HealthDiseases and Conditions

Cones between the buttocks: the causes of education and the principles of treatment

Pine-shaped tubercles in the coccyx appear in both men and women. Quite often the appearance of such a build-up is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. As a rule, noticing a lump between the buttocks, people do not attach much importance to it, believing that such a manifestation is not pathology and does not require an examination of the proctologist. Some self diagnose themselves with hemorrhoids and begin to treat it with improvised means.

However, such a careless attitude can lead to quite serious consequences. Therefore, noticing that there was a bump between the buttocks, it is better to contact a specialist after all.

To date, such a disease is most often the manifestation of the following pathologies.


A cone on the coccyx may appear as a result of falling on a hard horizontal surface. When the butt is struck, serious bruises and sometimes cracks in the coccygeal spine can be obtained. If after a stroke in the buttocks there is a small hematoma, then it eventually dissolves itself. When getting a stronger bruise on the coccyx, there may be a large bruise. In this case it is necessary to open the hematoma surgically. If this is not done, the damaged tissues can become fibrous, the metabolism of the fluids will be disturbed and inflammation will begin with all the ensuing consequences.

If there is a lump on the coccyx between the buttocks, then it is necessary to pay attention to the following symptomatology:

  • The appearance of edema and bruising on the site of injury;
  • Severe pain in the coccyx;
  • Pain in the lower limbs;

In addition, with serious injuries, it becomes very hard for a person to sit and stand.

Injury treatment

If the pope has a lump between the buttocks, as a consequence of a fall or a strong blow, then first of all you need to exclude a fracture. To do this, take a picture and consult a specialist. If a fracture is not found, the doctor most often prescribes the following treatment:

  1. It is necessary to apply a cold compress daily.
  2. The patient should completely exclude strong loads. It is best to rest for a while (rest is recommended on the stomach).
  3. Massage and water procedures are completely excluded.
  4. On the site of a bruise it is necessary to apply special anesthetic ointments 2-3 times a day.
  5. It is recommended to use an orthopedic pillow.

Also, doctors advise to massage the affected area with gel "Dolobien" and use ichthyol suppositories 1-2 times a day.

If the inflammation does not subside, then the bump is opened. After that, you have to drink a course of antibiotics.


If the lump between the buttocks is actually a boil, then it should not be considered a harmless pimple. Such growths can be located both on the skin and in the hair follicles. A furuncle can be one, but sometimes they happen at once a lot (in this case we are talking about a similar ailment - furunculosis).

The cause of the appearance of such a bump are different strains of staphylococcus. Usually from furuncles suffer men and women who neglect daily hygienic procedures, and people with hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating).

Treatment of boils

At the initial stage from the boil it is quite easy to get rid of. For this purpose, special UV lamps, anti-inflammatory preparations of external action and ointments, provoking a rapid opening of the purulent growth.

If the furuncle does not "crawl out" for a long time, then it is cut by the surgical method, after which the patient is prescribed a course of treatment of antiseptics and antibacterial ointments.

Sometimes abscesses are opened themselves. In this case, it is necessary to wash the tailbone area on its own with hydrogen peroxide. After that, it is worthwhile to buy the "Levomekol" ointment and apply bandages with it until the wound completely heals.


The cone between the buttocks can be a manifestation of common staphyloderma. In this case, furuncles can spread throughout the body, including the coccygeal region. Despite the fact that this illness looks much worse than the previous one, do not panic.

Treatment of furunculosis

Fortunately, this disease is treated with conservative methods. Usually, the doctor appoints a patient with a bump on the priest between the buttocks:

  • A relaxing diet, which involves the inclusion in the diet of fresh fruits and vegetables with high content of dietary fiber. Due to this, the peristalsis of the intestinal tract is normalized and the metabolism of carbohydrates is restored, the disturbance of which can cause furunculosis.
  • Antioxidants (usually vitamin C).
  • Superficial physiotherapy.

If furunculosis is pronounced, the specialist can additionally prescribe "Amoxicillin" (penicillin of synthetic origin).

Significantly less common between the buttocks in men and women becomes a symptom of the osteomyelitis of the coccyx, presacral teratoma or spinal hernia.

What to do if the cone jumped out

Most often, with the appearance of such outgrowths, doctors recommend opening the cyst. Such operations do not carry any danger to a person and pass very quickly. The doctor simply makes a small incision, removes all pus and rinses the wound.

After this, the patient should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Do not lift weights;
  • Periodically go to see a doctor;
  • Do not lie on your back and do not sit for about 3 weeks;
  • Refuse to visit swimming pools;
  • Do not depilate the operated area for 6 months.


If we talk about self-treatment, then when there is a cone between the buttocks, you should not rely on medicinal preparations as a single therapy. Doctors do not mind using natural lotions that relieve pain and accelerate the healing of wounds. However, such treatment is allowed only in conjunction with drugs that have been prescribed by a proctologist.

If we talk about traditional medicine, then there are several effective means:

  • Bath with manganese. For this procedure, you need to prepare a solution of manganese and water. A pale pink liquid must be poured into the medical bath (or a common basin) and lowered into the anus region. The procedure lasts 15 minutes. After that, you need to rinse the buttocks in warm water and dry yourself.

  • Herbal lotion. To do this, you need to moisten the cotton napkin in the tincture of calendula and apply the tissue to the affected area. Hold the lotion for 3-4 hours. The maximum effect is achieved on the 6-7 procedure.
  • Compress. To make it, add 2 tablespoons of butter to a spoonful of tar. The mixture is applied to the tissue and applied to the affected area at night.

Any purulent pimples or bumps in the pelvic region can be symptoms of more serious diseases, so do not neglect visiting doctors.

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