Hobby, Needlework
Cross-stitch embroidery of icons is a fascinating and useful activity
In the modern world, various kinds of needlework became popular: embroidery, knitting, macrame, kanzash, patchwork, beading, quilling, soap making and so on. There are so many of them that you can not list everything.
From time immemorial needlewomen were engaged in embroidery. What only they did not create with her help! Paintings, portraits, panels, cushion covers and so on. Especially popular was the cross-stitching of icons. People believed that the icons made with love and warmth would protect them from adversity and deprivation, grief and loss. Most importantly, the embroideress should ask for blessings in the church for permission to embroider icons, because the embroidery of the icons is considered to some extent a sin (eyes, lips, nose, hands of the holy face are punctured).
Cross-stitch embroidery icons - a worthy occupation for skilled workers
Before you start, you need to stock up on the necessary materials and great patience. Materials include: thread of the desired color palette, needles of certain sizes, frame, sets for embroidery.
If you use gold or silver threads, the icon will look more like an antique one. It will gleam in the light.
The ideal icon will come out if the face and hands of the saint write with oil, and embroider the rest with the cross (clothing, halo, base of the icon).
In addition to embroidery, you can add a variety of beads, sequins, beads, rhinestones and more.
Basic requirements for embroidery of icons
Cross-stitching of icons requires the fulfillment of the basic conditions:
- Embroider only on the new moon;
- Receiving the blessing of the church;
- Refusal of bad habits: alcohol, smoking, cursing;
- Before starting the work - reading the appropriate prayer;
- good mood;
- In no case do not sell the created icon;
- Necessarily consecrate a ready icon.
The choice of color for the icon is also of no small importance. Black is evil, purple is the color of the earthly king, golden is the color of the heavenly king, the victory of good over evil, blue is the color of peace and peace.
Cross-stitch embroidery of icons is very useful. Embroidering, a person is in a calm mental state. In every cross or stitch the embroideress puts a wish or a prayer that will protect against all the bad.
You can, of course, buy ready-made shrines in the store, but made with your own hands and soul is much more valuable.
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