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Reproduction of mushrooms. Methods of reproduction of mushrooms

We are used to call mushrooms redheads and pimples, which look great on the table, served for dinner. But we discuss their real nature only in the lessons of botany or in the case of rare "pseudo-scientific" conversations. The structure, the mode of existence, and the more so the multiplication of fungi for the greater part of the population remain "a mystery covered in darkness." Yes, the topic is special. But nevertheless, it is desirable for an educated person to have a minimal idea about everything. Is not it?

Description of a living organism

Before delving into the entertaining and intricate topic "Ways of mushroom reproduction," let's find out what they are. It is important and very interesting. Looking ahead, we say that multiplication of mushrooms is not an easy process. It's like this - in two words, you will not describe. But let's start in order. Mushrooms are living organisms, which are inherent features of plants and animals. A symbiosis of both. Their kingdom is huge! It includes mushrooms and mycoids themselves (the so-called mushroom-like organisms). Currently, more than one hundred thousand of their species are known, although scientists are sure that they studied only a third of the existing ones in nature. This hypothesis can hardly be questioned, since the existence and reproduction of fungi, as it turns out, can take place in the most difficult and unimaginable conditions. Science came to the conclusion that these living organisms have no common roots with plants. They came from special microorganisms that lived in the ocean. With plants the fungi brings together the structure of the cell wall, stationarity, the ability to reproduce by spores, the synthesis of vitamins. In addition, they absorb nutrients from the soil. With animals, they also have similarities. Namely: fungi accumulate glycogen in the form of a stock, secrete urea, can not create nutrients themselves.

A little about the structure

To imagine the reproduction of mushrooms, you need to know how they look. After all, it is unclear what exactly will be recreated. Mushrooms for the most part consist of a vegetative body. This is not at all what we see and collect. This organism actually represents a huge mass of thin, colorless threads, called "mycelium" or "mycelium." It is divided into two parts. One is in the ground and is responsible for the food. The second is close to the surface. This part deals with the formation of breeding organs (we call them mushrooms). The living organism itself can very cleverly adapt to the environment, modifying the vegetative body. For example, parasites can take root in a "donor", sucking nutrients out of it.

Methods of reproduction of mushrooms

Since this is a whole separate world of living organisms that do not have "relatives" in the environment of animals and plants, then it exists in its own way. Reproduction of fungi can be sexual, asexual or vegetative. Some of their species give birth to themselves like budding. That is, there are practically all methods known to science. If we consider in more detail, then here we have our own peculiarities and nuances. Thus, asexual reproduction of fungi occurs in the mycelium. A separate cell of this thread can form a separate organism. In addition, in order to "continue the genus", these organisms create special processes - the organ of reproduction. In mushrooms, it appears, mainly in a warm wet period. Those elements from which a new organism can evolve are called diasporas.

Vegetative reproduction of fungi

These organisms can appear even from one cell, which is a diaspora. Most often, the part of the mycelium separates, which becomes an independent organism. With this method, the organ of reproduction is not needed. The mushrooms are just a part The mycelium separates from the main organism, buds, so to speak. From it grows a new one. Another species of mycelium can form oidia (light threads of filaments). A new organism appears from them. This is a kind of transitional form from vegetative to asexual reproduction. You will not be able to see this process in nature. Everything happens in the soil (the environment where the mycelium grows).

Asexual reproduction

This process is more open. It is carried out by means of argument. They are very small and light. Do not drown in the water, carried by the wind, stick to the animal's wool. And travel. Once in the right conditions, they begin to develop. Disputes divide into resting and propagative, mobile and immovable. Low-organized mushrooms are equipped with a more aggressive mechanism of reproduction. They are characterized by mobile spores, equipped with flagella. They can fly thousands of kilometers. Asexual multiplication of fungi, to which we are accustomed, occurs through fixed quarrels. They too are different. For simplicity, we divide them into endogenous and exogenous ones. The former are formed within the sporangia. These spores have a dense shell. The amount depends on the specific type of fungus. Some mushrooms have only one spore (conidia). Methods of their formation are very diverse. For the most part, they form on the tops of conidiophores.

Sexual reproduction

Here too there are variations. Sexual reproduction of fungi can take place in various ways associated with the formation of a zygote. One of them is gametogamy. This method is characteristic of low-organized fungi. It can be interpreted as The fusion of two cells (gametes). In some species they are the same, in others they differ in size. Still gametes differ in mobility. That is, nature "trained" on mushrooms, developing methods of reproduction. These species of organisms lack traditional oogamy (immobile female and mobile male cells). Sexual reproduction of fungi can take place in the form of gametogamy. This method is characteristic of highly organized organisms. The most typical for sexual reproduction in mushrooms is somatogamy. The process consists in spores sprouting and merging with shells, then with nuclei. A new organism is developing from them.

About hats

The theory, of course, is interesting, but to understand the processes it is desirable to "feel" an example. Consider multiplication of the mushrooms. We can see and investigate them. What people collect for consumption is called fruit bodies. Their mushrooms are grown to organize the process of reproduction. In science they are also called "organs of spore". They consist of a cap and legs, which are dense bundles of hyphae. Spores are at the top. The hat has two compartments. Upper - dense, covered with colored skin. Underneath is the bottom layer. In some species it is lamellar, in others it is tubular. In this layer, the spores are at rest. For example, russules and champignons have a lamellar structure, and oleores and podberezoviki are tubular. In this layer matures up to millions of disputes. They fall asleep on the ground, carried by the wind or animals, insects, water. This is the process of reproduction.

Why mushrooms are cut, not pulled

Since people are engaged in collecting "organs of sporulation," they also interfere with their will in the process of reproduction of these organisms. If you just pick up the "bag with seeds," then the mushroom will grow new. In fact, it is huge and creates not one, but Set of "organs of sporulation". And when we tear out the redhead or the poderezozovik, we inflict huge damage to the mycelium (the fungus itself). It takes a long time to repair it. It may happen that in this area it will not grow. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully cut the leg, so as not to damage the mycelium.

It is interesting

Scientists are very attentive to the study of these living organisms. They are not simply observed, they are experimented with with them. Some of which are shocked. So, it is known that Japanese researchers came to the conclusion about the wisdom of yellow yeast. They conducted an experiment during which they forced this organism to grow in a "labyrinth" where sugar was hidden. It turned out that the yellow mold "remembers" the way in which it reached the delicacy. Scion taken from this organism, grew straight to the place where the sugar was! But this is just a simple fungus, multiplying in a vegetative way.

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