Food and drinkBeverages

Compote from the thorn: different ways of cooking

Lovers of all kinds of workpieces will certainly appreciate the compote from the turn. Who would have guessed that this salicy berry produces a healthy drink with excellent taste and rich color.

The bramble is a wild shrub that is famous for its rich vitamin composition. As a medicinal raw material all its parts are used, except for wood only. In the collection are inflorescences, leaves, fruits, roots and bark. In this case, you can dry the berries, wipe with sugar or cook jelly, jam, jam, compote from the turn. Collect only the fully ripened fruits, not spoiled by rot and pests.

They are washed, cleaned of various impurities and sick berries, dried. Now the harvest can be sent for storage in the freezer or used for harvesting for the winter. However, for making compotes fresh berries are taken or slightly frozen. Consider 3 ways to make compote from a turn.

1. Freshly harvested thorn blanched in boiling water for 4-5 minutes. Then they inevitably cool the berries in cold water. After that, the fruits are laid out on clean cans and poured already pre-cooked hot sugar syrup. To make syrup, we need 400-500 g of granulated sugar per 1 liter of water.

The full cans are covered with capron cap and allowed to stand for 3 minutes. The syrup is poured into a saucepan and boiled again. The hot sweet liquid is poured over cans and clogged with tin lids, turned over and left in the heat until completely cooled. If it is supposed that the compote from the turn will be stored for a long time, then the boiling procedure should be repeated for the third time, before the banks are rolled up.

2. From frozen berries, you can also prepare a delicious compote of thorn, which can be stored all winter. First, boil the syrup from the proportion of 1 kg of sugar per 1 liter of water. Here, in a colander, the berries are dropped for 3 minutes. Then the turn is taken out of the syrup, allowed to cool, and then lays the cans over the shoulders. Pour out the sugar syrup without allowing it to cool, cover the jars with cans and pasteurize them. For half-liter cans 15 minutes are enough, for liter - 20 minutes, large capacity is heated for 25 minutes.

3. Fresh fruits blanch (warm) in boiling syrup (400 g of sand dissolved in 1 liter of water) for 3 minutes. Take out the berries, cool with cool water, put in jars. Syrup, which blanched the turn, is not drained, but boiled again and they are poured fruit. The pieces are clogged and pasteurized as described in Method 2.

The above methods are good for blanks, with a concentrated and very sweet drink. But there are other ways to make a turn. Recipes are not too sweet compote:

1. Fruits are washed, put in a pan with water. Add sugar at the rate of 1 glass to 2 liters of water. Brew, cool and everything! The compote can be drunk, but it is not recommended to store it.

2. Clean jars fill with fruit by 1 third. Fill with boiling water, cover with lids and allow to cool for an hour. Then, water is poured into a container, sugar is added (300 g per 3 liters of water), boiled and refilled in cans. It turns bright tasty compote, which you can drink right away or leave it for storage.

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