Computers, Computer games
Developer code "Sims 4" and other tricks
With the advent of the "Sims 3" version, the developer code is available to the players. "Sims 4" also includes a similar thing. Today we will talk about how to launch it and what else you can enter into the game console to diversify the game.
Originally from the past
Undoubtedly, all sorts of codes on "Sims 4" are coming from other earlier versions of this line of simulators codes, but also a small list of special additions. So let's see what "traditions" in the introduction have been preserved.
The first thing is the developer code. "Sims 4", as already mentioned, includes it in itself. Also a similar trick was introduced in the previous part of The Sims. Of course, new functions will be available here, which we will look at later.
Do not forget that the "Sims 4" add-ons, like any other part of these simulators, include tricks that help develop the character and his family. These include things like code for age, skills and, of course, money. Let's take a more detailed look at the usual codes, and then consider the features of the developer code in "Sims 4".
It is worth mentioning that throughout the whole existence of The Sims, the console remained the same. More precisely, the way it is discovered. To do this, you will need to press ctrl + shift + c during the game or in construction mode.
A fairly significant part of the game is money. They, as a rule, play an important role for the development of the character and the opportunity to experience certain innovations in the simulator. Thus, earnings are the main source of entertainment for a real player. Codes on "Sims 4" can not ignore this important part of the gameplay. Therefore, you need to open the game console first. Do this when you are already playing for a certain family, because the money will go "on account" to the chosen family.
It is advisable to put the game on pause at this moment. After opening the console, you can choose one of three available codes for money:
- Motherlode is a good old code that allows you to add 50,000 simoleons to your family.
- Rosebud - adds 1,000 simoleons to the budget.
- Kaching - also allows you to add 1,000 simoleons to the family.
Of course, it's best to use the first code. So additions "Sims 4" will be available in just a few minutes for your wards. However, if you decide to play fair, and for a huge purchase you do not have only 1 000 game sims currency, then you can use any of the remaining codes.
In addition, the "Sims 4" add-ons contain various kinds of useful functions that help the player to "have some fun". So, for example, you can easily see which codes generally exist in the game. In addition, you can change the age of the sim, change the size of objects, time of day and much more. To enumerate everything does not make sense - it's too long. But we can see the most interesting features available in the game world of Sims:
- Help - this is a kind of helper to view the codes in the game.
- ResetSim * name / surname * - reboot the Sims, in case it hangs.
- Fullscreen - code that allows you to turn on the full screen mode of the game.
- Death.toggle - disables the possibility of death in Sims. Even "Death with a scythe" ceases to visit you. Such immortality.
- SetAge - changes the age of your ward. Click on it and select the item you need.
- FreeRealEstate on / off - enables / disables the possibility of a free "purchase" of all possible homes for your Sim. A very good way to save money.
- SetHour - allows you to set the time of day for one o'clock in the morning. Particularly useful when you do not have time to do your homework or get ready for work.
But now it's time to look more closely at what is available in "Sims 4". The update versions for the developer code are not important - it will work for any of them. The main thing is for you to run the game itself.
Usage rule
The code of the developer "Sims 4" is a whole separate stage, which opens a lot of new possibilities for the player. They very often help diversify, supplement and improve the game. Especially if you are unable to achieve the desired goal for a long time.
In order to start using it, you need to know one rule. Those who played in "Sims 3" know this law. The developer code "Sims 4" works only when you start it "use" even during the launch of the game, or rather, on the screen for selecting the desired city. Before you entered the settlement and began to choose a family.
So, in order to start the code, call the console immediately after the game is loaded. It should be entered: testingcheats true. Next, start cas.fulleditmode - this combination opens up all the hidden possibilities for your sim.
Now you can safely choose your family and start "chudit." Let's see what you can do using developer code in "Sims 4".
Hold Shift and click on your sim. Before you open a window in which you can choose the possible actions:
- Disable needs;
- Add the selected sim to the family;
- Include needs;
- Reload the sim;
- Change appearance.
Also you can click this way on any object, and also see the available actions:
- Reload the object;
- Make dirty;
- Clear the object.
If you click with the Shift pressed in any free area on the site, you will see that you will be able to access a kind of teleport. You can easily teleport the sim to the specified area.
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