
Tincture of rhodiola rosea - a wonderful remedy

Tincture of Rhodiola rosea is a fairly common medicinal plant. Apply it since ancient times. The people still have the name of this herb - the golden root.

Rhodiola rhizomes, from which they make tincture, contain fats, proteins, tannins, macro and microelements, wax, phytosterol, essential oil, flavonoids, organic acids.

In the pharmacy you can buy ready-made tinctures of rhodiola rosea as a ready-made medicinal product. Apply it in case of severe fatigue (only practically healthy people), or as a medicine that maintains health after severe illnesses. Doctors prescribe this tincture with vegeto-vascular dystonia, neuroses, hypotension, impotence.

Many drugs, based on the tincture of rhodiola rosea, the instruction recommends the use in the treatment of various neurological diseases, for example, asthenic type schizophrenia with remission. Many experts believe that the golden root contributes to a significant increase in immunity, stimulates appetite, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, effectively accelerates the slow recovery after surgical interventions.

Tincture of rhodiola rosea is taken 7 drops a day three times a day before the intended use of food. A special, high dosage of alcohol tincture from the therapeutic golden root is recommended for neurological and mental illnesses. The exact dosage in each individual case, as well as the duration of the course of admission, can be prescribed exclusively by a specialist doctor, based on the health status of the individual patient. But usually the duration of treatment is about 1-2 months.

It is often used tincture of rhodiola rosea in professional medicine. This is due to the action of special substances - rhodiolozide, rhodosin. Even the minimal dosage of tincture already increases the working capacity of a person.

But, despite the number of positive properties, the tincture of rhodiola rosea still has some contraindications. For example, it is not recommended to apply it before going to bed or with nervous excitement. People who suffer from hypertension should also avoid taking a tincture from the golden root to prevent hypertensive crises. Do not use it for children who have not reached the age of 12, as well as women in the situation. Rarely tincture can cause headaches. And for all other cases - it's a wonderful gift of nature.

Rhodiola rosea extract

Concentrated liquid of gentle pink color, which has a delicate aroma and sweetish taste is an extract of rhodiola rosea. It is made from the roots of rhodiola rosea, water and propylene glycol.

This extract has many healing properties. It has a strong stimulating effect on the central nervous system, fixing, hemostatic and adaptogenic action, improves energy saturation of the brain. Normalizes the general metabolic processes, promotes the recovery of lost forces after overwork, strengthens the work of most muscles, improves attention and memory, optimizes the heart, pancreas, thyroid gland, improves bile excretion. Rodiola extract regulates blood sugar levels, improves the condition of disturbed hearing organs, raises bioelectric activity in the cerebral cortex.

External apply for conjunctivitis, skin rashes, abscesses, wounds, with periodontal disease - for lubricating the gums.

Use the drug, adding it to 5-6 droplets in juices, phytococtails, warm tea, compotes 2-3 times / day before the expected meal. With parodontosis, the extracts are applied, diluted with water (1:10) directly onto the gums.

The extract is contraindicated only to people with increased individual sensitivity to this plant.

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