
Could there be an allergy to condoms?

The fact that sex should be primarily safe, even today knows a schoolboy. And if you believe the doctors, the most reliable means of protection against sexual infections and unwanted pregnancies was and remains a condom. The young man should take it on appointment, and to the girl to have it at itself will be absolutely not superfluous. As contra-indications at the given contraceptive are not present.

But from any rule there will always be some exceptions. So, can there be an allergy to condoms? In rare and even exceptional cases, a person may have allergic reactions to the components of the contraceptive. And this is really a real medical problem, and not some kind of excuse, as some might think.

Fortunately, this problem is not so common. Statistics collected at the expense of eminent brands on the sale of contraceptives, says that in about 6% of cases there is an allergy to condoms in women, and 4% - in men.

Let's try to identify the symptoms of this phenomenon, preventive measures and treatment of the problem.

Causes of allergy

What is an allergy, medical society has long been well known. And that's why it hits one person, and the other bypasses, remains a big mystery to this day.

Allergy to condoms has not become an exception, but, nevertheless, doctors have identified two groups of people who are largely susceptible to this problem.


Naturally, you do not need to immediately run to your parents with such a delicate question: "Did you have an allergy to condoms?". But in the presence of even such a harmless problem as, for example, an allergy to strawberries, you can say that you got "by inheritance" if not this particular trouble, then predisposition to other types of disease - for sure. And to exclude a case of occurrence of intolerance of components of a contraceptive in no event it is not necessary.

Developed allergy

If you know about allergens firsthand and try to avoid dust, pets or ruled out chocolate from the diet, then do not be surprised that your "bouquet" will also be added to the allergy to condoms. The same statistics show that people suffering from the negative influence of any other substances, in 70% of cases are at risk of getting even this unpleasant form of intolerance. Therefore, just be ready for this, especially since allergic people should always be fully armed and have at hand a set of medicines.

Allergies to condoms: symptoms

Not notice the ongoing reaction of intolerance to the components of the contraceptive is rather difficult. But it is important to remember that symptoms can manifest themselves both in a complex and individually, and they depend only on the characteristics of your body.

First of all, you should pay attention to the symptoms indicated below.

Skin rashes

Very often allergic to condoms can manifest as a urticaria, i.e. unpleasant rashes on the skin. Depending on the severity of the ongoing allergies, both the quality and quantity of rashes change.

Discomfort in the genital area

Itching and burning sensation in the genital area may indicate the onset of an allergic reaction to a contraceptive. If the allergy is in a strong form, then redness is possible, and in some cases even swelling of the genital organs. Very often this phenomenon is observed in women.

Sense organs

Severe discharge from the nose or, conversely, its stuffiness, irritation in the eye area and lacrimation may indicate that you are starting an allergic process caused by the components of lubrication of the contraceptive. Together with the above-described manifestations of an allergy may also occur with skin rashes.


In severe and deeply neglected cases, the allergy may manifest itself in problems with the lungs: in difficulty breathing, coughing, wheezing with a sigh and feeling of "weightlessness".

Delay in such cases is fraught with extremely unpredictable consequences, therefore the only sure way is to immediately seek help from a doctor or call an ambulance. This course of allergy is extremely rare, it was seen only in 1% of all cases.

How is condoms allergic?

Allergen, as a rule, never manifests itself after the first contact with a person. Symptoms can be observed only after several contraceptive uses.

If, after the first sexual intercourse, you started to have similar symptoms, then, probably, it's not a condom, but something else: third-party skin diseases, venereal problems with a partner, etc.

Methods of struggle

If you suspect that you are allergic to a condom (photos, text and video on the Web more than enough), then immediately contact a specialist. It is necessary to do this for several reasons.

  1. If this is an allergic reaction, then it is necessary to immediately determine what exactly it provokes. Specialists in modern laboratories can easily take a blood test for allergens and their belonging to a particular classification group. Moreover, this procedure is not at all expensive and will not take much time. And it is important for you to know how to behave further and how to deal with this unpleasant problem.
  2. If you have one or more of the above symptoms, you need to make sure that this is not a venereal infection or a similar disease that is sexually transmitted. Alas, no one is insured from them.

In general, the condom is made of latex, and he, in turn, has the composition of the juice of the Brazilian tree hevea. And it is the hevea, which is saturated with latex, in the vast majority of cases and is an allergen.

But latex is not the only reason. May be allergic to lubricant or other aromatic substances and / or components by which the contraceptive is processed.

After giving blood to a group of allergens with the subsequent delivery of the results (component or latex), there are two options for solving this problem.


You can say that you were lucky. It is enough just to change the type or directly the lubricant itself, and the problem is solved. It is important to note that when choosing a contraceptive, products without flavoring and with water-based lubricant should be preferred. In the manual, everything should be described and indicated.


But if the problem lies in latex, then the only correct option for its solution will be a complete refusal to use condoms. Of course, you can look for a polyurethane contraceptive, but you still need to find such a curiosity, and the level of protection is far from at the best level.

It will be reasonable in this case to consult with a specialist who can choose the contraceptive scheme for you, and, of course, you need to completely eliminate casual connections. Health, it is always more expensive ...

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