma.

Symptoms of the follicular cyst are the following:

  • Dense formation (well palpated, sometimes noticeably visually);
  • Clear boundaries of neoplasm;
  • No pain during palpation;
  • labored breathing;
  • Sensation of a coma in the throat, a feeling of squeezing;
  • Discomfort in the neck;
  • Frequent coughing;
  • irritability;
  • sore throat;
  • Increased fatigue;
  • Sweating;
  • Sensitivity to temperature changes;
  • tachycardia;
  • Instability of pressure;
  • Low-grade fever;
  • weight loss.

Conservative treatment of adenoma almost does not lend itself. Sometimes a cyst of the thyroid gland is required.

Education in the right lobe

This pathology is often enough. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the right share is somewhat larger than the left one. This structure is laid down physiologically.

The cyst of the right lobe of the thyroid gland in most cases has a benign character. Up to the pathological dimensions, it is extremely rare. If the formation is not detected in time, it can grow up to 4-6 mm.

The patient in this case feels the following symptoms:

  • Unpleasant compression in the neck region;
  • Shortness of breath, swallowing;
  • A constant lump in the larynx.

The cyst of the right lobe of the thyroid gland (up to 6 mm) is treated conservatively and is observed regularly. The prognosis depends on the results of the histology. Often, this pathology does not require the use of medication. The doctor recommends a certain diet, which contains many iodine-containing dishes and seafood.

Pathology in the left lobe

With this neoplasm, a compensatory mechanism is often observed. In other words, the left lobe is active, and the right lobe is hypoactive or normal. In this case, education does not pose a danger to life.

If the cyst of the left lobe of the thyroid gland increases, it is recommended to empty the cavity, with the introduction of "Sclerosant". Such a preparation "glues" the walls of the formation and prevents the accumulation of colloidal contents. With a purulent or inflammatory process, puncture determines the causative agent of infection. As a result, the doctor can prescribe adequate antibiotic therapy.

If after sclerosing the cyst of the left lobe of the thyroid gland reappears, the patient is recommended for surgical intervention - resection.

Therapeutic treatment is based on iodine-containing drugs and a special diet. The prognosis of pathology is favorable at observance of all appointments of the doctor.

Multiple cysts

Such a pathology can signal the developing ailments of the thyroid gland, for example, the struma - goiter.

Basically, cysts of both thyroid glands arise as a result of iodine deficiency. Thus, treatment is directed at neutralizing provoking factors. A special diet regime is developed for the patient. If necessary, it is recommended to attend psychotherapy sessions in order to restore emotional balance.

Education in children

It is rare that a thyroid cyst is present in a child (1% of all pathologies). But the most dangerous are the children's endocrine diseases. They often degenerate into cancer. Because the thyroid gland in a child is different in structure from that of an adult. In addition, it works quite actively. Since it is responsible for the development of growth hormone, protein synthesis, the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Frequent causes of cyst development in a child are:

  • Autoimmune thyroiditis (chronic) ;
  • Traumatic injury (fall, stroke);
  • malnutrition;
  • Acute thyroiditis;
  • Lack of iodine;
  • bad ecology;
  • Hormonal disorders during puberty;
  • Hereditary factor.

In children, the thyroid cyst can develop very quickly. Sometimes it puts so much pressure on the vocal cords that a child can lose a voice. It is quite dangerous purulent formation, which provokes intoxication of the body.

An extremely unpleasant fact is that in 25% of cases, the malignant form is revealed in children.

Treatment of pathology

Methods for controlling pathology can be prescribed only by a doctor, based on a survey. It is often recommended that the diet be observed if a thyroid cyst is detected.

Medicamentous treatment means the following drugs:

  1. With a lack of secretion of hormones prescribe drugs: "Triiodothyronine", "Yodtiroks", "Thyroxine."
  2. In case of increased secretion, funds are recommended: "Tyrozol", "Propitsil", "Diiodotyrosine".
  3. Antithyroid preparations. Accelerate the excretion of the thyroid gland iodine. Medications are prescribed: "Mercazolil", "Propylthiouracil".
  4. Thyroid means. Fill in the body deficiency of T3, T4. Recommended drugs: "Thyreotom", "Levothyroxine."
  5. Combined medicines. Increase the concentration of iodine. Effective drugs: "Potassium iodide 200", "Yodtiroks."

In some cases (with suppuration, hormonal imbalance, severe pressure on the larynx, provoking choking), surgical intervention may be recommended. Endocrinologists prefer to resort to a low-traumatic method - sclerotherapy.

Folk remedies

It is not necessary to be limited only by medicinal preparations. Effectively treated the thyroid cyst folk remedies. But before using them, it is advisable to enlist the help of a doctor.

The folk cure for the thyroid cyst involves the following methods:

  1. Tincture of Zamaniha. 20 drops of the drug are diluted in 100 ml of boiled water. This solution is consumed throughout the month twice a day.
  2. Herbalists advise the use of oak bark. It should be applied to the cyst in the form of a compress.
  3. Leaves of walnut green walnut must be insisted on alcohol. On a glass of raw materials - 500 ml of alcohol. The drug is aged for two weeks. Three times a day should take 5 drops. The use lasts for a month.
  4. Compresses made of iodized salt are effective. The latter is wrapped in cloth, and put on the neck.
  5. It is recommended to use amber beads. There is an opinion that wearing such jewelry allows you to stop the growth of cysts, thyroid gland nodes. Sometimes pathology can even resolve.

Possible consequences

The prognosis of the pathology depends entirely on the histological factor. Education of a benign character is completely cured.

It is very dangerous if the thyroid cyst is not treated. The consequences can be quite depressing. Such negligence can lead to degeneration of the tissues of the organ. Or, worse still, a benign cyst is transformed into a malignant one.

A periodic visit to the endocrinologist is a prerequisite to timely diagnose and correctly treat the thyroid cyst.

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