
Cossack Whip: Varieties, photo

In one of the poems of the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin we are talking about a variety of cold weapons - a whip. Cossack whip - a cruel instrument of death or a symbol of power and respect? What kinds of them exist today and how do they differ? To answer these questions, let us recall the legends and traditions associated with the whip.

Khan Nagaya and foot

In one of their legends it is said that once Khan Nagai lived, his tribe was engaged in breeding horses and large livestock. To make it easier to manage wayward animals, drivers used whips. In honor of the prince and his people, lashes began to be called lashes.

According to another version, the whip was small and for convenience it was worn not in the hands, not on the shoulders, but was removed at the boot top. The name is connected with the human foot. The whip was next to the foot and gradually it was called a whip. There are such different stories related to this thing.

Since ancient times, the whip was considered a Cossack combat weapon. Although initially it was an accessory that adorns the Cossack uniform. During the Patriotic War of 1812, the Cossacks confronted the French soldiers, if the main Cossack weapon was out of order, he used the whip and very successfully. Cossack wolf's whip could be a formidable weapon in experienced hands, with her help, knocked the enemy off the horse, knocked the weapon out of his hands and inflicted heavy, and sometimes even fatal wounds.

Already in peaceful days the whip was used as an instrument of punishment for the guilty Cossacks. It was also used for hunting wolves, so as not to waste gunpowder.

By the decree of Emperor Alexander III, published at the end of the XIX century, it became an obligatory subject of wearing a Cossack.

Centuries-old traditions

The most expensive and honorable gift was considered a whip. Usually it was received by the groom at the wedding as a gift from a future father-in-law. It was believed that the Cossack whip could only belong to a married Cossack. In the house she did not roll around as if she were hanging , but hung in a certain place in the bedroom.

If the owner of the house threw a whip at the guest's feet, he should raise it and embrace the master, thereby showing his respect. If she remained lying on the floor, the person did not want to show his obedience to the owner and he had reasons for resentment.

If the two Cossacks were at loggerheads, they could exchange naggies - and the insults were considered forgotten. If it was given to her, it was considered a special privilege granted to a person for any services or as a sign of a good relationship. When discussing any issue at a meeting of the Cossacks, a sign of consent and approval was considered to be a raised Cossack whip.

She was even credited with a special power. It was believed that she was able to scare away the evil spirit, so she was hanging over the cradle of a baby who was not yet baptized.

When the Cossack was dying, they put a whip in the coffin with the sword.

Every Cossack should have been able to own this weapon. They taught only boys from the age of 8 to 12. In teaching, people used the techniques of folk dances and games.

The main stages of the technology of possession

The whip had to be a continuation of the hand, only then it became a serious weapon capable of protecting its master from the abusers. Before proceeding to the development of methods of possession, it was necessary to learn to do the following:

  1. Rotate it in different directions and at different speeds, without touching yourself.
  2. Rotate the whip, weighted by the load, which was attached to the tip of the whip.
  3. Learn to handle two whips.

When the basic elements of possession were mastered, they proceeded to work out strikes. There are three main types of strikes:

  • With bestowal. The ultimate goal of this attack is to attack the enemy by capturing his hands, feet or the whole body.
  • Blow "slap". It is applied at the very end of the whip, always at an angle of 90 °.
  • With a brace. After the blow, the hand must be quickly pulled back to create the feeling of cutting the blow.

The secrets of possession were passed from father to son, from generation to generation.

What is the Cossack Whip?

The handle and the whip are the two main elements, of which the Cossack whip is made up. The photo presented above is the best it demonstrates.

The handle was made of wood, which could be braided with leather. Handle of centimeters at 10-15 is always shorter than the whip. There are two loops: one larger for the owner's hand, the second smaller for pushing the folded whip when not in use.

The whip was made of leather. In ancient times, there were two: one for the horse or other animals, and the other for use in the fight with the enemy. That lash, which was not needed, was retracted into the hilt, and if necessary went to.

The whip consists of several parts: the fringe, located at the very beginning of the whip, the main part, braided with straps and a small pouch made of leather, on the end of the whip in which the load is placed, to enhance the impact.

Types of Nagas

There are two types of nagakek:

1. The Don.

Don Cossack lash differs in length wooden handle and lash, which is 15-20 cm longer. The length of the handle itself is from 30 to 45 cm. During use, the whip rotates around the handle with rotational movements.

2. The Kuban.

The length of the handle is much smaller than that of the Don. Moreover, it is braided with skin and there is no abrupt transition to the whip. Due to this, it is very convenient to apply strokes with a click.

Manufacturing techniques

In the olden times in every village, every master had his own secrets of making Nagaks, which were kept secret. Cossack whips with their hands can be done today, having the necessary knowledge and materials.

Earlier they were made from the skin of cattle, and the skin had to be moist all the time. They began the process of manufacturing from the handle, inserted a hair or a stick into it, which were braided with leather straps.

But it is not necessary to look for the animal's skin to make a whip in our days, it is quite enough ordinary leather jacket, which has already become unusable.

Whether this tool will be the object of cruelty and mockery of the weaker or vice versa, the subject of pride, honor and dignity, depends only on its owner. The owner of the whip must remember the glorious history of the Cossacks, and then it will be in reliable hands, and the traditions of our distant ancestors will be preserved.

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