
Laxative Senadé: Instructions for use must be observed!

Constipation is not just a nuisance. This is a real torture for a person of any age. What can help a person suffering from this disease? Let's talk about the Indian medicine "Senada" - a laxative, the instruction of which is often read by the consumer inattentively and therefore it is often used as a cardinal solution to the problem of constipation. However, it should be understood that this is not an inoffensive drug and should be treated with due caution. In other words, when using the "Senade" preparation , the instructions for use must be read, understood and observed.

"Senade" (in English - "SENADE") - is an effective preparation of plant origin. The principle of its action is that it stimulates the peristalsis of the large intestine, affecting its receptors. The medicine is produced in tablets, each dose of 13.5 mg, the form of the package - blisters. Despite the fact that in the preparation of "Senade" instruction on the use says that the result of taking the drug occurs most often in 8, sometimes 10 hours, it is important to know that there have been cases when using this medication without consulting a doctor, a sick person I got the effect immediately. Therefore, it is recommended that you first hear the opinion of a specialist.

The drug is administered orally, most often a day - once, before bedtime. You can drink with both water and any other non-carbonated drink. If the effect does not occur, the dose can be increased to 2 or maximum 3 tablets within 24 hours. If the problem is experienced by a child aged 6-12 years, the drug is prescribed in a dosage of 0.5 tablets per day. If necessary, increase the dose to a maximum of 2 tablets in 24 hours. It is important to consider that it is not possible to increase the intake of the drug immediately to 1 or 2 tablets. Increase should be 0.5.

Despite the fact that tablets "Senade" instruction prescribes to release from pharmacies only on prescription, often these institutions sell them freely. If you still decide to take the risk and take the initiative, in case of absence of a bowel movement on the 3rd day after taking the drug, an urgent visit to the doctor is necessary!

It is very important information, which is rarely undeserved when taking medications. When you take more than one medicine at once, they can interact differently with each other: intensify or, conversely, weaken each other's action. If in the second case you do not get the proper effect, then in the first opposite - you risk earning an overdose or, possibly, getting poisoned. The laxative "Senade" instructions for use indicate that, having gone too far with the drug, you can earn diarrhea in such a quality that it will bring dehydration of the body. In this case, you need a lot of drinking, but you still have to see the doctor, because, you may need plasma substitutes.

In the "Senade" preparation, the instruction for use warns that if it is used in high doses for a long time, then there is a risk of developing hypokalemia - the appearance of a potassium deficiency in the body leading to seizures, muscle weakness, etc. Also, when the drug is used together with GCS, thiazide diuretics, as well as with preparations containing licorice root, the risk of developing hypokalemia increases.

For pregnant and lactating women, the use of this drug is not prohibited, but it should be done with caution and, of course, only with the consent of the relevant specialists.

In conclusion, I would like to say that no matter how much information you have about this drug, in no case should you use it amateur! Read the instructions and follow it strictly. Reviews about the undoubtedly effective and good with proper use of the drug often contain stories about individual unexpected side effects of this medication. Be attentive to yourself and your health!

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