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Eagles are proud birds!

Everyone knows that eagles are proud birds. And for that there are reasons. These winged predators are spread all over the world. Consider some outstanding species of eagle family.

Crested eagles are bird killers!

The most powerful and formidable feathered predators of the eagle tribe are some species of giant crested eagles. They live in tropical African and South American forests. For example, the harpy living in South America, weighs up to ... 8 kilograms, while the length of her body reaches a meter! It is this feathered predator that has the longest, most powerful and ruthless claws in the whole world!

It seems incredible, but the favorite delicacy of harpies and other crested eagles are monkeys and large mammals: they steal piglets, dogs from the villages, choke sloths and other living things. In Africa, these birds exterminate antelopes, jackals and baboons. Crested eagles - birds are smart. They hunt only from an ambush, being for a long time in complete immobility in anticipation of potential prey. These birds are ruthless and cold-blooded!

The most predatory bird is the eagle-eagle!

Of course, in their sizes, golden eagles are inferior to harpies, but they are the most powerful and predatory representatives of the eagle family throughout the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth. It is not for nothing that the golden eagle represents the greatness of the clan of feathered predators.

The habitat of this bird is quite large. The golden eagle is able to adapt to nesting in a variety of conditions for existence - from forest marshes and swamps to the Alpine highlands. All eagles are birds with serious requests for life. So the golden eagle needs open and extensive air and earth spaces for hunting, and for nesting and rest - rocks or tall trees. The most famous way of hunting a golden eagle is to closely track the prey in a soaring flight at a tremendous height, and then - a lightning attack from the skies. Zoologists simply admire this spectacle: the predator folds its wings and throws itself upon its prey with a stone. Of course, there is no question of any chance of survival on the part of the victim. Deer, roe deer, calves, foxes, hares, ground squirrels, marmots and other animals become deer.

Eagles and ground squirrels

One of the phenomenal abilities of all eagles is to find gophers where they do not exist. For example, a steppe or white eagle handles it well . The bird quite often catches gophers, being in an ambush, which, in turn, is arranged right near the burrow of rodents. The predator can lie for hours on some tubercle, waiting for his favorite delicacy. As soon as the rodent moves away from its mink, the bird flings lightly at him. The eagle runs awkwardly, he throws from side to side. In appearance it seems a real disgrace for a representative of a solid eagle family, but the predator himself has absolutely no concern for someone else's opinion of him. The main thing is to catch the cherished ground squirrel! But gophers sometimes do not miss. They recognize birds of prey by their silhouette in the sky. As soon as they see it, they immediately throw out their eyes and rush to the saving hole, anxiously peeing.

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