
Cream "Arthropant": reviews

About the pain in the joints and ways to get rid of it on the Internet written a lot of articles, recommendations and advice. This is understandable, since half of the world's population is familiar with this ailment. And joints can hurt people not only in adulthood because of age-related changes in the body, but also in young people who are actively involved in sports or injured.

And it is this category of people that knows very well how difficult it is to find the right medicine. After tablets and ointments, as a rule, stop the pain in the damaged joint, and the problem itself remains unaffected in most cases, and the disease continues to develop. The search for new medicines begins anew.

Pharmacists the same problem forces us to look for new, more effective means for the treatment of joints.

The appearance of the cream "Arthropant"

More recently, a new product appeared on the pharmaceutical market - the "Arthropant" cream. Before getting to wide access, he underwent a series of clinical trials, in which 5000 patients, suffering from various types and forms of joint diseases, took part. For 10 days they used the cream "Arthropant" twice a day.

Of course, the miracle did not happen, and the patients did not completely get rid of the disease, however, the smoothing of the symptoms of the disease and the cessation of pain were observed in 90% of the subjects. And further the cream several times passed various tests, but the result turned out to be equally good. Such performance indicators "Arthropant" showed due to its unusual basis and unique manufacturing recipe.

The basis of the cream "Arthropant"

The basis of the cream is an extract of maral antlers. Panty maral is a young antler that does not have time to become steeped in a deer that lives in the Altai and is a subspecies of a noble European deer. These horns have a porous structure that is filled with blood. Above, they are covered with skin with short hair.

The medicinal properties of the pant were mentioned in the writings of Galen, the doctor of ancient Rome. Russian scientists from the thirties of the twentieth century conducted studies of antlers. Already at the level of development of medicine, a lot of medicinal properties of this product were discovered. Not to mention eastern medicine, where medicines based on maral antlers are successfully treated with a whole list of diseases, ranging from exhaustion and low back pain to cardiac and tuberculosis.

Contraindications for use

Cream "Arthropant", the composition of which is a complex of exclusively natural ingredients, is an absolutely safe product. Only an individual intolerance to some component (allergic reaction) may be a contraindication to the use.

The influence of biologically active components on pregnant women and nursing mothers has not yet been determined, so the manufacturer of "Arthropath" recommends refraining from using the drug during these periods.

"Arthropant" (joint cream) does not contain synthetic substances, as well as chemical fragrances and fragrances.

Composition of the cream "Arthropant"

The effectiveness of the cream is due to the presence of natural components:

  • Extraction from the antlers of the Altai maral;
  • Lacteal juice of 12 medicinal plants;
  • The poison of nettle hairs;
  • Extracts of black cumin, artemia, sea-buckthorn, Kenyan pepper, Indian onion, goldenrod;
  • Extracts from birch bark, nightshade, hapragophytum;
  • Complex of 6 vegetable oils: St. John's wort, amaranth, juniper, incense, stone, tea tree;
  • Mummy;
  • tar;
  • Vitamins C and PP.

The two active substances that make up the maral antlers, and accordingly in the "Arthropant" (joint cream), - chondroitin and glucosamine - make it so effective in treatment.

Chondroitin, which is a stimulator of hyaluronic acid production, activates the regeneration processes in the joint, prevents inflammatory processes and has an analgesic effect.

Glucosamine provides the joint with nutrients, stops the process of its destruction.

The complex action of all components of the drug is directed at the effective restoration of the joint and the return of lost mobility to it.

Cream "Arthropant": instructions for use

"Arthropant" is applied to clean skin. The use of the cream is no different from the use of other ointments. A small amount is applied to the problem area with light massaging movements. The procedure should be repeated three times a day.

With regular application, positive changes begin to be felt within the first ten days. The pains gradually recede, until their complete disappearance.

Treatment, as a rule, is limited to one complete course. The general course of therapy is 40 days.

Indications for the use of "Arthropant" cream

Who will benefit from this tool? "Arthropant" is recommended to apply:

  • Persons with diseases of the musculoskeletal system (ODA);
  • Undergoing rehabilitation course in the postoperative period;
  • Whose vital activity is associated with increased physical stress on the ODA;
  • Overweight;
  • Who suffered injuries ODA.
  • When conducting a sedentary lifestyle;
  • The appearance of a feeling of discomfort in the joints associated with age-related changes.

How does the cream work?

Cream-gel, penetrating into the area of the articular bag, has an active, directed effect on the cells of the cartilaginous tissue, restoring it. It removes inflammatory processes and swelling, it stops pain. Has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties.

In addition, the "Artropant":

  • Improves nutrition and blood supply of the joint bag;
  • Promotes the restoration of cartilaginous tissue;
  • Prevents age-related deformations of cartilage and their destruction in the course of increased physical exertion;
  • Improves the composition of synovial fluid in the joint;
  • Eliminates pain and inflammation, removes puffiness;
  • Improves the mobility of the composition and its damping properties;
  • Improves the elasticity and general condition of the vessels;
  • Contributes to the restoration of turgor and elasticity of the skin;
  • Removes skin irritations;
  • Reduces pain in lumbago, as well as sciatica;
  • With psoriatic arthritis, prevents joint changes;
  • Eliminates swelling and pain in the joints of the fingers and toes.

"Arthropant" - another deception?

To give an answer to this question, it is enough to learn a little more about its main component - maral antlers.

Marals drop their horns every year, and every year they grow again. Their weight can reach 25 kg. The rate of regeneration of maral manta rays can be up to 2 cm per day. In this case, all types of tissues grow - skin, blood vessels, cartilage, nerve endings are restored. And all this is due to the high concentration of necessary substances, which provide the entire process of regeneration.

It is known that all living substances interact in one way or another. Unlike preparations made on the basis of plant or mineral extracts, the antelope antelopes are sources of components taken from a living, warm-blooded organism, and consequently, closer to the human in nature.

And all these substances are in the cream "Arthropant". Already on the basis of this, it is possible to draw certain conclusions in favor of the cream.

Where can I get it?

Cream "Arthropant" in pharmacies is almost impossible to buy. The cream lot is limited to 1500 banks a year. This is due to a shortage of the main component - maral antlers.

Previously, to get the panties, you had to kill the animal. Now the marals are bred on farms, and the panties are simply cut off, without causing serious harm to the animal. But the fact is that the cut is performed only once a year.

Therefore, if you meet the "Arthropant" cream in pharmacies, there is no guarantee that this product is not a fake. This cream can be purchased on the official website. The product is protected against falsification by the code of authenticity.

"Arthropant" (joint cream): analogues

To create an analogue of the cream "Arthropant", you need to copy its composition. And not only the list of components, but also their dosage. It is the recipe that makes the "Arthropant" (joint cream) unique. Analogues can not be created by any mass producer.

To replace the panty maral with something else is simply unreal. Trying to repeat their chemical composition, replacing it with synthetic components, is an unrealistic task. In adult deer, embryonic stem cells are present during growth of pantas, which in itself is a unique phenomenon. Chemistry can not repeat this. In addition, the very attempt to replace negates the entire security of the product, and the result may turn out to be doubtful. Created by nature to copy is very difficult.

Nevertheless, "Arthropant" (cream) analogs is not in composition, but in action. The drugs that help with joint diseases are "Objective T", "Citralgin", "Chondroxide", "Chondroitin", "Apizarthron".

Opinions of doctors and patients

On the cream "Arthropant" reviews leave and doctors and patients. But what is surprising, doctors, as a rule, people who are rather skeptical about drugs of natural origin and who focus on the recommendations for synthetic medicines, speak about this remedy exclusively in positive tones. Cream "Arthropant" (reviews specifically note this fact) not only relieves pain, like most drugs. It has a therapeutic effect on the aching joint and eliminates the cause of the pain.

Cream "Arthropant" reviews are received and simply from people who use it for one reason or another. And all note that practically from the first week of application the result of treatment is felt. Pains gradually recede, puffiness disappears, people refuse to take strong-acting analgesics. And there is not a short-term relief, but a stable good result.

Described above - these are briefly formulated opinions of hundreds of people. On the means "Arthropant" (joint cream), negative feedback is simply absent. The most skeptical person after the passed course of treatment with a cream changes his opinion to the opposite.

Disease of the joints is a common phenomenon, at first the person does not pay much attention to pain. The disease continues to develop. Then, when pain intensifies, a pill of painkiller is drunk. And only when the pathology becomes chronic, the joint swells and loses its mobility, the person decides to be treated. Only sometimes it's too late, and surgery can not be avoided. So, in order not to bring yourself to this state, you only need to use the "Artropant" cream three times a day, and the joints will be in perfect order for many years.

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