Education, Secondary education and schools
Composition on the theme "Memory of the war"
Children of war ... There are very few of them left. A little more, and no one will tell you what the war looks like in the children's eyes. Somewhere far away now bullets are whistling and shells are bursting. People who have not yet begun to live are dying. And all because even today there are those who want war. About how scary, when death is the first thing that a person sees in his life, will tell an essay on the theme "Memory of the Children of War."
See someone else's pain
The great Russian humanist Leo Tolstoy once said that if, at the sight of someone else's grief, there are heavy depressing feelings that force you to leave, turn away and protect yourself from such a spectacle, then this is nothing but bad feelings. You should not listen to them. They should be destroyed in themselves, until they killed the ability to compassion.
The composition on the theme "Memory of the war" is an attempt to overcome the bad feelings, to see the tragedy through the eyes of those who looked into her face and felt on herself her stale, mortal breath. Few of today's children in peaceful regions are interested in the topic of war. It is too far and abstract. But the composition on the theme "Memory of children who survived the war", written in the form of reasoning, forces schoolchildren to think, to feel the trials of peers whose childhood ended June 22, 1941.
The war is a lifetime
Four years for an adult is not a term. For the child it's an eternity. He sees something new every day. All around is an irresistible curiosity. Every minute he learns something, knows something.
And what did those who saw five, ten, twelve years of age during the war saw and understood? They often witnessed the death of their parents. We watched people who were unfamiliar. Everywhere there was death from bullets and hunger. The first thing they have learned is to be afraid. The last thing they remember is the faces of the German invaders.
The composition on the theme "Memory of the children of war" will lead to sad comparisons. The author, whether he wants it or not, will put himself in the place of one of those who survived the greatest tragedy of the last century. He, at least for a miserable share will experience the feelings of a child who suffered, but it was only to blame that he was born too early.
Far War
How to write to children and teenagers an essay on the theme "Memory of the war", if it began more than half a century before their birth? It touched every family in a huge multinational Soviet country. The stories about her are passed on from generation to generation. Those, from whom this terrible thread proceeds, is becoming less and less. But eyewitnesses who are still alive will tell about the war better than any writer, artist and director.
Children of war will tell how their mothers were hiding from the Germans. Describe how their house burned, and how fragile women had to build their own with their own hands. They will talk about how they even after the war continued to play it, and mothers scolded them for it, which they did not do until the forty-first year. Those who are still alive are in the ninth decade, but they were, are and will remain for the rest of their days "children of war". This phrase seems terrible and paradoxical. As if the one who deprived her childhood, adopted them and replaced them with her mother.
Unchildish stories
They leave, they are getting smaller ... But they must see what they saw next generation. However, there are things that children experience, but children can not be told about. In the school essay on "Memory of the Fallen" you can not include the memories of a man who, before his eyes, was shot by parents seventy years ago. And after that, the child's view had nowhere to go: the sky is black with planes, the earth is red from dead bodies.
A modern child, perhaps, should not know that when mothers were torn from their children during the war, women sought at all costs to ensure that their daughters and sons did not witness the execution. Because they were afraid of this more than death.
The child's psyche is a rather strange phenomenon. The first victim, whom the child sees, can cause not fear, but only surprise. And maybe even curiosity. The consciousness of the child protects him from understanding what can ruin his soul. But then, years later, this picture pops up before your eyes and becomes more distinct and terrible.
Living father
The composition on the theme "Memory is alive" is an assignment for an elevated patriotic theme. Is it possible to tell in it how the mother sewed a dress from soldiers' footclothes during the war years? And then, in May, forty-fifth, my father came back to them. And everyone came to look at him. The children wanted to know that such a "living father".
Children of the war ... There are almost none left. They told what they could remember. Talking about the worst - about childhood memories, which even older adults are afraid of - must be very painful and difficult. But they told. Their heartfelt stories were listened to by schoolchildren for half a century, and then they wrote an essay on the theme "Memory of the War". But somewhere far away the bullets are still whistling, shells are bursting and children are dying. For some reason even today there are those who want war.
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